

Gene Locus : human-ACHE

Mode of mutation : Natural mutant

Disease :

Summary : p.H322N His322Asn (p.H353N His353Asn in primary sequence with 31 amino-acids signal peptide) YT blood group antigen Natural mutation YT epitope YT2 allele always associated with P446P CCC->CCT polymorphism do not alter electrophoretic and catalytic properties of the erythrocyte enzyme (masson) YT2 allele rather low in Georgian Jews (7\%) always associated with P446P CCC->CCT polymorphism (Ehrlich)ACHE:c.1057C>A snp ss23142124 high but not full linkage with P446P CCC->CCT polymorphism (Hasin) Bartels_1993_Am.J.Hum.Genet_52_928 Masson_1994_Blood_83_3003 Hasin_2004_Hum.Mutat_24_408 rs1799805

AAA Change :

Allelic Variant :

Risk Factor :

Inhibitor :

Structure :

Disease by interaction :

Interact Gene Locus :

Xenobiotic sensitivity :

Modification : YT blood group antigen Natural mutation || Natural mutation

Torpedo_number : 315

Kinetic Parameter : No kinetic parameter

News : JANUARY-10-2018, OCTOBER-21-2004

Comment :
p.H322N p.His322Asn (p.H353N p.His353Asn in primary sequence with 31 amino-acids signal peptide) OMIM 112100 BLOOD GROUP--Yt SYSTEM\; YT\; CARTWRIGHT: The antibody defining the very common antigen Yt(a) was the cause of a cross-matching difficulty investigated by Eaton et al. (1956). It was presumed to be the result of previous transfusions.The Cartwright (Yt) red cell antigen was shown to reside on an unidentified phosphatidylinositol (PI)-linked protein (Telen et al.,1990)localization of the Yt antigens to the acetylcholinesterase molecule. Telen and Whitsett (1992) Spring et al. (1992) Assignment of the YT blood group locus to chromosome 7q was made by Zelinski et al (1991) The causal mutation H322N was discovered by Bartels et al. (1993). The frequency of the minor allele Y2 N322 is 4.1\% in Britons (Giles et al. 1967), 4.2\% in Afro-Americans (Wurzel and Haesler 1968) 5.3 in canadians (Lewis et al. 1987). Hasin et al 2004 found 1\% in Afro-Americans, 5.2 in Ashkenazi Jews, 9.4 \% in Sepharadic Jews and 8.3\% in Israeli Arabs. His322Asn (p.H353N His353Asn) is among the protein-altering variants associated with body mass index

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