Naphtyl ester

synthetic substrates of lipases and esterases. The product of hydrolysis 1-Naphtol can be detected with Fast blue B dye and give a dark precipitate for example on plates of colony of micro-organisms. Korman et al. 2013
Substrate Main targeted enzyme families Type Structure
AA-HNA Arachidonate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings)
FRET-based-Naphthylacetic-dansyl-ester Carb_B_Chordata Fluorescent Probe Naphtyl ester
Naphthalene-1,2-epoxide Epoxide_hydrolase Epoxide Naphtyl ester Naphthalen
Naphthol-AS-acetate HNLyase_Bact Acetate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
Naphthol-AS-D-acetate HNLyase_Bact Acetate Naphtyl ester Naphthalen Carboxamide Aromatic ester (two rings)
1-Naphtyldecanoate Tannase Water-insoluble medium and long chain ester Decanoate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
2-Naphtyltetradecanoate Pancreatic_lipase Water-insoluble medium and long chain ester Tetradecanoate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
1-Naphtyltetradecanoate Pancreatic_lipase Water-insoluble medium and long chain ester Tetradecanoate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
1-Naphtyldodecanoate Tannase LYsophospholipase_carboxylesterase Water-insoluble medium and long chain ester Dodecanoate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Laurate Naphthalen
1-Naphtylpalmitate Tannase Bacterial_lip_FamI.1 Fungal-Bact_LIP Palmitate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Hexadecanoate Naphthalen
1-Naphtylcaprylate Tannase LYsophospholipase_carboxylesterase Octanoate Naphtyl ester Naphthalen Aromatic ester (two rings)
1-Naphtylpropionate FAE-Bacterial-promiscuous Carb_B_Arthropoda FaeC Tannase Propionate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
1-Naphtylbutyrate FAE-Bacterial-promiscuous FaeC Tannase LYsophospholipase_carboxylesterase Cutinase Butyrate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
2-Naphtylacetate Carb_B_Arthropoda Acetate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen
1-Naphtylacetate FaeC ACHE BCHE Carboxylesterase Carb_B_Chordata Carb_B_Arthropoda Carb_B_Bacteria Juvenile_hormone_esterase HNLyase_Bact Acetyl-esterase_deacetylase FAE-Bacterial-promiscuous Tannase LYsophospholipase_carboxylesterase Acetate Naphtyl ester Aromatic ester (two rings) Naphthalen