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Gene_locus related to this paper: danre-1neur , danre-ABHD10b , danre-a9jrf7 , danre-d2x2g3 , danre-e7ezq9 , danre-e7ff77 , danre-ndr3 , danre-nlgn4a , danre-q1mti5 , danre-q6nyz4 , danre-q6p2u2 , danre-q7t359 , danre-q08c93 , danre-A2BGU9 , danre-f1q676 , danre-e7f0z8 , danre-e7ez27 , danre-e7f2w1 , danre-f1qid7 , danre-a0a0g2kru2 , danre-f1qla7 , danre-a9jr90 , danre-e7f070 , danre-f172a , danre-e7fb35 , danre-a7mbu9 , danre-f1qtr2

Title : Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence - Scally_2012_Nature_483_169
Author(s) : Scally A , Dutheil JY , Hillier LW , Jordan GE , Goodhead I , Herrero J , Hobolth A , Lappalainen T , Mailund T , Marques-Bonet T , McCarthy S , Montgomery SH , Schwalie PC , Tang YA , Ward MC , Xue Y , Yngvadottir B , Alkan C , Andersen LN , Ayub Q , Ball EV , Beal K , Bradley BJ , Chen Y , Clee CM , Fitzgerald S , Graves TA , Gu Y , Heath P , Heger A , Karakoc E , Kolb-Kokocinski A , Laird GK , Lunter G , Meader S , Mort M , Mullikin JC , Munch K , O'Connor TD , Phillips AD , Prado-Martinez J , Rogers AS , Sajjadian S , Schmidt D , Shaw K , Simpson JT , Stenson PD , Turner DJ , Vigilant L , Vilella AJ , Whitener W , Zhu B , Cooper DN , de Jong P , Dermitzakis ET , Eichler EE , Flicek P , Goldman N , Mundy NI , Ning Z , Odom DT , Ponting CP , Quail MA , Ryder OA , Searle SM , Warren WC , Wilson RK , Schierup MH , Rogers J , Tyler-Smith C , Durbin R
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Gene_locus related to this paper: gorgo-g3qfr8 , gorgo-g3qgi3 , gorgo-g3r1s1 , gorgo-g3r9p9 , gorgo-a0a2i2zrx6 , gorgo-g3re16 , gorgo-g3s122 , gorgo-a0a2i2y3x8 , gorgo-g3qj31 , gorgo-g3r7p2 , gorgo-g3qdb2 , gorgo-a0a2i2zkh8 , gorgo-a0a2i2ygf1 , gorgo-g3qsa0

Title : Production of extremely pure diacylglycerol from soybean oil by lipase-catalyzed glycerolysis - Wang_2011_Enzyme.Microb.Technol_49_192
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Ref : Enzyme Microb Technol , 49 :192 , 2011
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Title : The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni - Berriman_2009_Nature_460_352
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Gene_locus related to this paper: schma-ACHE1 , schma-ACHE2 , schma-c4qb79 , schma-c4qmk4 , schma-g4v9h7 , schma-BCHE , schma-g4vmf3