Title : The Dynamic Genome and Transcriptome of the Human Fungal Pathogen Blastomyces and Close Relative Emmonsia - Munoz_2015_PLoS.Genet_11_e1005493 |
Author(s) : Munoz JF , Gauthier GM , Desjardins CA , Gallo JE , Holder J , Sullivan TD , Marty AJ , Carmen JC , Chen Z , Ding L , Gujja S , Magrini V , Misas E , Mitreva M , Priest M , Saif S , Whiston EA , Young S , Zeng Q , Goldman WE , Mardis ER , Taylor JW , McEwen JG , Clay OK , Klein BS , Cuomo CA |
Ref : PLoS Genet , 11 :e1005493 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Munoz_2015_PLoS.Genet_11_e1005493 |
PubMedID: 26439490 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ajedr-c5gqv9 , 9euro-a0a2b7ztc4 , 9euro-a0a2b7wr51 , blags-a0a179v0z0 , 9euro-a0a0h1bel0 , blags-a0a179udh1 , ajedr-kex1 , ajedr-cbpya |
Title : Genome of the human hookworm Necator americanus - Tang_2014_Nat.Genet_46_261 |
Author(s) : Tang YT , Gao X , Rosa BA , Abubucker S , Hallsworth-Pepin K , Martin J , Tyagi R , Heizer E , Zhang X , Bhonagiri-Palsikar V , Minx P , Warren WC , Wang Q , Zhan B , Hotez PJ , Sternberg PW , Dougall A , Gaze ST , Mulvenna J , Sotillo J , Ranganathan S , Rabelo EM , Wilson RK , Felgner PL , Bethony J , Hawdon JM , Gasser RB , Loukas A , Mitreva M |
Ref : Nat Genet , 46 :261 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tang_2014_Nat.Genet_46_261 |
PubMedID: 24441737 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: necam-w2tsu7 |
Title : Silencing of germline-expressed genes by DNA elimination in somatic cells - Wang_2012_Dev.Cell_23_1072 |
Author(s) : Wang J , Mitreva M , Berriman M , Thorne A , Magrini V , Koutsovoulos G , Kumar S , Blaxter ML , Davis RE |
Ref : Dev Cell , 23 :1072 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wang_2012_Dev.Cell_23_1072 |
PubMedID: 23123092 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ascsu-f1kr69 , ascsu-f1kxs8 , ascsu-f1ky57 , ascsu-f1kze8 , ascsu-f1kzv8 , ascsu-f1kzx8 , ascsu-f1l0a5 , ascsu-f1l0j3 , ascsu-f1l0s5 , ascsu-f1l1m9 , ascsu-f1l2e5 , ascsu-f1l3k2 , ascsu-f1l7s2 , ascsu-f1l145 , ascsu-u1mei8 , ascsu-u1ns34 , ascsu-u1nb30 , ascsu-f1kzg5 , ascsu-u1ntf1 , ascsu-u1nx87 , ascsu-f1l5f0 , ascsu-f1l6n2 |
Title : The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis - Mitreva_2011_Nat.Genet_43_228 |
Author(s) : Mitreva M , Jasmer DP , Zarlenga DS , Wang Z , Abubucker S , Martin J , Taylor CM , Yin Y , Fulton L , Minx P , Yang SP , Warren WC , Fulton RS , Bhonagiri V , Zhang X , Hallsworth-Pepin K , Clifton SW , McCarter JP , Appleton J , Mardis ER , Wilson RK |
Ref : Nat Genet , 43 :228 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Mitreva_2011_Nat.Genet_43_228 |
PubMedID: 21336279 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: trisp-ACHE1 , trisp-e5ryh1 , trisp-e5s2p1 , trisp-e5s3s1 , trisp-e5s5l6 , trisp-e5s7y8 , trisp-e5s8m6 , trisp-e5s9j3 , trisp-e5s254 , trisp-e5s773 , trisp-e5sav1 , trisp-e5sbp4 , trisp-e5sgg4 , trisp-e5sgu8 , trisp-e5snw0 , trisp-e5sr61 , trisp-e5ss42 , trisp-e5sgh2 , 9bila-a0a0v0tgw4.1 , 9bila-a0a0v0tws5 |
Title : Transcripts analysis of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae induced in vitro with insect haemolymph - Hao_2010_Mol.Biochem.Parasitol_169_79 |
Author(s) : Hao YJ , Montiel R , Abubucker S , Mitreva M , Simoes N |
Ref : Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology , 169 :79 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hao_2010_Mol.Biochem.Parasitol_169_79 |
PubMedID: 19836423 |
Title : The Pristionchus pacificus genome provides a unique perspective on nematode lifestyle and parasitism - Dieterich_2008_Nat.Genet_40_1193 |
Author(s) : Dieterich C , Clifton SW , Schuster LN , Chinwalla A , Delehaunty K , Dinkelacker I , Fulton L , Fulton R , Godfrey J , Minx P , Mitreva M , Roeseler W , Tian H , Witte H , Yang SP , Wilson RK , Sommer RJ |
Ref : Nat Genet , 40 :1193 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Dieterich_2008_Nat.Genet_40_1193 |
PubMedID: 18806794 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: pripa-h3dz72 , pripa-h3dzd7 , pripa-h3epg7 , pripa-h3ept4 , pripa-h3ept8 , pripa-h3ew78 , pripa-h3ext9 , pripa-h3f0j4 , pripa-h3f919 , pripa-h3f920 , pripa-h3fcj7 , pripa-h3fg45 , pripa-h3fg46 , pripa-h3fg51.2 , pripa-h3fhh1 , pripa-h3fhv6 , pripa-h3fig0 , pripa-h3fj25 , pripa-h3fvb4 , pripa-h3g1q9 , pripa-h3g217 , pripa-a0a0f5cf17 , pripa-a0a0f5crg5 , pripa-a0a0f5csq7 , pripa-h3esz7 , pripa-a0a0f5chi5 , pripa-h3fh18 , pripa-h3dzn5 |