
Parasympatholytic, Muscarinic antagonist || Purified from Atropa belladonna, Datura stramonium...but found in other plants, mainly solanaceae, anticholinergic (muscarinic)competitive antagonist at central and peripheral cholinergic synapses. || sulfate salt (C17H23NO3)2.H2SO4 MW 676.8 cas 5908-99-6. || 1-hyoscyamine is the name of the active enantiomer


Type : Not A\/B H target, Muscarinic antagonist, Drug, Alkaloid, Natural, Azabicyclo, Propionate

Chemical_Nomenclature : endo-(+\/-)-alpha-(Hydroxymethyl)benzene-acetic acid 8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl ester

Canonical SMILES :

InChI :

InChIKey :

Other name(s) : Ekomine  ||  Harvatrat  ||  Sulfatropinol  ||  hyoscyamine  ||  genatropin  ||  barbidonna  ||  atropen  ||  eyesules  ||  atropine metonitrate  ||  pylostropin  ||  Hyoscyamine (D)-  ||  HSDB 3553  ||  (+)-Atropine  ||  R-(+)-Hyoscyamine  ||  BRN 0091258  ||  (+)-Hyoscyamine  ||  Tropan-3alpha-yl  ||  (2R)-3-hydroxy-2-phenylpropanoate  ||  (3-endo)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl  ||  1-hyoscyamine

MW : 289.4

Formula : C17H23NO3

CAS_number : 51-55-8

PubChem : 17184,    25817,    637577,    481107725

UniChem :

IUPHAR : 320

Wikipedia : Atropine


Structures : No structure

Families : BCHE, AlphaBeta_hydrolase

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