Ishii K

References (22)

Title : Salivary leukocyte esterase activity by SillHa is a risk indicator of periodontal disease - Ishii_2023_BMC.Oral.Health_23_187
Author(s) : Ishii K , Venkataiah VS , Kajiwara T , Umezawa K , Suzuki S , Nakano M , Sawaguchi M , Yahata Y , Saito M
Ref : BMC Oral Health , 23 :187 , 2023
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ishii_2023_BMC.Oral.Health_23_187
PubMedID: 36998066

Title : Fatty Liver, and Not Visceral Fat, Is More Associated with Liver Fibrosis and Diabetes in Non-Obese Japanese Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study - Urata_2020_Life.(Basel)_10_
Author(s) : Urata N , Kawanaka M , Nishino K , Ishii K , Tanikawa T , Suehiro M , Sasai T , Haruma K , Kawamoto H , Nakamura J , Manabe N , Kamada T
Ref : Life (Basel) , 10 : , 2020
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PubMedSearch : Urata_2020_Life.(Basel)_10_
PubMedID: 32899741

Title : Changes in the nutritional status of elderly patients after esophagectomy - Ishii_2019_Esophagus_16_408
Author(s) : Ishii K , Tsubosa Y , Niihara M , Akai T , Soneda W
Ref : Esophagus , 16 :408 , 2019
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PubMedID: 31243591

Title : Structural Dynamics of the PET-Degrading Cutinase-like Enzyme from Saccharomonospora viridis AHK190 in Substrate-Bound States Elucidates the Ca(2+)-Driven Catalytic Cycle - Numoto_2018_Biochemistry_57_5289
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Ref : Biochemistry , 57 :5289 , 2018
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 30110540
Gene_locus related to this paper: sacvd-c7mve8

Title : Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor treatment alleviated cognitive impairment caused by delayed encephalopathy due to carbon monoxide poisoning: Two case reports and a review of the literature - Yanagiha_2017_Medicine.(Baltimore)_96_e6125
Author(s) : Yanagiha K , Ishii K , Tamaoka A
Ref : Medicine (Baltimore) , 96 :e6125 , 2017
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 28225493

Title : Contribution of cyclooxygenase-dependent mechanisms to contractile responses to donepezil in the rat urinary bladder - Shimizu_2010_Pharmacology_86_281
Author(s) : Shimizu N , Nakahara T , Kubota Y , Sakamoto K , Ishii K
Ref : Pharmacology , 86 :281 , 2010
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Title : Neuroprotective and antiamnesic effect of donepezil, a nicotinic acetylcholine-receptor activator, on rats with concussive mild traumatic brain injury - Fujiki_2008_J.Clin.Neurosci_15_791
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Ref : J Clin Neurosci , 15 :791 , 2008
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Title : Functional polymorphisms in carboxylesterase1A2 (CES1A2) gene involves specific protein 1 (Sp1) binding sites - Yoshimura_2008_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_369_939
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1

Title : Reduced short latency afferent inhibition in diffuse axonal injury patients with memory impairment - Fujiki_2006_Neurosci.Lett_405_226
Author(s) : Fujiki M , Hikawa T , Abe T , Ishii K , Kobayashi H
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 405 :226 , 2006
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Title : D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol alters cellular cholesterol homeostasis by modulating the endosome lipid domains - Makino_2006_Biochemistry_45_4530
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Ref : Biochemistry , 45 :4530 , 2006
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PubMedID: 16584188

Title : Neuroprotective effect of donepezil, a nicotinic acetylcholine-receptor activator, on cerebral infarction in rats - Fujiki_2005_Brain.Res_1043_236
Author(s) : Fujiki M , Kobayashi H , Uchida S , Inoue R , Ishii K
Ref : Brain Research , 1043 :236 , 2005
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 15862539

Title : Dendritic spinules in rat nigral neurons revealed by acetylcholinesterase immunocytochemistry and serial sections of the dendritic spine heads - Ishii_2004_Folia.Histochem.Cytobiol_42_77
Author(s) : Ishii K , Hayashida T , Hashikawa T , Tsuji S
Ref : Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica , 42 :77 , 2004
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Title : Inhibitory action of the phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin on the endothelin-1-induced and the carbachol-induced negative inotropic effect in the canine ventricular myocardium - Chu_2003_J.Cardiovasc.Pharmacol_41 Suppl 1_S89
Author(s) : Chu L , Norota I , Ishii K , Endoh M
Ref : J Cardiovasc Pharmacol , 41 Suppl 1 :S89 , 2003
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Title : The role of cholinesterases in rat urinary bladder contractility - Nakahara_2003_Urol.Res_31_223
Author(s) : Nakahara T , Kubota Y , Sakamoto K , Ishii K
Ref : Urol Res , 31 :223 , 2003
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Title : Complete genome sequence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and genomic comparison with a laboratory strain K-12 - Hayashi_2001_DNA.Res_8_11
Author(s) : Hayashi T , Makino K , Ohnishi M , Kurokawa K , Ishii K , Yokoyama K , Han CG , Ohtsubo E , Nakayama K , Murata T , Tanaka M , Tobe T , Iida T , Takami H , Honda T , Sasakawa C , Ogasawara N , Yasunaga T , Kuhara S , Shiba T , Hattori M , Shinagawa H
Ref : DNA Research , 8 :11 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hayashi_2001_DNA.Res_8_11
PubMedID: 11258796
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z0347 , ecoli-Z1341 , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-Z2445 , ecoli-YfhR

Title : An amino acid residue whose change by mutation affects drug binding to the HERG channel - Ishii_2001_FEBS.Lett_506_191
Author(s) : Ishii K , Kondo K , Takahashi M , Kimura M , Endoh M
Ref : FEBS Letters , 506 :191 , 2001
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ishii_2001_FEBS.Lett_506_191
PubMedID: 11602243

Title : The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21 - Hattori_2000_Nature_405_311
Author(s) : Hattori M , Fujiyama A , Taylor TD , Watanabe H , Yada T , Park HS , Toyoda A , Ishii K , Totoki Y , Choi DK , Groner Y , Soeda E , Ohki M , Takagi T , Sakaki Y , Taudien S , Blechschmidt K , Polley A , Menzel U , Delabar J , Kumpf K , Lehmann R , Patterson D , Reichwald K , Rump A , Schillhabel M , Schudy A , Zimmermann W , Rosenthal A , Kudoh J , Schibuya K , Kawasaki K , Asakawa S , Shintani A , Sasaki T , Nagamine K , Mitsuyama S , Antonarakis SE , Minoshima S , Shimizu N , Nordsiek G , Hornischer K , Brant P , Scharfe M , Schon O , Desario A , Reichelt J , Kauer G , Blocker H , Ramser J , Beck A , Klages S , Hennig S , Riesselmann L , Dagand E , Haaf T , Wehrmeyer S , Borzym K , Gardiner K , Nizetic D , Francis F , Lehrach H , Reinhardt R , Yaspo ML
Ref : Nature , 405 :311 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hattori_2000_Nature_405_311
PubMedID: 10830953
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPI

Title : Comparison of whole genome sequences of Chlamydia pneumoniae J138 from Japan and CWL029 from USA - Shirai_2000_Nucleic.Acids.Res_28_2311
Author(s) : Shirai M , Hirakawa H , Kimoto M , Tabuchi M , Kishi F , Ouchi K , Shiba T , Ishii K , Hattori M , Kuhara S , Nakazawa T
Ref : Nucleic Acids Research , 28 :2311 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Shirai_2000_Nucleic.Acids.Res_28_2311
PubMedID: 10871362
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlpn-CPJ0152 , chlpn-CPJ0342 , chlpn-CPN0161 , chlpn-CPN0271 , chlpn-q9jrv1 , chlpn-q9js10 , chlpn-q9k1u7 , chlpn-q9z6x9

Title : Complete nucleotide sequences of 93-kb and 3.3-kb plasmids of an enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 derived from Sakai outbreak - Makino_1998_DNA.Res_5_1
Author(s) : Makino K , Ishii K , Yasunaga T , Hattori M , Yokoyama K , Yutsudo CH , Kubota Y , Yamaichi Y , Iida T , Yamamoto K , Honda T , Han CG , Ohtsubo E , Kasamatsu M , Hayashi T , Kuhara S , Shinagawa H
Ref : DNA Research , 5 :1 , 1998
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Makino_1998_DNA.Res_5_1
PubMedID: 9628576
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-ypt1

Title : Infusions of pressor agents selectively attenuate depressor responses to ACh in anesthetized dogs - Nakahara_1996_Am.J.Physiol_271_H273
Author(s) : Nakahara T , Ishii K , Tanaka Y , Nakayama K
Ref : American Journal of Physiology , 271 :H273 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nakahara_1996_Am.J.Physiol_271_H273
PubMedID: 8760185

Title : Metabolism of trichothecene mycotoxins. II. Substrate specificity of microsomal deacetylation of trichothecenes - Ohta_1978_J.Biochem_84_697
Author(s) : Ohta M , Matsumoto H , Ishii K , Ueno Y
Ref : J Biochem , 84 :697 , 1978
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PubMedSearch : Ohta_1978_J.Biochem_84_697
PubMedID: 721800

Title : Metabolism of trichothecene mycotoxins. I. Microsomal deacetylation of T-2 toxin in animal tissues - Ohta_1977_J.Biochem_82_1591
Author(s) : Ohta M , Ishii K , Ueno Y
Ref : J Biochem , 82 :1591 , 1977
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PubMedSearch : Ohta_1977_J.Biochem_82_1591
PubMedID: 599145