Title : Complete and draft genome sequences of six members of the Aquificales - Reysenbach_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_1992 |
Author(s) : Reysenbach AL , Hamamura N , Podar M , Griffiths E , Ferreira S , Hochstein R , Heidelberg J , Johnson J , Mead D , Pohorille A , Sarmiento M , Schweighofer K , Seshadri R , Voytek MA |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 191 :1992 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Reysenbach_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_1992 |
PubMedID: 19136599 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: hyds0-b4u8t4 , hyds0-b4u654 , permh-c0qrw4 , permh-c0qsh2 , sulaa-c1dud5 , sulaa-c1dw76 , sulsy-b2v6x0 , sulsy-b2v7r8 , permh-c0qr46 , permh-c0qqk7 , sulaa-c1dxm2 , sulsy-b2v8e9 |
Title : Genome sequence of Chlamydophila caviae (Chlamydia psittaci GPIC): examining the role of niche-specific genes in the evolution of the Chlamydiaceae - Read_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_2134 |
Author(s) : Read TD , Myers GS , Brunham RC , Nelson WC , Paulsen IT , Heidelberg J , Holtzapple E , Khouri H , Federova NB , Carty HA , Umayam LA , Haft DH , Peterson J , Beanan MJ , White O , Salzberg SL , Hsia RC , McClarty G , Rank RG , Bavoil PM , Fraser CM |
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 31 :2134 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Read_2003_Nucleic.Acids.Res_31_2134 |
PubMedID: 12682364 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlca-CCA00443 , chlca-CCA00510 , chlca-CCA00609 , chlca-CCA00614 , chlcv-p94660 |
Title : Complete genome sequence of a virulent isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae - Tettelin_2001_Science_293_498 |
Author(s) : Tettelin H , Nelson KE , Paulsen IT , Eisen JA , Read TD , Peterson S , Heidelberg J , DeBoy RT , Haft DH , Dodson RJ , Durkin AS , Gwinn M , Kolonay JF , Nelson WC , Peterson JD , Umayam LA , White O , Salzberg SL , Lewis MR , Radune D , Holtzapple E , Khouri H , Wolf AM , Utterback TR , Hansen CL , McDonald LA , Feldblyum TV , Angiuoli S , Dickinson T , Hickey EK , Holt IE , Loftus BJ , Yang F , Smith HO , Venter JC , Dougherty BA , Morrison DA , Hollingshead SK , Fraser CM |
Ref : Science , 293 :498 , 2001 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tettelin_2001_Science_293_498 |
PubMedID: 11463916 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: strp2-q04l35 , strpj-b8zns7 , strpn-AXE1 , strpn-b2dz20 , strpn-pepx , strpn-SP0614 , strpn-SP0666 , strpn-SP0777 , strpn-SP0902 , strpn-SP1343 |
Title : Complete genome sequence of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain MC58 - Tettelin_2000_Science_287_1809 |
Author(s) : Tettelin H , Saunders NJ , Heidelberg J , Jeffries AC , Nelson KE , Eisen JA , Ketchum KA , Hood DW , Peden JF , Dodson RJ , Nelson WC , Gwinn ML , Deboy R , Peterson JD , Hickey EK , Haft DH , Salzberg SL , White O , Fleischmann RD , Dougherty BA , Mason T , Ciecko A , Parksey DS , Blair E , Cittone H , Clark EB , Cotton MD , Utterback TR , Khouri H , Qin H , Vamathevan J , Gill J , Scarlato V , Masignani V , Pizza M , Grandi G , Sun L , Smith HO , Fraser CM , Moxon ER , Rappuoli R , Venter JC |
Ref : Science , 287 :1809 , 2000 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tettelin_2000_Science_287_1809 |
PubMedID: 10710307 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: neigo-pip , neima-metx , neimb-q9k0t9 , neime-ESD , neime-NMA2216 , neime-NMB0276 , neime-NMB0868 , neime-NMB1828 , neime-NMB1877 |
Title : Evidence for lateral gene transfer between Archaea and bacteria from genome sequence of Thermotoga maritima - Nelson_1999_Nature_399_323 |
Author(s) : Nelson KE , Clayton RA , Gill SR , Gwinn ML , Dodson RJ , Haft DH , Hickey EK , Peterson JD , Nelson WC , Ketchum KA , McDonald L , Utterback TR , Malek JA , Linher KD , Garrett MM , Stewart AM , Cotton MD , Pratt MS , Phillips CA , Richardson D , Heidelberg J , Sutton GG , Fleischmann RD , Eisen JA , White O , Salzberg SL , Smith HO , Venter JC , Fraser CM |
Ref : Nature , 399 :323 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nelson_1999_Nature_399_323 |
PubMedID: 10360571 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: thema-ESTA , thema-q9x0d6 , thema-q9x042 , thema-TM0033 , thema-TM0053 , thema-TM0077 , thema-TM0336 , thema-TM1160 , thema-TM1350 |