Pearson D

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PubMedSearch : Wood_2002_Nature_415_871
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Gene_locus related to this paper: schpo-APTH1 , schpo-be46 , schpo-BST1 , schpo-C2E11.08 , schpo-C14C4.15C , schpo-C22H12.03 , schpo-C23C4.16C , schpo-C57A10.08C , schpo-dyr , schpo-este1 , schpo-KEX1 , schpo-PCY1 , schpo-pdat , schpo-PLG7 , schpo-ppme1 , schpo-q9c0y8 , schpo-SPAC4A8.06C , schpo-C22A12.06C , schpo-SPAC977.15 , schpo-SPAPB1A11.02 , schpo-SPBC14C8.15 , schpo-SPBC530.12C , schpo-SPBC1711.12 , schpo-SPBPB2B2.02 , schpo-SPCC5E4.05C , schpo-SPCC417.12 , schpo-SPCC1672.09 , schpo-yb4e , schpo-yblh , schpo-ydw6 , schpo-ye7a , schpo-ye63 , schpo-ye88 , schpo-yeld , schpo-yk68 , schpo-clr3 , schpo-ykv6

Title : The DNA sequence of human chromosome 22 - Dunham_1999_Nature_402_489
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Ref : Nature , 402 :489 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dunham_1999_Nature_402_489
PubMedID: 10591208
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES5A , human-SERHL2

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XIII - Bowman_1997_Nature_387_90
Author(s) : Bowman S , Churcher C , Badcock K , Brown D , Chillingworth T , Connor R , Dedman K , Devlin K , Gentles S , Hamlin N , Hunt S , Jagels K , Lye G , Moule S , Odell C , Pearson D , Rajandream M , Rice P , Skelton J , Walsh S , Whitehead S , Barrell B
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Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-FSH2 , yeast-ym60 , yeast-ymc0

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Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bussey_1997_Nature_387_103
PubMedID: 9169875
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-MCFS1 , yeast-YPR147C