Xylella fastidiosa

35 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins and 0 fragments are known to date in Homo sapiens

Taxonomy of Xylella fastidiosa

NCBI Tax ID at NCBI: 2371, NCBI Tax ID in ESTHER for more genes: 2371,

cellular organisms, Bacteria, Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Xanthomonadales, Xanthomonadaceae, Xylella, Xylella fastidiosa

Gene_locus Family Description
xylfa-ACVB VirJ Xylella fastidiosa virulence protein
xylfa-cxest LYsophospholipase_carboxylesterase Xylella fastidiosa XF1624 in section 135 of 229 of the complete genome
xylfa-metx Homoserine_transacetylase Xylella fastidiosa Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 Xylella fastidiosa Dixon (and strains M12; M23) (homoserine transacetylase) (hta)
xylfa-PD1038 Atu1826-like Xylella fastidiosa conserved hypothetical protein
xylfa-PD1211 Fungal-Bact_LIP Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964) conserved hypothetical protein
xylfa-PD1300 Prolyl_oligopeptidase_S9 Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964) alanyl dipeptidyl peptidase
xylfa-PD1702 Fungal-Bact_LIP Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964) conserved hypothetical protein
xylfa-PD2024 AlphaBeta_hydrolase Xylella fastidiosa (strain Temecula1 / ATCC 700964) conserved hypothetical protein
xylfa-pip Proline_iminopeptidase Xylella fastidiosa proline iminopeptidase 1 (EC
xylfa-q9pdj5 PhoPQ_related Xylella fastidiosa Putative uncharacterized protein
xylfa-XF0015 DPP4N_Peptidase_S9 Xylella fastidiosa dipeptidyl-peptidase
xylfa-XF0357 Fungal-Bact_LIP Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein PD1703 LesA xf0357
xylfa-XF0358 Fungal-Bact_LIP Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf0358
xylfa-XF0754 VirJ Xylella fastidiosa Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 Xylella fastidiosa Dixon virulence protein
xylfa-XF0863 Homoserine_transacetylase Xylella fastidiosa Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 Xylella fastidiosa Dixon homoserine o-acetyltransferase
xylfa-XF0992 6_AlphaBeta_hydrolase Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf0992
xylfa-XF1029 Cocaine_esterase Xylella fastidiosa glutaryl-7-aca acylase precursor
xylfa-XF1181 Bacterial_lip_FamI.2 Xylella fastidiosa and Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 triacylglycerol lipase precursor
xylfa-XF1253 Hormone-sensitive_lipase_like Xylella fastidiosa, gene XF1253
xylfa-XF1282 Carboxypeptidase_S10 Xylella fastidiosa, peptidase s10, gene XF1282
xylfa-XF1356 BioH Xylella fastidiosa (and Ann-1) (Dixon) (strain M23)(strain M12) biotin biosynthesis protein
xylfa-XF1479 S9N_PREPL_Peptidase_S9 Xylella fastidiosa and Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 Xylella fastidiosa Dixon peptidase
xylfa-XF1743 GTSAGmotif Xylella fastidiosa, gene XF1743 Esterase
xylfa-XF1745 YcjY-like Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf1745
xylfa-XF1750 YcjY-like Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf1750
xylfa-XF1829 Atu1826-like Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf1829
xylfa-XF1965 Haloalkane_dehalogenase-HLD1 Xylella fastidiosa(strains Ann-1; Dixon; Temecula-1; M-12) haloalkane dehalogenase HLDIII
xylfa-XF2151 Fungal-Bact_LIP Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf2151
xylfa-XF2260 Prolyl_oligopeptidase_S9 Xylella fastidiosa and Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1 Xylella fastidiosa Dixon alanyl dipeptidyl peptidase
xylfa-XF2330 Proline_iminopeptidase Xylella fastidiosa, proteinase
xylfa-XF2551 Glutamyl_Peptidase_S9 Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xf2551
xylfa-XFA0032 6_AlphaBeta_hydrolase Xylella fastidiosa hypothetical protein xfa0032
xylfs-a0a0q2lgi3 VirJ Xylella fastidiosa. Virulence factor
xylfs-a0a1l2ac05 VirJ Xylella fastidiosa. Acid virulence protein B
xylfs-a0a1m5i0m5 VirJ Xylella fastidiosa. Virulence protein (VirJ)
Gene_Locus fragment Family Description
No result