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PubMedSearch : Bowler_2008_Nature_456_239
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Gene_locus related to this paper: phatc-b7fp91 , phatc-b7fqd3 , phatc-b7frf9 , phatc-b7fry8 , phatc-b7ftw8 , phatc-b7fv70 , phatc-b7fw66 , phatc-b7g2b2 , phatc-b7g5z5 , phatc-b7g6f1 , phatc-b7g6r8 , phatc-b7g957 , phatc-b7ga73 , phatc-b7gb22 , phatc-b7gc60 , phatc-b7gdm3 , phatc-b7gdq6 , phatc-b7ge82 , phatc-b7gee0 , phatr-b7frs5 , phatr-b7g1k3 , phatr-b7s4a4 , thaps-b8bsy4 , thaps-b8cfn8 , phatc-b7g635 , phatc-b7gaj3 , thaps-b8c079