Yasuda M

References (14)

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PubMedSearch : Chen_2023_Front.Bioeng.Biotechnol_11_1128371
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Title : Random mutagenesis and selection of organic solvent-stable haloperoxidase from Streptomyces aureofaciens - Yamada_2015_Biotechnol.Prog_31_917
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PubMedSearch : Yamada_2015_Biotechnol.Prog_31_917
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strau-brpa1

Title : Cloning and expression of gene, and activation of an organic solvent-stable lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LST-03 - Ogino_2007_Extremophiles_11_809
Author(s) : Ogino H , Katou Y , Akagi R , Mimitsuka T , Hiroshima S , Gemba Y , Doukyu N , Yasuda M , Ishimi K , Ishikawa H
Ref : Extremophiles , 11 :809 , 2007
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Gene_locus related to this paper: pseae-llipa

Title : Does donepezil treatment slow the progression of hippocampal atrophy in patients with Alzheimer's disease? - Hashimoto_2005_Am.J.Psychiatry_162_676
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Title : Cloning, expression, and characterization of a lipolytic enzyme gene (lip8) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LST-03 - Ogino_2004_J.Mol.Microbiol.Biotechnol_7_212
Author(s) : Ogino H , Mimitsuka T , Muto T , Matsumura M , Yasuda M , Ishimi K , Ishikawa H
Ref : J Molecular Microbiology Biotechnol , 7 :212 , 2004
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Title : Cloning, expression and characterization of a lipase gene (lip3) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LST-03 - Ogino_2004_Mol.Genet.Genomics_271_189
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Gene_locus related to this paper: pseae-PA2949

Title : Complete genomic sequence of the filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 - Kaneko_2001_DNA.Res_8_205
Author(s) : Kaneko T , Nakamura Y , Wolk CP , Kuritz T , Sasamoto S , Watanabe A , Iriguchi M , Ishikawa A , Kawashima K , Kimura T , Kishida Y , Kohara M , Matsumoto M , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakazaki N , Shimpo S , Sugimoto M , Takazawa M , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Tabata S
Ref : DNA Research , 8 :205 , 2001
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Gene_locus related to this paper: anasp-ALL0111 , anasp-ALL0193 , anasp-ALL0254 , anasp-ALL0316 , anasp-ALL0955 , anasp-ALL0969 , anasp-ALL1161 , anasp-ALL1205 , anasp-ALL1353 , anasp-ALL1695 , anasp-ALL2050 , anasp-ALL2056 , anasp-ALL2058 , anasp-ALL2068 , anasp-ALL2529 , anasp-ALL2533 , anasp-ALL2753 , anasp-ALL2761 , anasp-ALL3898 , anasp-ALL4221 , anasp-ALL4875 , anasp-ALL8511 , anasp-ALR0039 , anasp-ALR0079 , anasp-ALR0130 , anasp-ALR0235 , anasp-ALR0851 , anasp-ALR1077 , anasp-ALR1270 , anasp-ALR1352 , anasp-ALR1362 , anasp-ALR1709 , anasp-ALR2045 , noss1-ALR3140 , anasp-ALR3514 , anasp-ALR3685 , anasp-ALR3911 , anasp-ALR4625 , anasp-ALR5028 , anasp-AROE , anasp-q8ymv5 , anasp-q8yxx2 , anasp-y1448 , noss1-ALL3113 , noss1-ALL4967 , noss1-ALR4786 , noss1-q8yrg0 , noss1-y2406

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 3 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Salanoubat_2000_Nature_408_820
Author(s) : Salanoubat M , Lemcke K , Rieger M , Ansorge W , Unseld M , Fartmann B , Valle G , Blocker H , Perez-Alonso M , Obermaier B , Delseny M , Boutry M , Grivell LA , Mache R , Puigdomenech P , de Simone V , Choisne N , Artiguenave F , Robert C , Brottier P , Wincker P , Cattolico L , Weissenbach J , Saurin W , Quetier F , Schafer M , Muller-Auer S , Gabel C , Fuchs M , Benes V , Wurmbach E , Drzonek H , Erfle H , Jordan N , Bangert S , Wiedelmann R , Kranz H , Voss H , Holland R , Brandt P , Nyakatura G , Vezzi A , D'Angelo M , Pallavicini A , Toppo S , Simionati B , Conrad A , Hornischer K , Kauer G , Lohnert TH , Nordsiek G , Reichelt J , Scharfe M , Schon O , Bargues M , Terol J , Climent J , Navarro P , Collado C , Perez-Perez A , Ottenwalder B , Duchemin D , Cooke R , Laudie M , Berger-Llauro C , Purnelle B , Masuy D , de Haan M , Maarse AC , Alcaraz JP , Cottet A , Casacuberta E , Monfort A , Argiriou A , Flores M , Liguori R , Vitale D , Mannhaupt G , Haase D , Schoof H , Rudd S , Zaccaria P , Mewes HW , Mayer KF , Kaul S , Town CD , Koo HL , Tallon LJ , Jenkins J , Rooney T , Rizzo M , Walts A , Utterback T , Fujii CY , Shea TP , Creasy TH , Haas B , Maiti R , Wu D , Peterson J , Van Aken S , Pai G , Militscher J , Sellers P , Gill JE , Feldblyum TV , Preuss D , Lin X , Nierman WC , Salzberg SL , White O , Venter JC , Fraser CM , Kaneko T , Nakamura Y , Sato S , Kato T , Asamizu E , Sasamoto S , Kimura T , Idesawa K , Kawashima K , Kishida Y , Kiyokawa C , Kohara M , Matsumoto M , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakayama S , Nakazaki N , Shinpo S , Takeuchi C , Wada T , Watanabe A , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Tabata S
Ref : Nature , 408 :820 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Salanoubat_2000_Nature_408_820
PubMedID: 11130713
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-MES17 , arath-AT3G12150 , arath-At3g61680 , arath-AT3g62590 , arath-CXE12 , arath-eds1 , arath-SCP25 , arath-F1P2.110 , arath-F1P2.140 , arath-F11F8.28 , arath-F14D17.80 , arath-F16B3.4 , arath-SCP27 , arath-At3g50790 , arath-At3g05600 , arath-PAD4 , arath-At3g51000 , arath-SCP16 , arath-gid1 , arath-GID1B , arath-Q9LUG8 , arath-Q84JS1 , arath-Q9SFF6 , arath-q9m236 , arath-q9sr22 , arath-q9sr23 , arath-SCP7 , arath-SCP14 , arath-SCP15 , arath-SCP17 , arath-SCP36 , arath-SCP37 , arath-SCP39 , arath-SCP40 , arath-SCP49 , arath-T19F11.2

Title : Purification and characterization of organic solvent-stable lipase from organic solvent-tolerant Pseudomonas aeruginosa LST-03 - Ogino_2000_J.Biosci.Bioeng_89_451
Author(s) : Ogino H , Nakagawa S , Shinya K , Muto T , Fujimura N , Yasuda M , Ishikawa H
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 89 :451 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ogino_2000_J.Biosci.Bioeng_89_451
PubMedID: 16232776

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Tabata_2000_Nature_408_823
Author(s) : Tabata S , Kaneko T , Nakamura Y , Kotani H , Kato T , Asamizu E , Miyajima N , Sasamoto S , Kimura T , Hosouchi T , Kawashima K , Kohara M , Matsumoto M , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakayama S , Nakazaki N , Naruo K , Okumura S , Shinpo S , Takeuchi C , Wada T , Watanabe A , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Sato S , de la Bastide M , Huang E , Spiegel L , Gnoj L , O'Shaughnessy A , Preston R , Habermann K , Murray J , Johnson D , Rohlfing T , Nelson J , Stoneking T , Pepin K , Spieth J , Sekhon M , Armstrong J , Becker M , Belter E , Cordum H , Cordes M , Courtney L , Courtney W , Dante M , Du H , Edwards J , Fryman J , Haakensen B , Lamar E , Latreille P , Leonard S , Meyer R , Mulvaney E , Ozersky P , Riley A , Strowmatt C , Wagner-McPherson C , Wollam A , Yoakum M , Bell M , Dedhia N , Parnell L , Shah R , Rodriguez M , See LH , Vil D , Baker J , Kirchoff K , Toth K , King L , Bahret A , Miller B , Marra M , Martienssen R , McCombie WR , Wilson RK , Murphy G , Bancroft I , Volckaert G , Wambutt R , Dusterhoft A , Stiekema W , Pohl T , Entian KD , Terryn N , Hartley N , Bent E , Johnson S , Langham SA , McCullagh B , Robben J , Grymonprez B , Zimmermann W , Ramsperger U , Wedler H , Balke K , Wedler E , Peters S , van Staveren M , Dirkse W , Mooijman P , Lankhorst RK , Weitzenegger T , Bothe G , Rose M , Hauf J , Berneiser S , Hempel S , Feldpausch M , Lamberth S , Villarroel R , Gielen J , Ardiles W , Bents O , Lemcke K , Kolesov G , Mayer K , Rudd S , Schoof H , Schueller C , Zaccaria P , Mewes HW , Bevan M , Fransz P
Ref : Nature , 408 :823 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tabata_2000_Nature_408_823
PubMedID: 11130714
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-At5g11650 , arath-At5g16120 , arath-at5g18630 , arath-AT5G20520 , arath-At5g21950 , arath-AT5G27320 , arath-CXE15 , arath-F1N13.220 , arath-F14F8.240 , arath-q3e9e4 , arath-q8lae9 , arath-Q8LFB7 , arath-q9ffg7 , arath-q9fij5 , arath-Q9LVU7 , arath-q66gm8 , arath-SCPL34 , arath-B9DFR3 , arath-a0a1p8bcz0

Title : Effect of additives on transesterification activity of Rhizopus chinensis lipase - Yasuda_2000_J.Biosci.Bioeng_90_681
Author(s) : Yasuda M , Kiguchi T , Kasahara H , Ogino H , Ishikawa H
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 90 :681 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yasuda_2000_J.Biosci.Bioeng_90_681
PubMedID: 16232933

Title : Failure to confirm a synergistic effect between the K-variant of the butyrylcholinesterase gene and the epsilon4 allele of the apolipoprotein gene in japanese patients with Alzheimer's disease - Yamamoto_1999_J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry_67_94
Author(s) : Yamamoto Y , Yasuda M , Mori E , Maeda K
Ref : Journal of Neurology Neurosurg Psychiatry , 67 :94 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yamamoto_1999_J.Neurol.Neurosurg.Psychiatry_67_94
PubMedID: 10369830

Title : Purification and characterization of lipase from Rhizopus chinensis cells - Yasuda_1999_J.Biosci.Bioeng_88_571
Author(s) : Yasuda M , Ogino H , Kiguchi T , Kotani T , Takakura S , Ishibashi T , Nakashima T , Fukuda H , Ishikawa H
Ref : J Biosci Bioeng , 88 :571 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Yasuda_1999_J.Biosci.Bioeng_88_571
PubMedID: 16232664

Title : Sequence analysis of the genome of the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803. II. Sequence determination of the entire genome and assignment of potential protein-coding regions - Kaneko_1996_DNA.Res_3_109
Author(s) : Kaneko T , Sato S , Kotani H , Tanaka A , Asamizu E , Nakamura Y , Miyajima N , Hirosawa M , Sugiura M , Sasamoto S , Kimura T , Hosouchi T , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakazaki N , Naruo K , Okumura S , Shimpo S , Takeuchi C , Wada T , Watanabe A , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Tabata S
Ref : DNA Research , 3 :109 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kaneko_1996_DNA.Res_3_109
PubMedID: 8905231
Gene_locus related to this paper: synsp-ester , synsp-PHBC , synsp-prxc , synsp-Q55130 , synsp-SLL0482 , synsp-sll0553 , synsp-SLL0992 , synsp-sll1305 , synsp-SLL1969 , synsp-SLR0825 , synsp-slr1235 , synsp-SLR1506 , synsp-SLR1771 , synsp-SLR1807 , synsp-slr1827 , synsp-slr1916 , synsp-slr1917 , synsp-slr1932 , synsp-SLR1944 , synsp-SLR2053 , synsp-todF , syny3-dlhh , syny3-P73192 , syny3-p73194 , syny3-y249 , syny3-y264