Cheng C

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9burk-i3rta9

Title : A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants - Pilkington_2018_BMC.Genomics_19_257
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Gene_locus related to this paper: actde-CXE3 , actde-CXE5 , actch-a0a2r6p9v4 , actch-a0a2r6phk8 , actch-a0a2r6pty2 , actch-q0zpu6 , actcc-a0a2r6q553 , actcc-a0a2r6quq2 , actcc-a0a2r6q2m9 , actcc-a0a2r6q2n7 , actcc-a0a2r6ru97 , actcc-a0a2r6r3e8 , actcc-a0a2r6qy24 , actcc-a0a2r6pzy5 , actcc-a0a2r6p5n3 , actcc-a0a2r6qdp0 , actcc-a0a2r6qgs9

Title : Neutralizing IL-6 reduces heart injury by decreasing nerve growth factor precursor in the heart and hypothalamus during rat cardiopulmonary bypass - Cheng_2017_Life.Sci_178_61
Author(s) : Cheng C , Xu JM , Yu T
Ref : Life Sciences , 178 :61 , 2017
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PubMedID: 28438640

Title : Assessment of tissue-specific accumulation, elimination and toxic effects of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in carp through aquatic food web - Di_2017_Sci.Rep_7_2288
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Title : Clinical Outcomes of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis Patients with a History of Crisis - Liu_2016_World.J.Surg_40_2681
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Title : Whole-genome sequencing of the snub-nosed monkey provides insights into folivory and evolutionary history - Zhou_2014_Nat.Genet_46_1303
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Gene_locus related to this paper: rhibe-a0a2k6jtl7 , rhibe-ACHE , rhibe-a0a2k6k3y7 , rhibe-a0a2k6k493 , rhibe-a0a2k6lev4 , rhibe-a0a2k6lfa5 , rhibe-a0a2k6m6k8 , rhiro-a0a2k6p1u8 , rhiro-a0a2k6q1t8 , rhiro-a0a2k6q1w3 , rhibe-a0a2k6n5t9 , rhibe-a0a2k6ju46 , rhibe-a0a2k6kt48 , rhibe-a0a2k6llm5 , rhibe-a0a2k6lnt5 , rhiro-a0a2k6qzp6 , rhiro-a0a2k6q4a6 , rhibe-a0a2k6kn93 , rhibe-a0a2k6lm22 , rhibe-a0a2k6jwp8 , rhiro-a0a2k6qun2 , rhiro-a0a2k6nj56 , rhiro-a0a2k6n885 , rhiro-a0a2k6nnj4 , rhiro-a0a2k6n7n5 , rhibe-a0a2k6jvz4 , rhiro-a0a2k6nfk9 , rhiro-a0a2k6qjv0 , rhibe-a0a2k6jn19 , rhibe-a0a2k6k333 , rhibe-a0a2k6mff5

Title : Protective effect of puerarin on lead-induced mouse cognitive impairment via altering activities of acetyl cholinesterase, monoamine oxidase and nitric oxide synthase - Liu_2013_Environ.Toxicol.Pharmacol_35_502
Author(s) : Liu CM , Zheng GH , Ming QL , Sun JM , Cheng C
Ref : Environ Toxicol Pharmacol , 35 :502 , 2013
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PubMedID: 23501611

Title : The Selaginella genome identifies genetic changes associated with the evolution of vascular plants - Banks_2011_Science_332_960
Author(s) : Banks JA , Nishiyama T , Hasebe M , Bowman JL , Gribskov M , dePamphilis C , Albert VA , Aono N , Aoyama T , Ambrose BA , Ashton NW , Axtell MJ , Barker E , Barker MS , Bennetzen JL , Bonawitz ND , Chapple C , Cheng C , Correa LG , Dacre M , DeBarry J , Dreyer I , Elias M , Engstrom EM , Estelle M , Feng L , Finet C , Floyd SK , Frommer WB , Fujita T , Gramzow L , Gutensohn M , Harholt J , Hattori M , Heyl A , Hirai T , Hiwatashi Y , Ishikawa M , Iwata M , Karol KG , Koehler B , Kolukisaoglu U , Kubo M , Kurata T , Lalonde S , Li K , Li Y , Litt A , Lyons E , Manning G , Maruyama T , Michael TP , Mikami K , Miyazaki S , Morinaga S , Murata T , Mueller-Roeber B , Nelson DR , Obara M , Oguri Y , Olmstead RG , Onodera N , Petersen BL , Pils B , Prigge M , Rensing SA , Riano-Pachon DM , Roberts AW , Sato Y , Scheller HV , Schulz B , Schulz C , Shakirov EV , Shibagaki N , Shinohara N , Shippen DE , Sorensen I , Sotooka R , Sugimoto N , Sugita M , Sumikawa N , Tanurdzic M , Theissen G , Ulvskov P , Wakazuki S , Weng JK , Willats WW , Wipf D , Wolf PG , Yang L , Zimmer AD , Zhu Q , Mitros T , Hellsten U , Loque D , Otillar R , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Shapiro H , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Rokhsar D , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Science , 332 :960 , 2011
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PubMedID: 21551031
Gene_locus related to this paper: selml-d8qua5 , selml-d8qva1 , selml-d8qyh7 , selml-d8qza0 , selml-d8r5d4 , selml-d8r6d4 , selml-d8r504 , selml-d8r506 , selml-d8rbi1 , selml-d8rbs1 , selml-d8rck8 , selml-d8rf38 , selml-d8rkl6 , selml-d8rpr1 , selml-d8rpy0 , selml-d8ru47 , selml-d8ry54 , selml-d8rzp6 , selml-d8rzy7 , selml-d8s0c9 , selml-d8s0u3 , selml-d8s2t1 , selml-d8s3z8 , selml-d8s401 , selml-d8sba6 , selml-d8sch9 , selml-d8spq2 , selml-d8sq37 , selml-d8ssx7 , selml-d8swp2 , selml-d8t7a3 , selml-d8t8v4 , selml-d8taz4 , selml-d8tdq6 , selml-d8rai8 , selml-d8qt54 , selml-d8r2d8 , selml-d8rmd3 , selml-d8rra9 , selml-d8slg4 , selml-d8swp0 , selml-d8s7i0 , selml-d8qz37 , selml-d8sz00 , selml-d8s776 , selml-d8qw15 , selml-d8ska7 , selml-d8t0c4 , selml-d8r194 , selml-d8s5m8 , selml-d8s7r2 , selml-d8ta80 , selml-d8ru55

Title : Genome sequence of the nonpathogenic Listeria monocytogenes serovar 4a strain M7 - Chen_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5019
Author(s) : Chen J , Xia Y , Cheng C , Fang C , Shan Y , Jin G , Fang W
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :5019 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chen_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_5019
PubMedID: 21742872
Gene_locus related to this paper: lisin-LIN2544 , lismo-LMO0857 , lismo-LMO1674 , lismo-LMO2452