Brakhage AA

References (16)

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Author(s) : Mattern DJ , Valiante V , Horn F , Petzke L , Brakhage AA
Ref : ACS Chemical Biology , 12 :2927 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : Mattern_2017_ACS.Chem.Biol_12_2927
PubMedID: 29076725
Gene_locus related to this paper: penbi-ausa , aspci-ausa

Title : Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus - de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
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Gene_locus related to this paper: asptu-a0a1l9nhd0 , aspve-a0a1l9pxx8 , aspve-a0a1l9q4m3 , aspwe-a0a1l9s133 , 9euro-a0a1l9t3v9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rcx6 , aspna-g3y5a6 , aspgl-a0a1l9v4d3 , 9euro-a0a1l9sa36 , aspsb-a0a319eji6 , aspve-a0a1l9px96 , 9euro-a0a1l9tay1 , aspgl-a0a1l9vbc0 , aspc5-a0a1r3rh65 , 9euro-a0a2v5i956 , aspwe-a0a1l9rpp6 , aspna-g3xpw9 , aspve-a0a1l9plv1 , 9euro-a0a1l9tk47 , aspve-a0a1l9pde9 , aspve-a0a1l9pz72 , aspwe-a0a1l9rde6 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdb5 , aspkw-g7xq95 , aspbc-a0a1l9u6h4 , aspbc-a0a1l9u2l4 , asptc-a0a1l9mx83 , aspgl-a0a1l9ve90 , aspve-a0a1l9pvz9 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdh3 , aspc5-a0a1r3rmn9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rlq2 , asptc-a0a1l9nby7 , aspng-a0a100i8t9 , aspc5-a0a1r3rem6 , aspbc-a0a1l9uy89 , aspa1-anee , aspa1-aneh , aspa1-acrc , aspbc-alba , aspa1-acui

Title : Discovery of an Extended Austinoid Biosynthetic Pathway in Aspergillus calidoustus - Valiante_2017_ACS.Chem.Biol_12_1227
Author(s) : Valiante V , Mattern DJ , Schuffler A , Horn F , Walther G , Scherlach K , Petzke L , Dickhaut J , Guthke R , Hertweck C , Nett M , Thines E , Brakhage AA
Ref : ACS Chemical Biology , 12 :1227 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Valiante_2017_ACS.Chem.Biol_12_1227
PubMedID: 28233494
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspci-ausa

Title : Draft Genome Sequences of Fungus Aspergillus calidoustus - Horn_2016_Genome.Announc_4_e00102
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Ref : Genome Announc , 4 : , 2016
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aspci-ausa

Title : Bacteria induce pigment formation in the basidiomycete Serpula lacrymans - Tauber_2016_Environ.Microbiol_18_5218
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Gene_locus related to this paper: serl9-nps3

Title : Virulence determinants of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus protect against soil amoeba predation - Hillmann_2015_Environ.Microbiol_17_2858
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-AYG1

Title : Draft Genome Sequence of the Fungus Penicillium brasilianum MG11 - Horn_2015_Genome.Announc_3_e00724
Author(s) : Horn F , Linde J , Mattern DJ , Walther G , Guthke R , Brakhage AA , Valiante V
Ref : Genome Announc , 3 : , 2015
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PubMedSearch : Horn_2015_Genome.Announc_3_e00724
PubMedID: 26337871
Gene_locus related to this paper: penbi-ausa

Title : Draft Genome Sequence and Gene Annotation of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Verticillium hemipterigenum - Horn_2015_Genome.Announc_3_e01439
Author(s) : Horn F , Habel A , Scharf DH , Dworschak J , Brakhage AA , Guthke R , Hertweck C , Linde J
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Title : Surface structure characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia mutated in the melanin synthesis pathway and their human cellular immune response - Bayry_2014_Infect.Immun_82_3141
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Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-AYG1

Title : Comparative genome analysis of Trichophyton rubrum and related dermatophytes reveals candidate genes involved in infection - Martinez_2012_MBio_3_e00259
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Ref : MBio , 3 :e00259 , 2012
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Gene_locus related to this paper: artgp-e4uup9 , artgp-e4v450 , artgp-e5qzf5 , artgp-e5r1t8 , artoc-c5fc55 , artoc-c5fds1 , artoc-c5fig8 , artoc-c5fj58 , artoc-c5fme4 , artoc-c5fva9 , triec-f2ph15 , triec-f2plk8 , triec-f2pwm2 , trirc-f2sf42 , trirc-f2sn39 , trirc-f2srv5 , trirc-f2sy06 , triru-q5j6j0 , triru-SCPB , triru-SPCA , trit1-f2rna8 , trit1-f2s2t8 , trivh-d4dbr9 , artbc-d4avu9 , artoc-c5fsf7 , artgp-e4unv7 , artoc-c5g0v3 , triec-f2pub4 , triec-f2pi43 , artgp-e4v6t4 , trit1-f2s3n3 , artoc-c5fnl7 , artgp-e4upq1 , artgp-e4uzl7 , triec-f2pp24 , triru-a0a022u299 , 9euro-a0a059jk56 , artoc-c5fu24 , artoc-c5fic4 , artgp-e4uza8 , triec-f2pqf3 , artgp-e4uv28 , artoc-c5fiv8 , triru-a0a022w2d0 , artgp-e4uvk8 , triru-a0a178f289 , artoc-c5fyj1 , artoc-cbpya , artoc-kex1

Title : Phagocytosis of melanized Aspergillus conidia by macrophages exerts cytoprotective effects by sustained PI3K\/Akt signalling - Volling_2011_Cell.Microbiol_13_1130
Author(s) : Volling K , Thywissen A , Brakhage AA , Saluz HP
Ref : Cell Microbiol , 13 :1130 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Volling_2011_Cell.Microbiol_13_1130
PubMedID: 21501368
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-AYG1

Title : Conidial Dihydroxynaphthalene Melanin of the Human Pathogenic Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus Interferes with the Host Endocytosis Pathway - Thywissen_2011_Front.Microbiol_2_96
Author(s) : Thywissen A , Heinekamp T , Dahse HM , Schmaler-Ripcke J , Nietzsche S , Zipfel PF , Brakhage AA
Ref : Front Microbiol , 2 :96 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Thywissen_2011_Front.Microbiol_2_96
PubMedID: 21747802
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-AYG1

Title : Automated image analysis of the host-pathogen interaction between phagocytes and Aspergillus fumigatus - Mech_2011_PLoS.One_6_e19591
Author(s) : Mech F , Thywissen A , Guthke R , Brakhage AA , Figge MT
Ref : PLoS ONE , 6 :e19591 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mech_2011_PLoS.One_6_e19591
PubMedID: 21573171
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-AYG1

Title : Comparative and functional genomics provide insights into the pathogenicity of dermatophytic fungi - Burmester_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R7
Author(s) : Burmester A , Shelest E , Glockner G , Heddergott C , Schindler S , Staib P , Heidel A , Felder M , Petzold A , Szafranski K , Feuermann M , Pedruzzi I , Priebe S , Groth M , Winkler R , Li W , Kniemeyer O , Schroeckh V , Hertweck C , Hube B , White TC , Platzer M , Guthke R , Heitman J , Wostemeyer J , Zipfel PF , Monod M , Brakhage AA
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R7 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Burmester_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R7
PubMedID: 21247460
Gene_locus related to this paper: artbc-d4ajq5 , artbc-d4an28 , artbc-d4aqa7 , artbc-d4aqb6 , artbc-d4av38 , artbc-d4ax63 , artbc-d4b5r3 , artbc-d4b5t7 , artbc-d4b465 , artbc-dapb , triec-f2pwm2 , trirc-f2sy06 , triru-q52h54 , trit1-f2rna8 , trivh-d4d5w1 , trivh-d4d8k1 , trivh-d4d228 , trivh-d4d960 , trivh-d4dbj6 , trivh-d4dbr9 , trivh-d4dct3 , trivh-d4dfu4 , trivh-d4dk34 , trivh-d4dkr7 , trivh-d4dlf5 , artbc-d4avu9 , artbc-d4aun9 , trivh-d4dkk1 , trivh-d4d3f3 , triru-a0a178f289 , artbc-scpe , artbc-kex1 , artbc-a1751 , artbc-scpd , artbc-scpf , artbc-fae1 , artbc-a6907

Title : Intimate bacterial-fungal interaction triggers biosynthesis of archetypal polyketides in Aspergillus nidulans - Schroeckh_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_14558
Author(s) : Schroeckh V , Scherlach K , Nutzmann HW , Shelest E , Schmidt-Heck W , Schuemann J , Martin K , Hertweck C , Brakhage AA
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :14558 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schroeckh_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_14558
PubMedID: 19666480
Gene_locus related to this paper: emeni-q5aux1

Title : Identification of a polyketide synthase gene (pksP) of Aspergillus fumigatus involved in conidial pigment biosynthesis and virulence. -
Author(s) : Langfelder K , Jahn B , Gehringer H , Schmidt A , Wanner G , Brakhage AA
Ref : Med Microbiol Immunol , 187 :79 , 1998
PubMedID: 9832321
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfu-PKSP