Bowler C

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Title : The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes - Bowler_2008_Nature_456_239
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Title : The tiny eukaryote Ostreococcus provides genomic insights into the paradox of plankton speciation - Palenik_2007_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_104_7705
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Title : The Chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions - Merchant_2007_Science_318_245
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Gene_locus related to this paper: chlre-a0a2k3e2k6 , chlre-a8hmd4 , chlre-a8hqa9 , chlre-a8htq0 , chlre-a8hus6.1 , chlre-a8hus6.2 , chlre-a8icg4 , chlre-a8iwm0 , chlre-a8ize5 , chlre-a8j2s9 , chlre-a8j5w6 , chlre-a8j7f8 , chlre-a8j8u9 , chlre-a8j8v0 , chlre-a8j9u6 , chlre-a8j143 , chlre-a8j248 , chlre-a8jd32 , chlre-a8jd42 , chlre-a8jgj2 , chlre-a8jhc8 , chlre-a8jhe5 , chlre-a8iwj1 , chlre-a8j7d5 , chlre-a0a2k3dii0

Title : Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features - Derelle_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_11647
Author(s) : Derelle E , Ferraz C , Rombauts S , Rouze P , Worden AZ , Robbens S , Partensky F , Degroeve S , Echeynie S , Cooke R , Saeys Y , Wuyts J , Jabbari K , Bowler C , Panaud O , Piegu B , Ball SG , Ral JP , Bouget FY , Piganeau G , De Baets B , Picard A , Delseny M , Demaille J , Van de Peer Y , Moreau H
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 103 :11647 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Derelle_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_11647
PubMedID: 16868079
Gene_locus related to this paper: ostta-q00t45 , ostta-q00te9 , ostta-q00tt1 , ostta-q00tx0 , ostta-q00v73 , ostta-q00vq9 , ostta-q00w59 , ostta-q00y09 , ostta-q00y84 , ostta-q00ys6 , ostta-q01ca2 , ostta-q01ca8 , ostta-q01ck9 , ostta-q01dg2 , ostta-q01e72 , ostta-q01fz0 , ostta-q01g03 , ostta-q01gl9 , ostta-q010m0 , ostta-q011b1 , ostta-q011b9 , ostta-q011x6 , ostta-q018f5 , ostta-q018x2 , ostta-q00wt8 , ostta-a0a090md33 , ostta-q00ua3 , ostta-a0a090m3x7

Title : The genome of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana: ecology, evolution, and metabolism - Armbrust_2004_Science_306_79
Author(s) : Armbrust EV , Berges JA , Bowler C , Green BR , Martinez D , Putnam NH , Zhou S , Allen AE , Apt KE , Bechner M , Brzezinski MA , Chaal BK , Chiovitti A , Davis AK , Demarest MS , Detter JC , Glavina T , Goodstein D , Hadi MZ , Hellsten U , Hildebrand M , Jenkins BD , Jurka J , Kapitonov VV , Kroger N , Lau WW , Lane TW , Larimer FW , Lippmeier JC , Lucas S , Medina M , Montsant A , Obornik M , Parker MS , Palenik B , Pazour GJ , Richardson PM , Rynearson TA , Saito MA , Schwartz DC , Thamatrakoln K , Valentin K , Vardi A , Wilkerson FP , Rokhsar DS
Ref : Science , 306 :79 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Armbrust_2004_Science_306_79
PubMedID: 15459382
Gene_locus related to this paper: thaps-b5ymy7 , thaps-b5yn04 , thaps-b5ynz7 , thaps-b8bq57 , thaps-b8bsn5 , thaps-b8bsy4 , thaps-b8bv00 , thaps-b8bxb3 , thaps-b8byx0 , thaps-b8bzg5 , thaps-b8c0a3 , thaps-b8c2d8 , thaps-b8c2k9 , thaps-b8c2s5 , thaps-b8c3p0 , thaps-b8c5l7 , thaps-b8c6y7 , thaps-b8c9k8 , thaps-b8c9t6 , thaps-b8c345 , thaps-b8c584 , thaps-b8c885 , thaps-b8c954 , thaps-b8cdd7 , thaps-b8cdt3 , thaps-b8cf07 , thaps-b8cfn8 , thaps-b8c079