Lang C

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Gene_locus related to this paper: medtr-b7fki4 , medtr-b7fmi1 , medtr-g7itl1 , medtr-g7iu67 , medtr-g7izm0 , medtr-g7j641 , medtr-g7jtf8 , medtr-g7jtg2 , medtr-g7jtg4 , medtr-g7kem3 , medtr-g7kml3 , medtr-g7ksx5 , medtr-g7leb3 , medtr-q1s5d8 , medtr-q1s9m3 , medtr-q1t171 , medtr-g7k9e1 , medtr-g7k9e3 , medtr-g7k9e5 , medtr-g7k9e8 , medtr-g7k9e9 , medtr-g7lbp2 , medtr-g7lch3 , medtr-g7ib94 , medtr-g7ljk8 , medtr-g7i6w5 , medtr-g7kvg4 , medtr-g7iam1 , medtr-g7iam3 , medtr-g7l754 , medtr-g7jr41 , medtr-g7l4f5 , medtr-g7l755 , medtr-a0a072vyl4 , medtr-g7jwk8 , medtr-a0a072vhg0 , medtr-a0a072vrv9 , medtr-g7kmk5 , medtr-a0a072uuf6 , medtr-a0a072urp3 , medtr-g7zzc3 , medtr-g7ie19 , medtr-g7kst7 , medtr-a0a072u5k5 , medtr-a0a072v056 , medtr-scp1 , medtr-g7kyn0 , medtr-g7inw6 , medtr-g7j3q3 , medtr-a0a072tvh7

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