Levine A

References (9)

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Title : Mimicking Neuroligin-2 Functions in beta-Cells by Functionalized Nanoparticles as a Novel Approach for Antidiabetic Therapy - Munder_2017_ACS.Appl.Mater.Interfaces_9_1189
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Title : Dopamine and norepinephrine receptors participate in methylphenidate enhancement of in vivo hippocampal synaptic plasticity - Jenson_2015_Neuropharmacol_90_23
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Title : Chronic nicotine exposure induces a long-lasting and pathway-specific facilitation of LTP in the amygdala - Huang_2008_Learn.Mem_15_603
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Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-CAH , bacsu-cbxnp , bacsu-lip , bacsu-LIPB , bacsu-PKSR , bacsu-pnbae , bacsu-PPSE , bacsu-srf4 , bacsu-srfac , bacsu-YBAC , bacsu-YBDG , bacsu-ybfk , bacsu-ycgS , bacsu-yczh , bacsu-YDEN , bacsu-ydjp , bacsu-yfhM , bacsu-yisY , bacsu-YITV , bacsu-yjau , bacsu-YJCH , bacsu-MHQD , bacsu-yqjl , bacsu-yqkd , bacsu-YRAK , bacsu-YTAP , bacsu-YTMA , bacsu-YTPA , bacsu-ytxm , bacsu-yugF , bacsu-YUII , bacsu-YUKL , bacsu-YVAK , bacsu-YvaM , bacsu-RsbQ , bacsu-yvcb

Title : A Bacillus subtilis chromosome segment at the 100 degrees to 102 degrees position encoding 11 membrane proteins - Roche_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 10)_3309
Author(s) : Roche B , Autret S , Levine A , Vannier F , Medina N , Seror SJ
Ref : Microbiology , 143 ( Pt 10) :3309 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Roche_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 10)_3309
PubMedID: 9353932
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-yisY

Title : Sequencing of regions downstream of addA (98 degrees) and citG (289 degrees) in Bacillus subtilis - Medina_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 10)_3305
Author(s) : Medina N , Vannier F , Roche B , Autret S , Levine A , Seror SJ
Ref : Microbiology , 143 ( Pt 10) :3305 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Medina_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 10)_3305
PubMedID: 9353931
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-yisY , bacsu-YITV

Title : A 10.3 kbp segment from nprB to argJ at the 102 degrees region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome - Levine_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 1)_175
Author(s) : Levine A , Vannier F , Roche B , Autret S , Mavel D , Seror SJ
Ref : Microbiology , 143 ( Pt 1) :175 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Levine_1997_Microbiology_143 ( Pt 1)_175
PubMedID: 9025291
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-YITV