Green BR

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Gene_locus related to this paper: thaps-b5ymy7 , thaps-b5yn04 , thaps-b5ynz7 , thaps-b8bq57 , thaps-b8bsn5 , thaps-b8bsy4 , thaps-b8bv00 , thaps-b8bxb3 , thaps-b8byx0 , thaps-b8bzg5 , thaps-b8c0a3 , thaps-b8c2d8 , thaps-b8c2k9 , thaps-b8c2s5 , thaps-b8c3p0 , thaps-b8c5l7 , thaps-b8c6y7 , thaps-b8c9k8 , thaps-b8c9t6 , thaps-b8c345 , thaps-b8c584 , thaps-b8c885 , thaps-b8c954 , thaps-b8cdd7 , thaps-b8cdt3 , thaps-b8cf07 , thaps-b8cfn8 , thaps-b8c079