Froment MT


Full name : Froment Marie-Therese

First name : Marie-Therese

Mail : CRSSA, Biochemistry Unit DP 87 - 38702 La Tronche Cedex

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Country : France

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Phone : 33-76-63-59-59

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References (45)

Title : Polyclonal antibody to soman-tyrosine - Li_2013_Chem.Res.Toxicol_26_584
Author(s) : Li B , Duysen EG , Froment MT , Masson P , Nachon F , Jiang W , Schopfer LM , Thiele GM , Klassen LW , Cashman JR , Williams GR , Lockridge O
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 26 :584 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Li_2013_Chem.Res.Toxicol_26_584
PubMedID: 23469927

Title : Reaction of cresyl saligenin phosphate, the organophosphorus agent implicated in aerotoxic syndrome, with human cholinesterases: mechanistic studies employing kinetics, mass spectrometry, and X-ray structure analysis - Carletti_2011_Chem.Res.Toxicol_24_797
Author(s) : Carletti E , Schopfer LM , Colletier JP , Froment MT , Nachon F , Weik M , Lockridge O , Masson P
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 24 :797 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Carletti_2011_Chem.Res.Toxicol_24_797
PubMedID: 21438623
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE

Title : Organophosphate hydrolases as catalytic bioscavengers of organophosphorus nerve agents - Trovaslet-Leroy_2011_Toxicol.Lett_206_14
Author(s) : Trovaslet-Leroy M , Musilova L , Renault F , Brazzolotto X , Misik J , Novotny L , Froment MT , Gillon E , Loiodice M , Verdier L , Masson P , Rochu D , Jun D , Nachon F
Ref : Toxicol Lett , 206 :14 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Trovaslet-Leroy_2011_Toxicol.Lett_206_14
PubMedID: 21683774

Title : Application of laccase-mediator system (LMS) for the degradation of organophosphorus compounds - Trovaslet-Leroy_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_393
Author(s) : Trovaslet-Leroy M , Jolivalt C , Froment MT , Brasme B , Lefebvre B , Daveloose D , Nachon F , Masson P
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 187 :393 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Trovaslet-Leroy_2010_Chem.Biol.Interact_187_393
PubMedID: 20149786

Title : Crystallographic snapshots of nonaged and aged conjugates of soman with acetylcholinesterase, and of a ternary complex of the aged conjugate with pralidoxime - Sanson_2009_J.Med.Chem_52_7593
Author(s) : Sanson B , Nachon F , Colletier JP , Froment MT , Toker L , Greenblatt HM , Sussman JL , Ashani Y , Masson P , Silman I , Weik M
Ref : Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 52 :7593 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sanson_2009_J.Med.Chem_52_7593
PubMedID: 19642642
Gene_locus related to this paper: torca-ACHE

Title : Direct correlation between molecular dynamics and enzymatic stability: a comparative neutron scattering study of native human butyrylcholinesterase and its aged soman conjugate - Gabel_2009_Biophys.J_96_1489
Author(s) : Gabel F , Masson P , Froment MT , Doctor BP , Saxena A , Silman I , Zaccai G , Weik M
Ref : Biophysical Journal , 96 :1489 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gabel_2009_Biophys.J_96_1489
PubMedID: 19217865

Title : An unexpected plasma cholinesterase activity rebound after challenge with a high dose of the nerve agent VX - Dorandeu_2008_Toxicology_248_151
Author(s) : Dorandeu F , Foquin A , Briot R , Delacour C , Denis J , Alonso A , Froment MT , Renault F , Lallement G , Masson P
Ref : Toxicology , 248 :151 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dorandeu_2008_Toxicology_248_151
PubMedID: 18450356

Title : Hysteresis of insect acetylcholinesterase - Badiou_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_410
Author(s) : Badiou A , Froment MT , Fournier D , Masson P , Belzunces LP
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 175 :410 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Badiou_2008_Chem.Biol.Interact_175_410
PubMedID: 18602377

Title : Kinetic analysis of effector modulation of butyrylcholinesterase-catalysed hydrolysis of acetanilides and homologous esters - Masson_2008_FEBS.J_275_2617
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Gillon E , Nachon F , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : Febs J , 275 :2617 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2008_FEBS.J_275_2617
PubMedID: 18422653

Title : Aging of cholinesterases phosphylated by tabun proceeds through O-dealkylation - Carletti_2008_J.Am.Chem.Soc_130_16011
Author(s) : Carletti E , Li H , Li B , Ekstrom F , Nicolet Y , Loiodice M , Gillon E , Froment MT , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM , Masson P , Nachon F
Ref : Journal of the American Chemical Society , 130 :16011 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Carletti_2008_J.Am.Chem.Soc_130_16011
PubMedID: 18975951
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE , mouse-ACHE

Title : Binding and hydrolysis of soman by human serum albumin - Li_2008_Chem.Res.Toxicol_21_421
Author(s) : Li B , Nachon F , Froment MT , Verdier L , Debouzy JC , Brasme B , Gillon E , Schopfer LM , Lockridge O , Masson P
Ref : Chemical Research in Toxicology , 21 :421 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Li_2008_Chem.Res.Toxicol_21_421
PubMedID: 18163544

Title : Hydrolysis of oxo- and thio-esters by human butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_2007_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1774_16
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Gillon E , Nachon F , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1774 :16 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2007_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1774_16
PubMedID: 17182295

Title : Aryl acylamidase activity of human serum albumin with o-nitrotrifluoroacetanilide as the substrate - Masson_2007_J.Enzyme.Inhib.Med.Chem_22_463
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Darvesh S , Schopfer LM , Lockridge O
Ref : J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem , 22 :463 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2007_J.Enzyme.Inhib.Med.Chem_22_463
PubMedID: 17847714

Title : Kinetic analysis of butyrylcholinesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetanilides - Masson_2007_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1774_1139
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Gillon E , Nachon F , Darvesh S , Schopfer LM
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1774 :1139 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2007_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1774_1139
PubMedID: 17690023

Title : Aging pathways for organophosphate-inhibited human butyrylcholinesterase, including novel pathways for isomalathion, resolved by mass spectrometry - Li_2007_Toxicol.Sci_100_136
Author(s) : Li H , Schopfer LM , Nachon F , Froment MT , Masson P , Lockridge O
Ref : Toxicol Sci , 100 :136 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Li_2007_Toxicol.Sci_100_136
PubMedID: 17698511

Title : Mutant of Bungarus fasciatus acetylcholinesterase with low affinity and low hydrolase activity toward organophosphorus esters - Poyot_2006_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1764_1470
Author(s) : Poyot T , Nachon F , Froment MT , Loiodice M , Wieseler S , Schopfer LM , Lockridge O , Masson P
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1764 :1470 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Poyot_2006_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1764_1470
PubMedID: 16962835

Title : Rat butyrylcholinesterase-catalysed hydrolysis of N-alkyl homologues of benzoylcholine - Hrabovska_2006_FEBS.J_273_1185
Author(s) : Hrabovska A , Debouzy JC , Froment MT , Devinsky F , Paulikova I , Masson P
Ref : Febs J , 273 :1185 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hrabovska_2006_FEBS.J_273_1185
PubMedID: 16519684

Title : Hysteresis of butyrylcholinesterase in the approach to steady-state kinetics - Masson_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_143
Author(s) : Masson P , Schopfer LM , Froment MT , Debouzy JC , Nachon F , Gillon E , Lockridge O , Hrabovska A , Goldstein BN
Ref : Chemico-Biological Interactions , 157-158 :143 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2005_Chem.Biol.Interact_157-158_143
PubMedID: 16256969

Title : Synthesis of 2-substituted beta-cyclodextrin derivatives with a hydrolytic activity against the organophosphorylester paraoxon - Masurier_2005_Eur.J.Med.Chem_40_615
Author(s) : Masurier N , Estour F , Froment MT , Lefevre B , Debouzy JC , Brasme B , Masson P , Lafont O
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 40 :615 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masurier_2005_Eur.J.Med.Chem_40_615
PubMedID: 15935896

Title : Hysteresis in butyrylcholinesterase catalysis. -
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Nachon F , Schopfer LM
Ref : Cholinergic Mechanisms, CRC Press :637 , 2004

Title : Contribution of the active-site metal cation to the catalytic activity and to the conformational stability of phosphotriesterase: temperature- and pH-dependence - Rochu_2004_Biochem.J_380_627
Author(s) : Rochu D , Viguie N , Renault F , Crouzier D , Froment MT , Masson P
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 380 :627 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rochu_2004_Biochem.J_380_627
PubMedID: 15018612

Title : Rate-determining step of butyrylcholinesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of benzoylcholine and benzoylthiocholine. Volumetric study of wild-type and D70G mutant behavior - Masson_2004_Eur.J.Biochem_271_1980
Author(s) : Masson P , Bec N , Froment MT , Nachon F , Balny C , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 271 :1980 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2004_Eur.J.Biochem_271_1980
PubMedID: 15128307

Title : Damped oscillatory hysteretic behaviour of butyrylcholinesterase with benzoylcholine as substrate - Masson_2004_Eur.J.Biochem_271_220
Author(s) : Masson P , Goldstein BN , Debouzy JC , Froment MT , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 271 :220 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2004_Eur.J.Biochem_271_220
PubMedID: 14686935

Title : Hysteretic behavior of butyrylcholinesterase: Kinetic curiosity or catalytically and physiologicaly significant? -
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Nachon F , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :191 , 2004

Title : Poster (20) Hysteretic behavior of butyrylcholinesterase : kinetic curiosity or catalytically and physiologically significant? -
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Nachon F , Lockridge O , Schopfer LM
Ref : In: Cholinesterases in the Second Millennium: Biomolecular and Pathological Aspects , (Inestrosa NC, Campos EO) P. Universidad Catolica de Chile-FONDAP Biomedicina :331 , 2004

Title : High activity of human butyrylcholinesterase at low pH in the presence of excess butyrylthiocholine - Masson_2003_Eur.J.Biochem_270_315
Author(s) : Masson P , Nachon F , Bartels CF , Froment MT , Ribes F , Matthews C , Lockridge O
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 270 :315 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2003_Eur.J.Biochem_270_315
PubMedID: 12605682

Title : Butyrylcholinesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of N-methylindoxyl acetate: analysis of volume changes upon reaction and hysteretic behavior - Masson_2002_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1597_229
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Fort S , Ribes F , Bec N , Balny C , Schopfer LM
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1597 :229 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2002_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1597_229
PubMedID: 12044901

Title : Substrate activation in acetylcholinesterase induced by low pH or mutation in the pi-cation subsite - Masson_2002_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1594_313
Author(s) : Masson P , Schopfer LM , Bartels CF , Froment MT , Ribes F , Nachon F , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1594 :313 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2002_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1594_313
PubMedID: 11904227

Title : Concentration-dependent reversible activation-inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by tetraethylammonium ion - Stojan_2002_Eur.J.Biochem_269_1154
Author(s) : Stojan J , Golicnik M , Froment MT , Estour F , Masson P
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 269 :1154 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Stojan_2002_Eur.J.Biochem_269_1154
PubMedID: 11856351

Title : Effects of mutations of active site residues and amino acids interacting with the Omega loop on substrate activation of butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_2001_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1544_166
Author(s) : Masson P , Xie W , Froment MT , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1544 :166 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_2001_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1544_166
PubMedID: 11341926
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-BCHE

Title : Interaction between the peripheral site residues of human butyrylcholinesterase, D70 and Y332, in binding and hydrolysis of substrates - Masson_1999_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1433_281
Author(s) : Masson P , Xie W , Froment MT , Levitsky V , Fortier PL , Albaret C , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1433 :281 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1999_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1433_281
PubMedID: 10446378

Title : Polyol-induced activation by excess substrate of the D70G butyrylcholinesterase mutant - Levitsky_1999_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1429_422
Author(s) : Levitsky V , Xie W , Froment MT , Lockridge O , Masson P
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1429 :422 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Levitsky_1999_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1429_422
PubMedID: 9989227

Title : Butyrylcholinesterase-catalysed hydrolysis of aspirin, a negatively charged ester, and aspirin-related neutral esters - Masson_1998_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1387_41
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Fortier PL , Visicchio JE , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1387 :41 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1998_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1387_41
PubMedID: 9748494

Title : Stability of the Quaternary Structure of Butyrylcholinesterase Subjected to Ultrasound or Hydrostatic Pressure -
Author(s) : Froment MT , Clery C , Weingand-Ziade A , Masson P
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :436 , 1998

Title : Resistance of butyrylcholinesterase to inactivation by ultrasound: effects of ultrasound on catalytic activity and subunit association - Froment_1998_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1387_53
Author(s) : Froment MT , Lockridge O , Masson P
Ref : Biochimica & Biophysica Acta , 1387 :53 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Froment_1998_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_1387_53
PubMedID: 9748500

Title : Shielding of Acetylcholinesterase does not Result in the Protection of Honey Bee against Poisoning by Organophosphates -
Author(s) : Polyzou A , Froment MT , Masson P , Belzunces LP
Ref : In: Structure and Function of Cholinesterases and Related Proteins - Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Quinn, D.M., Rotundo, R.L., Gentry, M.K. Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :552 , 1998

Title : Absence of a protective effect of the oxime 2-PAM toward paraoxon-poisoned honey bees: acetylcholinesterase reactivation not at fault - Polyzou_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_152_184
Author(s) : Polyzou A , Froment MT , Masson P , Belzunces LP
Ref : Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 152 :184 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Polyzou_1998_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_152_184
PubMedID: 9772214

Title : Importance of aspartate-70 in organophosphate inhibition, oxime re-activation and aging of human butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_1997_Biochem.J_325_53
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 325 :53 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1997_Biochem.J_325_53
PubMedID: 9224629

Title : Aging of di-isopropyl-phosphorylated human butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_1997_Biochem.J_327_601
Author(s) : Masson P , Fortier PL , Albaret C , Froment MT , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 327 ( Pt 2) :601 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1997_Biochem.J_327_601
PubMedID: 9359435

Title : Role of aspartate 70 and tryptophan 82 in binding of succinyldithiocholine to human butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_1997_Biochemistry_36_2266
Author(s) : Masson P , Legrand P , Bartels CF , Froment MT , Schopfer LM , Lockridge O
Ref : Biochemistry , 36 :2266 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1997_Biochemistry_36_2266
PubMedID: 9047329

Title : A single amino acid substitution, Gly117His, confers phosphotriesterase (organophosphorus acid anhydride hydrolase) activity on human butyrylcholinesterase - Lockridge_1997_Biochemistry_36_786
Author(s) : Lockridge O , Blong RM , Masson P , Froment MT , Millard CB , Broomfield CA
Ref : Biochemistry , 36 :786 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lockridge_1997_Biochemistry_36_786
PubMedID: 9020776

Title : Asp7O in the peripheral anionic site of human butyrylcholinesterase - Masson_1996_Eur.J.Biochem_235_36
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : European Journal of Biochemistry , 235 :36 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1996_Eur.J.Biochem_235_36
PubMedID: 8631355

Title : Peripheral Anionic Site of Wild-Type and Mutant Human Butyrylcholinesterase -
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : In Enzyme of the Cholinesterase Family - Proceedings of Fifth International Meeting on Cholinesterases , (Quinn, D.M., Balasubramanian, A.S., Doctor, B.P., Taylor, P., Eds) Plenum Publishing Corp. :230 , 1995

Title : Mutation His322Asn in human acetylcholinesterase does not alter electrophoretic and catalytic properties of the erythrocyte enzyme - Masson_1994_Blood_83_3003
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Sorenson RC , Bartels CF , Lockridge O
Ref : Blood , 83 :3003 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Masson_1994_Blood_83_3003
PubMedID: 8180397

Title : Poster: Molecular characterization of the C5 human plasma cholinesterase variant -
Author(s) : Masson P , Froment MT , Audras JC , Renault F
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :60 , 1991