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Gene_locus related to this paper: helam-d5g3c9 , helam-s4wfz6

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Gene_locus related to this paper: danre-1neur , danre-ABHD10b , danre-a9jrf7 , danre-d2x2g3 , danre-e7ezq9 , danre-e7ff77 , danre-ndr3 , danre-nlgn4a , danre-q1mti5 , danre-q6nyz4 , danre-q6p2u2 , danre-q7t359 , danre-q08c93 , danre-A2BGU9 , danre-f1q676 , danre-e7f0z8 , danre-e7ez27 , danre-e7f2w1 , danre-f1qid7 , danre-a0a0g2kru2 , danre-f1qla7 , danre-a9jr90 , danre-e7f070 , danre-f172a , danre-e7fb35 , danre-a7mbu9 , danre-f1qtr2

Title : Proteomic and molecular analyses of esterases associated with monocrotophos resistance in Helicoverpa armigera - Han_2012_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_104_243
Author(s) : Han Y , Wu S , Li Y , Liu JW , Campbell PM , Farnsworth C , Scott C , Russell RJ , Oakeshott JG , Wu Y
Ref : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology , 104 :243 , 2012
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Gene_locus related to this paper: helam-ACHE , helam-ACHE1

Title : Gene identification and proteomic analysis of the esterases of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera - Teese_2010_Insect.Biochem.Mol.Biol_40_1
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Title : Esterase-based metabolic resistance to insecticides in heliothine and spodopteran pests - Farnsworth_2010_J.Pestic.Sci_35_275
Author(s) : Farnsworth CA , Teese MG , Yuan G , Li Y , Scott C , Zhang X , Wu Y , Russell RJ , Oakeshott JG
Ref : Journal of Pesticide Science , 35 :275 , 2010
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Title : Pharmacokinetics of OpdA, an organophosphorus hydrolase, in the African green monkey - Jackson_2010_Biochem.Pharmacol_80_1075
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Title : Heterologous expression of the methyl carbamate-degrading hydrolase MCD - Naqvi_2009_J.Biotechnol_144_89
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Title : Characterization of the phenylurea hydrolases A and B: founding members of a novel amidohydrolase subgroup - Khurana_2009_Biochem.J_418_431
Author(s) : Khurana JL , Jackson CJ , Scott C , Pandey G , Horne I , Russell RJ , Herlt A , Easton CJ , Oakeshott JG
Ref : Biochemical Journal , 418 :431 , 2009
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PubMedSearch : Khurana_2009_Biochem.J_418_431
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9myco-b8r4k2

Title : The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 10 - Deloukas_2004_Nature_429_375
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Ref : Nature , 429 :375 , 2004
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PubMedSearch : Deloukas_2004_Nature_429_375
PubMedID: 15164054
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPA , human-LIPK , human-PNLIPRP1 , human-PNLIPRP2 , human-PNLIPRP3

Title : Genome sequence of the plant pathogen and biotechnology agent Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 - Goodner_2001_Science_294_2323
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Ref : Science , 294 :2323 , 2001
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PubMedSearch : Goodner_2001_Science_294_2323
PubMedID: 11743194
Gene_locus related to this paper: agrt5-a9cf94 , agrt5-a9cfa9 , agrt5-a9cfs8 , agrt5-a9cfu7 , agrt5-a9cie7 , agrt5-a9cj11 , agrt5-a9cjp2 , agrt5-a9cki2 , agrt5-a9ckr2 , agrt5-a9ckt2 , agrt5-a9cle4 , agrt5-a9clq8 , agrt5-a9clq9 , agrt5-q7cx24 , agrt5-q7d1j0 , agrt5-q7d1j3 , agrt5-q7d3m5 , agrt5-q7d3t6 , agrt5-y5261 , agrtu-ACVB , agrtu-ATTS , agrtu-ATU0253 , agrtu-ATU0403 , agrtu-ATU0841 , agrtu-ATU1045 , agrtu-ATU1102 , agrtu-ATU1572 , agrtu-ATU1617 , agrtu-ATU1826 , agrtu-ATU1842 , agrtu-ATU2061 , agrtu-ATU2126 , agrtu-ATU2171 , agrtu-ATU2409 , agrtu-ATU2452 , agrtu-ATU2481 , agrtu-ATU2497 , agrtu-ATU2576 , agrtu-ATU3428 , agrtu-ATU3651 , agrtu-ATU3652 , agrtu-ATU4238 , agrtu-ATU5190 , agrtu-ATU5193 , agrtu-ATU5275 , agrtu-ATU5296 , agrtu-ATU5348 , agrtu-ATU5389 , agrtu-ATU5446 , agrtu-ATU5495 , agrtu-CPO , agrtu-DHAA , agrtu-DLHH , agrtu-EPHA , agrtu-GRST , agrtu-PCA , agrtu-PCAD , agrtu-PHBC , agrtu-PTRB , agrt5-a9cji8

Title : Genetic and Morphological Characterization of Cladobotryum Species Causing Cobweb Disease of Mushrooms - McKay_1999_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_65_606
Author(s) : McKay GJ , Egan D , Morris E , Scott C , Brown AE
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 65 :606 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : McKay_1999_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_65_606
PubMedID: 9925589