Bachovchin DA

References (33)

Title : DPP9 sequesters the C terminus of NLRP1 to repress inflammasome activation - Hollingsworth_2021_Nature_592_778
Author(s) : Hollingsworth LR , Sharif H , Griswold AR , Fontana P , Mintseris J , Dagbay KB , Paulo JA , Gygi SP , Bachovchin DA , Wu H
Ref : Nature , 592 :778 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hollingsworth_2021_Nature_592_778
PubMedID: 33731932
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 sets a threshold for CARD8 inflammasome formation by sequestering its active C-terminal fragment - Sharif_2021_Immunity__
Author(s) : Sharif H , Hollingsworth LR , Griswold AR , Hsiao JC , Wang Q , Bachovchin DA , Wu H
Ref : Immunity , : , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sharif_2021_Immunity__
PubMedID: 34019797
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : Structural mechanism of CARD8 regulation by DPP9 - Sharif_2021_Biorxiv__
Author(s) : Sharif H , Hollingsworth LR , Griswold AR , Hsiao JC , Wang QH , Bachovchin DA , Wu H
Ref : Biorxiv , : , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sharif_2021_Biorxiv__
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : Activation of the CARD8 Inflammasome Requires a Disordered Region - Chui_2020_Cell.Rep_33_108264
Author(s) : Chui AJ , Griswold AR , Taabazuing CY , Orth EL , Gai K , Rao SD , Ball DP , Hsiao JC , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Rep , 33 :108264 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chui_2020_Cell.Rep_33_108264
PubMedID: 33053349
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : DPP9 directly sequesters the NLRP1 C-terminus to repress inflammasome activation - Hollingsworth_2020_Biorxiv__
Author(s) : Hollingsworth LR , Sharif H , Griswold AR , Fontana P , Mintseris J , Dagbay KB , Paulo JA , Gygi SP , Bachovchin DA , Wu
Ref : Biorxiv , : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hollingsworth_2020_Biorxiv__
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : DPP8\/9 inhibitors activate the CARD8 inflammasome in resting lymphocytes - Johnson_2020_Cell.Death.Dis_11_628
Author(s) : Johnson DC , Okondo MC , Orth EL , Rao SD , Huang HC , Ball DP , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Death Dis , 11 :628 , 2020
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PubMedID: 32796818

Title : The NLRP1 and CARD8 inflammasomes - Taabazuing_2020_Immunol.Rev_297_13
Author(s) : Taabazuing CY , Griswold AR , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Immunol Rev , 297 :13 , 2020
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PubMedID: 32558991
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : DPP8\/9 inhibitors are universal activators of functional NLRP1 alleles - Gai_2019_Cell.Death.Dis_10_587
Author(s) : Gai K , Okondo MC , Rao SD , Chui AJ , Ball DP , Johnson DC , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Death Dis , 10 :587 , 2019
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PubMedSearch : Gai_2019_Cell.Death.Dis_10_587
PubMedID: 31383852
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : N-terminal degradation activates the NLRP1B inflammasome - Chui_2019_Science_364_82
Author(s) : Chui AJ , Okondo MC , Rao SD , Gai K , Griswold AR , Johnson DC , Ball DP , Taabazuing CY , Orth EL , Vittimberga BA , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Science , 364 :82 , 2019
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PubMedID: 30872531

Title : DPP9's Enzymatic Activity and Not Its Binding to CARD8 Inhibits Inflammasome Activation - Griswold_2019_ACS.Chem.Biol_14_2424
Author(s) : Griswold AR , Ball DP , Bhattacharjee A , Chui AJ , Rao SD , Taabazuing CY , Bachovchin DA
Ref : ACS Chemical Biology , 14 :2424 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Griswold_2019_ACS.Chem.Biol_14_2424
PubMedID: 31525884
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP9

Title : A Chemical Strategy for Protease Substrate Profiling - Griswold_2019_Cell.Chem.Biol_26_901
Author(s) : Griswold AR , Cifani P , Rao SD , Axelrod AJ , Miele MM , Hendrickson RC , Kentsis A , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Chemical Biology , 26 :901 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Griswold_2019_Cell.Chem.Biol_26_901
PubMedID: 31006619

Title : DPP8\/DPP9 inhibitor-induced pyroptosis for treatment of acute myeloid leukemia - Johnson_2018_Nat.Med_24_1151
Author(s) : Johnson DC , Taabazuing CY , Okondo MC , Chui AJ , Rao SD , Brown FC , Reed C , Peguero E , de Stanchina E , Kentsis A , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Nat Med , 24 :1151 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnson_2018_Nat.Med_24_1151
PubMedID: 29967349
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : Inhibition of Dpp8\/9 Activates the Nlrp1b Inflammasome - Okondo_2018_Cell.Chem.Biol_25_262
Author(s) : Okondo MC , Rao SD , Taabazuing CY , Chui AJ , Poplawski SE , Johnson DC , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Chemical Biology , 25 :262 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Okondo_2018_Cell.Chem.Biol_25_262
PubMedID: 29396289
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : Pyroptosis and Apoptosis Pathways Engage in Bidirectional Crosstalk in Monocytes and Macrophages - Taabazuing_2017_Cell.Chem.Biol_24_507
Author(s) : Taabazuing CY , Okondo MC , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Cell Chemical Biology , 24 :507 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Taabazuing_2017_Cell.Chem.Biol_24_507
PubMedID: 28392147
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : DPP8 and DPP9 inhibition induces pro-caspase-1-dependent monocyte and macrophage pyroptosis - Okondo_2017_Nat.Chem.Biol_13_46
Author(s) : Okondo MC , Johnson DC , Sridharan R , Go EB , Chui AJ , Wang MS , Poplawski SE , Wu W , Liu Y , Lai JH , Sanford DG , Arciprete MO , Golub TR , Bachovchin WW , Bachovchin DA
Ref : Nat Chemical Biology , 13 :46 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Okondo_2017_Nat.Chem.Biol_13_46
PubMedID: 27820798
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP8 , human-DPP9

Title : Target-Based Screen Against a Periplasmic Serine Protease That Regulates Intrabacterial pH Homeostasis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Zhao_2015_ACS.Chem.Biol_10_364
Author(s) : Zhao N , Darby CM , Small J , Bachovchin DA , Jiang X , Burns-Huang KE , Botella H , Ehrt S , Boger DL , Anderson ED , Cravatt BF , Speers AE , Fernandez-Vega V , Hodder PS , Eberhart C , Rosen H , Spicer TP , Nathan CF
Ref : ACS Chemical Biology , 10 :364 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhao_2015_ACS.Chem.Biol_10_364
PubMedID: 25457457

Title : A high-throughput, multiplexed assay for superfamily-wide profiling of enzyme activity - Bachovchin_2014_Nat.Chem.Biol_10_656
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Koblan LW , Wu W , Liu Y , Li Y , Zhao P , Woznica I , Shu Y , Lai JH , Poplawski SE , Kiritsy CP , Healey SE , DiMare M , Sanford DG , Munford RS , Bachovchin WW , Golub TR
Ref : Nat Chemical Biology , 10 :656 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2014_Nat.Chem.Biol_10_656
PubMedID: 24997602
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PPME1

Title : Characterization of a Selective, Reversible Inhibitor of Lysophospholipase 1 (LYPLA1) - Adibekian_2013_Probe.Report__3
Author(s) : Adibekian A , Martin BR , Chang JW , Hsu KL , Tsuboi K , Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Brown SJ , Spicer T , Fernandez-Vega V , Ferguson J , Cravatt BF , Hodder P , Rosen H
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Adibekian_2013_Probe.Report__3
PubMedID: 24624465

Title : Characterization of a Selective, Reversible Inhibitor of Lysophospholipase 2 (LYPLA2) - Adibekian_2013_Probe.Report__4
Author(s) : Adibekian A , Martin BR , Chang JW , Hsu KL , Tsuboi K , Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Brown SJ , Spicer T , Fernandez-Vega V , Ferguson J , Cravatt BF , Hodder P , Rosen H
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Adibekian_2013_Probe.Report__4
PubMedID: 24624468
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LYPLA2

Title : The pharmacological landscape and therapeutic potential of serine hydrolases - Bachovchin_2012_Nat.Rev.Drug.Discov_11_52
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Cravatt BF
Ref : Nat Rev Drug Discov , 11 :52 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2012_Nat.Rev.Drug.Discov_11_52
PubMedID: 22212679

Title : Confirming target engagement for reversible inhibitors in vivo by kinetically tuned activity-based probes - Adibekian_2012_J.Am.Chem.Soc_134_10345
Author(s) : Adibekian A , Martin BR , Chang JW , Hsu KL , Tsuboi K , Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Brown SJ , Spicer T , Fernandez-Vega V , Ferguson J , Hodder PS , Rosen H , Cravatt BF
Ref : J Am Chem Soc , 134 :10345 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Adibekian_2012_J.Am.Chem.Soc_134_10345
PubMedID: 22690931

Title : Rapid development of a potent photo-triggered inhibitor of the serine hydrolase RBBP9 - Liu_2012_Chembiochem_13_2082
Author(s) : Liu X , Dix M , Speers AE , Bachovchin DA , Zuhl AM , Cravatt BF , Kodadek TJ
Ref : Chembiochem , 13 :2082 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Liu_2012_Chembiochem_13_2082
PubMedID: 22907802
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-RBBP9

Title : Competitive activity-based protein profiling identifies aza-beta-lactams as a versatile chemotype for serine hydrolase inhibition - Zuhl_2012_J.Am.Chem.Soc_134_5068
Author(s) : Zuhl AM , Mohr JT , Bachovchin DA , Niessen S , Hsu KL , Berlin JM , Dochnahl M , Lopez-Alberca MP , Fu GC , Cravatt BF
Ref : J Am Chem Soc , 134 :5068 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zuhl_2012_J.Am.Chem.Soc_134_5068
PubMedID: 22400490
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD10

Title : Academic cross-fertilization by public screening yields a remarkable class of protein phosphatase methylesterase-1 inhibitors - Bachovchin_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_6811
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Mohr JT , Speers AE , Wang C , Berlin JM , Spicer TP , Fernandez-Vega V , Chase P , Hodder PS , Schurer SC , Nomura DK , Rosen H , Fu GC , Cravatt BF
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :6811 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_6811
PubMedID: 21398589
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PPME1

Title : A substrate-free activity-based protein profiling screen for the discovery of selective PREPL inhibitors - Lone_2011_J.Am.Chem.Soc_133_11665
Author(s) : Lone AM , Bachovchin DA , Westwood DB , Speers AE , Spicer TP , Fernandez-Vega V , Chase P , Hodder PS , Rosen H , Cravatt BF , Saghatelian A
Ref : Journal of the American Chemical Society , 133 :11665 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Lone_2011_J.Am.Chem.Soc_133_11665
PubMedID: 21692504
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PREPL

Title : Click-generated triazole ureas as ultrapotent in vivo-active serine hydrolase inhibitors - Adibekian_2011_Nat.Chem.Biol_7_469
Author(s) : Adibekian A , Martin BR , Wang C , Hsu KL , Bachovchin DA , Niessen S , Hoover H , Cravatt BF
Ref : Nat Chemical Biology , 7 :469 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Adibekian_2011_Nat.Chem.Biol_7_469
PubMedID: 21572424

Title : Probe Development Efforts to Identify Novel Inhibitors of Protein Phosphatase Methylesterase-1 (PME-1) - Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report__1
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Brown SJ , Spicer TP , Fernandez V , Ferguson J , Mohr JT , Murphy J , Fu GC , Cravatt BF , Hodder PS , Rosen H
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report__1
PubMedID: 22834039

Title : Probe Report for PME-1 Inhibitors - Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report__2
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Zuhl AM , Brown SJ , Cravatt BF , Fernandez V , Spicer T , Mercer BA , Ferguson J , Hodder P , Rosen HR
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report__2
PubMedID: 21433379

Title : Superfamily-wide portrait of serine hydrolase inhibition achieved by library-versus-library screening - Bachovchin_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_20941
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Ji T , Li W , Simon GM , Blankman JL , Adibekian A , Hoover H , Niessen S , Cravatt BF
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 107 :20941 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_20941
PubMedID: 21084632

Title : Oxime esters as selective, covalent inhibitors of the serine hydrolase retinoblastoma-binding protein 9 (RBBP9) - Bachovchin_2010_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_20_2254
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Wolfe MR , Masuda K , Brown SJ , Spicer TP , Fernandez-Vega V , Chase P , Hodder PS , Rosen H , Cravatt BF
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 20 :2254 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2010_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_20_2254
PubMedID: 20207142
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-RBBP9

Title : Probe Report for RBBP9 Inhibitors - Probe 2 - Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report.1__
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Speers AE , Brown SJ , Cravatt BF , Spicer T , Mercer BA , Ferguson J , Hodder P , Rosen HR
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2010_Probe.Report.1__
PubMedID: 21433382
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-RBBP9

Title : Probe Report for RBBP9 Inhibitors - Probe 1 - Brown_2010_Probe.Report__
Author(s) : Brown SJ , Bachovchin DA , Cravatt BF , Fernandez-Vega V , Spicer T , Mercer BA , Hodder P , Rosen HR
Ref : Probe Report , : , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Brown_2010_Probe.Report__
PubMedID: 21433353
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-RBBP9

Title : Identification of selective inhibitors of uncharacterized enzymes by high-throughput screening with fluorescent activity-based probes - Bachovchin_2009_Nat.Biotechnol_27_387
Author(s) : Bachovchin DA , Brown SJ , Rosen H , Cravatt BF
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 27 :387 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bachovchin_2009_Nat.Biotechnol_27_387
PubMedID: 19329999
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD11