Cashman JR


Full name : Cashman John R

First name : John R

Mail : Human BioMolecular Research Institute, 5310 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121

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References (21)

Title : A Method for Diagnosing Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure in Humans using Liquid Chromatography Coupled Tandem Mass Spectrometry - Indapurkar_2020_J.Anal.Toxicol__
Author(s) : Indapurkar AS , Eangoor P , Yeh JS , Vakkalanka M , Cashman JR , Knaack JS
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Title : Use of Hupresin To Capture Red Blood Cell Acetylcholinesterase for Detection of Soman Exposure - Onder_2018_Anal.Chem_90_974
Author(s) : Onder S , Schopfer LM , Cashman JR , Tacal O , Johnson RC , Blake TA , Lockridge O
Ref : Analytical Chemistry , 90 :974 , 2018
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Title : Immunopurification of Acetylcholinesterase from Red Blood Cells for Detection of Nerve Agent Exposure - Dafferner_2017_Chem.Res.Toxicol_30_1897
Author(s) : Dafferner AJ , Schopfer LM , Xiao G , Cashman JR , Yerramalla U , Johnson RC , Blake TA , Lockridge O
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 30 :1897 , 2017
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Title : Novel human butyrylcholinesterase variants: toward organophosphonate detoxication - Dwyer_2014_Biochemistry_53_4476
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Title : Preclinical studies of noncharged oxime reactivators for organophosphate exposure - Okolotowicz_2014_J.Biochem.Mol.Toxicol_28_23
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Title : Mass spectrometry method to identify aging pathways of Sp- and Rp-tabun adducts on human butyrylcholinesterase based on the acid labile P-N bond - Jiang_2013_Toxicol.Sci_132_390
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Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 26 :584 , 2013
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Title : Differential sensitivity of plasma carboxylesterase-null mice to parathion, chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos oxon, but not to diazinon, dichlorvos, diisopropylfluorophosphate, cresyl saligenin phosphate, cyclosarin thiocholine, tabun thiocholine, and carbofuran - Duysen_2012_Chem.Biol.Interact_195_189
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Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 195 :189 , 2012
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Title : Nonquaternary reactivators for organophosphate-inhibited cholinesterases - Kalisiak_2012_J.Med.Chem_55_465
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Title : Identification of Human Butyrylcholinesterase Organophosphate-Resistant Variants through a Novel Mammalian Enzyme Functional Screen - Zhang_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_343_673
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Title : Amidine-oximes: reactivators for organophosphate exposure - Kalisiak_2011_J.Med.Chem_54_3319
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Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 54 :3319 , 2011
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Title : Nerve agent hydrolysis activity designed into a human drug metabolism enzyme - Hemmert_2011_PLoS.One_6_e17441
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Ref : PLoS ONE , 6 :e17441 , 2011
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1

Title : Direct detection of the hydrolysis of nerve agent model compounds using a fluorescent probe - Zheng_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_330
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Title : Human carboxylesterase 1 stereoselectively binds the nerve agent cyclosarin and spontaneously hydrolyzes the nerve agent sarin - Hemmert_2010_Mol.Pharmacol_77_508
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Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 77 :508 , 2010
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1

Title : Nerve agent analogues that produce authentic soman, sarin, tabun, and cyclohexyl methylphosphonate-modified human butyrylcholinesterase - Gilley_2009_Chem.Res.Toxicol_22_1680
Author(s) : Gilley C , MacDonald M , Nachon F , Schopfer LM , Zhang J , Cashman JR , Lockridge O
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 22 :1680 , 2009
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Title : Chemical synthesis of two series of nerve agent model compounds and their stereoselective interaction with human acetylcholinesterase and human butyrylcholinesterase - Barakat_2009_Chem.Res.Toxicol_22_1669
Author(s) : Barakat NH , Zheng X , Gilley CB , MacDonald M , Okolotowicz K , Cashman JR , Vyas S , Beck JM , Hadad CM , Zhang J
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 22 :1669 , 2009
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Title : Catalytic antibodies that hydrolyze (-)-cocaine obtained by a high-throughput procedure - Cashman_2000_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_293_952
Author(s) : Cashman JR , Berkman CE , Underiner GE
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 293 :952 , 2000
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Title : An improved cocaine hydrolase: the A328Y mutant of human butyrylcholinesterase is 4-fold more efficient - Xie_1999_Mol.Pharmacol_55_83
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Ref : Molecular Pharmacology , 55 :83 , 1999
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Title : Cocaine benzoyl thioester: synthesis, kinetics of base hydrolysis, and application to the assay of cocaine esterases - Cashman_1998_Chem.Res.Toxicol_11_895
Author(s) : Cashman JR , Berkman CE , Underiner G , Kolly CA , Hunter AD
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 11 :895 , 1998
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Title : Human liver carboxylesterase hCE-1: binding specificity for cocaine, heroin, and their metabolites and analogs - Brzezinski_1997_Drug.Metab.Dispos_25_1089
Author(s) : Brzezinski MR , Spink BJ , Dean RA , Berkman CE , Cashman JR , Bosron WF
Ref : Drug Metabolism & Disposition: The Biological Fate of Chemicals , 25 :1089 , 1997
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Title : Stereoselective inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by phosphonothiolate analogs of (+)- and (-)-cocaine - Berkman_1997_Biochem.Pharmacol_54_1261
Author(s) : Berkman CE , Underiner GE , Cashman JR
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 54 :1261 , 1997
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