van Montagu M

References (3)

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Author(s) : Vercauteren I , Van Der Schueren E , van Montagu M , Gheysen G
Ref : Mol Plant Microbe Interact , 14 :288 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vercauteren_2001_Mol.Plant.Microbe.Interact_14_288
PubMedID: 11277426
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-Q9SFF6

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
Author(s) : Mayer K , Schuller C , Wambutt R , Murphy G , Volckaert G , Pohl T , Dusterhoft A , Stiekema W , Entian KD , Terryn N , Harris B , Ansorge W , Brandt P , Grivell L , Rieger M , Weichselgartner M , de Simone V , Obermaier B , Mache R , Muller M , Kreis M , Delseny M , Puigdomenech P , Watson M , Schmidtheini T , Reichert B , Portatelle D , Perez-Alonso M , Boutry M , Bancroft I , Vos P , Hoheisel J , Zimmermann W , Wedler H , Ridley P , Langham SA , McCullagh B , Bilham L , Robben J , Van der Schueren J , Grymonprez B , Chuang YJ , Vandenbussche F , Braeken M , Weltjens I , Voet M , Bastiaens I , Aert R , Defoor E , Weitzenegger T , Bothe G , Ramsperger U , Hilbert H , Braun M , Holzer E , Brandt A , Peters S , van Staveren M , Dirske W , Mooijman P , Klein Lankhorst R , Rose M , Hauf J , Kotter P , Berneiser S , Hempel S , Feldpausch M , Lamberth S , Van den Daele H , De Keyser A , Buysshaert C , Gielen J , Villarroel R , De Clercq R , van Montagu M , Rogers J , Cronin A , Quail M , Bray-Allen S , Clark L , Doggett J , Hall S , Kay M , Lennard N , McLay K , Mayes R , Pettett A , Rajandream MA , Lyne M , Benes V , Rechmann S , Borkova D , Blocker H , Scharfe M , Grimm M , Lohnert TH , Dose S , de Haan M , Maarse A , Schafer M , Muller-Auer S , Gabel C , Fuchs M , Fartmann B , Granderath K , Dauner D , Herzl A , Neumann S , Argiriou A , Vitale D , Liguori R , Piravandi E , Massenet O , Quigley F , Clabauld G , Mundlein A , Felber R , Schnabl S , Hiller R , Schmidt W , Lecharny A , Aubourg S , Chefdor F , Cooke R , Berger C , Montfort A , Casacuberta E , Gibbons T , Weber N , Vandenbol M , Bargues M , Terol J , Torres A , Perez-Perez A , Purnelle B , Bent E , Johnson S , Tacon D , Jesse T , Heijnen L , Schwarz S , Scholler P , Heber S , Francs P , Bielke C , Frishman D , Haase D , Lemcke K , Mewes HW , Stocker S , Zaccaria P , Bevan M , Wilson RK , de la Bastide M , Habermann K , Parnell L , Dedhia N , Gnoj L , Schutz K , Huang E , Spiegel L , Sehkon M , Murray J , Sheet P , Cordes M , Abu-Threideh J , Stoneking T , Kalicki J , Graves T , Harmon G , Edwards J , Latreille P , Courtney L , Cloud J , Abbott A , Scott K , Johnson D , Minx P , Bentley D , Fulton B , Miller N , Greco T , Kemp K , Kramer J , Fulton L , Mardis E , Dante M , Pepin K , Hillier L , Nelson J , Spieth J , Ryan E , Andrews S , Geisel C , Layman D , Du H , Ali J , Berghoff A , Jones K , Drone K , Cotton M , Joshu C , Antonoiu B , Zidanic M , Strong C , Sun H , Lamar B , Yordan C , Ma P , Zhong J , Preston R , Vil D , Shekher M , Matero A , Shah R , Swaby IK , O'Shaughnessy A , Rodriguez M , Hoffmann J , Till S , Granat S , Shohdy N , Hasegawa A , Hameed A , Lodhi M , Johnson A , Chen E , Marra M , Martienssen R , McCombie WR
Ref : Nature , 402 :769 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
PubMedID: 10617198
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-AT4G00500 , arath-AT4G16690 , arath-AT4G17480 , arath-AT4G24380 , arath-AT4g30610 , arath-o65513 , arath-o65713 , arath-LPAAT , arath-f4jt64

Title : Analysis of 1.9 Mb of contiguous sequence from chromosome 4 of Arabidopsis thaliana. - Bevan_1998_Nature_391_485
Author(s) : Bevan M , Bancroft I , Bent E , Love K , Goodman H , Dean C , Bergkamp R , Dirkse W , van Staveren M , Stiekema W , Drost L , Ridley P , Hudson SA , Patel K , Murphy G , Piffanelli P , Wedler H , Wedler E , Wambutt R , Weitzenegger T , Pohl TM , Terryn N , Gielen J , Villarroel R , De Clerck R , van Montagu M , Lecharny A , Auborg S , Gy I , Kreis M , Lao N , Kavanagh T , Hempel S , Kotter P , Entian KD , Rieger M , Schaeffer M , Funk B , Mueller-Auer S , Silvey M , James R , Montfort A , Pons A , Puigdomenech P , Douka A , Voukelatou E , Milioni D , Hatzopoulos P , Piravandi E , Obermaier B , Hilbert H , Duesterhoft A , Moores T , Jones JDG , Eneva T , Palme K , Benes V , Rechman S , Ansorge W , Cooke R , Berger C , Delseny M , Voet M , Volckaert G , Mewes HW , Klosterman S , Schueller C , Chalwatzis N
Ref : Nature , 391 :485 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bevan_1998_Nature_391_485
PubMedID: 9461215
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-a4vcl8 , arath-AT4G00500 , arath-AT4g09900 , arath-AT4g12830 , arath-AT4G14290 , arath-AT4G15100 , arath-AT4G16070 , arath-AT4G16690 , arath-AT4G17150 , arath-AT4G17470 , arath-AT4G17480 , arath-AT4G17483 , arath-At4g18550 , arath-SOBR1 , arath-SOBRL , arath-AT4G24380 , arath-AT4G25770 , arath-AT4g30610 , arath-AT4G31020 , arath-AT4G36195 , arath-AT4G37150 , arath-SCP29 , arath-At3g54240 , arath-KAI2.D14L