Nishida H

References (12)

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Ref : Sci Rep , 5 :13928 , 2015
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Title : DNA interference: DNA-induced gene silencing in the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica - Omotezako_2015_Proc.Biol.Sci_282_
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Gene_locus related to this paper: oikdi-ACHE

Title : The early diverging ascomycetous budding yeast Saitoella complicata has three histone deacetylases belonging to the Clr6, Hos2, and Rpd3 lineages - Nishida_2014_J.Gen.Appl.Microbiol_60_7
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Ref : J Gen Appl Microbiol , 60 :7 , 2014
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9asco-a0a0e9n858 , 9asco-a0a0e9nel9 , 9asco-a0a0e9nf84 , 9asco-a0a0e9ngh8 , 9asco-a0a0e9nl00 , 9asco-a0a0e9nnf5 , 9asco-a0a0e9nrg0 , 9asco-a0a0e9ns69 , saicn-a0a0e9n8s3 , saicn-a0a0e9ntr9

Title : Draft genome sequencing of the enigmatic yeast Saitoella complicata -
Author(s) : Nishida H , Hamamoto M , Sugiyama J
Ref : J Gen Appl Microbiol , 57 :243 , 2011
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9asco-a0a0e9n858 , 9asco-a0a0e9nel9 , 9asco-a0a0e9nf84 , 9asco-a0a0e9ngh8 , 9asco-a0a0e9nl00 , 9asco-a0a0e9nnf5 , 9asco-a0a0e9nrg0 , 9asco-a0a0e9ns69 , saicn-a0a0e9n8s3 , saicn-a0a0e9ntr9

Title : Draft genome sequencing of the enigmatic basidiomycete Mixia osmundae -
Author(s) : Nishida H , Nagatsuka Y , Sugiyama J
Ref : J Gen Appl Microbiol , 57 :63 , 2011
PubMedID: 21478649
Gene_locus related to this paper: mixos-g7dyk5 , mixos-g7e5f7 , mixos-g7e9c9 , mixos-g7e778 , mixos-g7e956 , mixos-g7eaw3 , mixos-g7eay5 , mixos-g7dxv4 , mixos-g7dxa6 , mixos-g7dxa7 , mixos-g7dy75 , mixos-g7dyl0 , mixos-g7dz16

Title : Anti-MuSK autoantibodies block binding of collagen Q to MuSK - Kawakami_2011_Neurology_77_1819
Author(s) : Kawakami Y , Ito M , Hirayama M , Sahashi K , Ohkawara B , Masuda A , Nishida H , Mabuchi N , Engel AG , Ohno K
Ref : Neurology , 77 :1819 , 2011
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Ref : Science , 330 :1381 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Denoeud_2010_Science_330_1381
PubMedID: 21097902
Gene_locus related to this paper: oikdi-ACHE , oikdi-cholike.1 , oikdi-cholike.2 , oikdi-e4wug8 , oikdi-e4ww04 , oikdi-e4wxm9 , oikdi-e4x0y9 , oikdi-e4x1t6 , oikdi-e4x2c7.1 , oikdi-e4x2c7.2 , oikdi-e4x4v7 , oikdi-e4x5i7 , oikdi-e4x5s6 , oikdi-e4x6c7 , oikdi-e4x6i0 , oikdi-e4x7y6 , oikdi-e4xa91 , oikdi-e4xe86 , oikdi-e4xeg3 , oikdi-e4xgg8 , oikdi-e4xiw0 , oikdi-e4xk51 , oikdi-e4xl53 , oikdi-e4xm24 , oikdi-e4xm43 , oikdi-e4xn79 , oikdi-e4xp62 , oikdi-e4xpy1 , oikdi-e4xqm4 , oikdi-e4xtm1 , oikdi-e4xug7 , oikdi-e4xv59 , oikdi-e4xw55 , oikdi-e4xwt6 , oikdi-e4xxh8 , oikdi-e4y5n1 , oikdi-e4y7j8 , oikdi-e4y8s7 , oikdi-e4ya76 , oikdi-e4ydw0 , oikdi-e4yi65 , oikdi-e4yp15 , oikdi-e4yp69 , oikdi-e4yst1 , oikdi-e4yvr0 , oikdi-e4yvu0 , oikdi-e4x630 , oikdi-e4ykb2 , oikdi-e4wt97 , oikdi-e4ws23

Title : Pmr, a histone-like protein H1 (H-NS) family protein encoded by the IncP-7 plasmid pCAR1, is a key global regulator that alters host function - Yun_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_4720
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Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :4720 , 2010
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Gene_locus related to this paper: psest-bpdF

Title : Response of the Pseudomonas host chromosomal transcriptome to carriage of the IncP-7 plasmid pCAR1 - Shintani_2010_Environ.Microbiol_12_1413
Author(s) : Shintani M , Takahashi Y , Tokumaru H , Kadota K , Hara H , Miyakoshi M , Naito K , Yamane H , Nishida H , Nojiri H
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 12 :1413 , 2010
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PubMedID: 19930443
Gene_locus related to this paper: psest-bpdF

Title : High-resolution mapping of plasmid transcriptomes in different host bacteria - Miyakoshi_2009_BMC.Genomics_10_12
Author(s) : Miyakoshi M , Nishida H , Shintani M , Yamane H , Nojiri H
Ref : BMC Genomics , 10 :12 , 2009
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Gene_locus related to this paper: psest-bpdF

Title : Antisense transcription in the mammalian transcriptome - Katayama_2005_Science_309_1564
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Ref : Science , 309 :1564 , 2005
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Gene_locus related to this paper: mouse-lipli , mouse-Ppgb , mouse-q3uuq7

Title : Vegetal egg cytoplasm promotes gastrulation and is responsible for specification of vegetal blastomeres in embryos of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi - Nishida_1996_Development_122_1271
Author(s) : Nishida H
Ref : Development , 122 :1271 , 1996
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PubMedID: 8620854