Challis GL

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strco-cxest , strco-cxest2 , strco-ester , strco-estli , strco-MMYT , strco-ORF3 , strco-q9f2m1 , strco-q9rdq9 , strco-q9x8r0 , strco-SC1A6.21 , strco-SC3F7.14 , strco-SC4C2.18 , strco-SC10F4.23 , strco-SCBAC20F6.10 , strco-SCD95A , strco-SCE8.12C , strco-SCE63.01 , strco-SCF43.16C , strco-SCJ9A.33C , strco-SCO0047 , strco-SCO0135 , strco-SCO0490 , strco-SCO0503 , strco-SCO0556.1 , strco-SCO0556.2 , strco-SCO1265 , strco-SCO2123 , strco-SCO2516 , strco-SCO2723 , strco-SCO2761 , strco-SCO3396 , strco-SCO3772 , strco-SCO4160 , strco-SCO4900 , strco-SCO5215 , strco-SCO5986 , strco-SCO6351 , strco-SCO6488 , strco-SCO7057 , strco-SCO7121 , strco-SCO7396 , strco-SCO7609 , strco-SCOT , strco-SLPD , strco-TAP