Xie G

References (39)

Title : ABHD5 blunts the sensitivity of colorectal cancer to fluorouracil via promoting autophagic uracil yield - Ou_2019_Nat.Commun_10_1078
Author(s) : Ou J , Peng Y , Yang W , Zhang Y , Hao J , Li F , Chen Y , Zhao Y , Xie X , Wu S , Zha L , Luo X , Xie G , Wang L , Sun W , Zhou Q , Li J , Liang H
Ref : Nat Commun , 10 :1078 , 2019
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ou_2019_Nat.Commun_10_1078
PubMedID: 30842415
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5

Title : Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Ligustrazine Derivatives as Multi-Targeted Inhibitors for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease - Wu_2018_Molecules_23_
Author(s) : Wu W , Liang X , Xie G , Chen L , Liu W , Luo G , Zhang P , Yu L , Zheng X , Ji H , Zhang C , Yi W
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Title : Loss of Abhd5 Promotes Colorectal Tumor Development and Progression by Inducing Aerobic Glycolysis and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition -
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Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5

Title : Macrophage ABHD5 promotes colorectal cancer growth by suppressing spermidine production by SRM - Miao_2016_Nat.Commun_7_11716
Author(s) : Miao H , Ou J , Peng Y , Zhang X , Chen Y , Hao L , Xie G , Wang Z , Pang X , Ruan Z , Li J , Yu L , Xue B , Shi H , Shi C , Liang H
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Title : ABHD5 interacts with BECN1 to regulate autophagy and tumorigenesis of colon cancer independent of PNPLA2 - Peng_2016_Autophagy_12_2167
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Ref : Autophagy , 12 :2167 , 2016
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PubMedSearch : Peng_2016_Autophagy_12_2167
PubMedID: 27559856
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5

Title : Genomic sequences of six botulinum neurotoxin-producing strains representing three clostridial species illustrate the mobility and diversity of botulinum neurotoxin genes - Smith_2015_Infect.Genet.Evol_30_102
Author(s) : Smith TJ , Hill KK , Xie G , Foley BT , Williamson CH , Foster JT , Johnson SL , Chertkov O , Teshima H , Gibbons HS , Johnsky LA , Karavis MA , Smith LA
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PubMedSearch : Smith_2015_Infect.Genet.Evol_30_102
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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9clot-a0a0c1u9k6

Title : Phospho-NSAIDs Have Enhanced Efficacy in Mice Lacking Plasma Carboxylesterase: Implications for their Clinical Pharmacology - Wong_2015_Pharm.Res_32_1663
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Title : Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Isolates - Ramirez_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00558
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Title : Loss of abhd5 promotes colorectal tumor development and progression by inducing aerobic glycolysis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition - Ou_2014_Cell.Rep_9_1798
Author(s) : Ou J , Miao H , Ma Y , Guo F , Deng J , Wei X , Zhou J , Xie G , Shi H , Xue B , Liang H , Yu L
Ref : Cell Rep , 9 :1798 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ou_2014_Cell.Rep_9_1798
PubMedID: 25482557
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD5

Title : Comparative in vitro metabolism of phospho-tyrosol-indomethacin by mice, rats and humans - Xie_2013_Biochem.Pharmacol_85_1195
Author(s) : Xie G , Zhou D , Cheng KW , Wong CC , Rigas B
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 85 :1195 , 2013
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PubMedSearch : Xie_2013_Biochem.Pharmacol_85_1195
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Title : Salsolinol modulation of dopamine neurons - Xie_2013_Front.Behav.Neurosci_7_52
Author(s) : Xie G , Krnjevic K , Ye JH
Ref : Front Behavioral Neuroscience , 7 :52 , 2013
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Title : Genome Sequences of Two Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates from Different Geographical Regions, Argentina (Strain JHCK1) and the United States (Strain VA360) - Xie_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00168
Author(s) : Xie G , Ramirez MS , Marshall SH , Hujer KM , Lo CC , Johnson S , Li PE , Davenport K , Endimiani A , Bonomo RA , Tolmasky ME , Chain PS
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 : , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xie_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00168
PubMedID: 23640195
Gene_locus related to this paper: klep7-a6t9v6 , klep7-y1077 , klepn-a0a016qwx4 , klepn-w8uta0

Title : [Effect of Huperzine A on neural lesion of acute organophosphate poisoning in mice] - Liu_2013_Wei.Sheng.Yan.Jiu_42_419
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Ref : Wei Sheng Yan Jiu , 42 :419 , 2013
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PubMedID: 23805518

Title : Genomic comparison of Escherichia coli O104:H4 isolates from 2009 and 2011 reveals plasmid, and prophage heterogeneity, including shiga toxin encoding phage stx2 - Ahmed_2012_PLoS.One_7_e48228
Author(s) : Ahmed SA , Awosika J , Baldwin C , Bishop-Lilly KA , Biswas B , Broomall S , Chain PS , Chertkov O , Chokoshvili O , Coyne S , Davenport K , Detter JC , Dorman W , Erkkila TH , Folster JP , Frey KG , George M , Gleasner C , Henry M , Hill KK , Hubbard K , Insalaco J , Johnson S , Kitzmiller A , Krepps M , Lo CC , Luu T , McNew LA , Minogue T , Munk CA , Osborne B , Patel M , Reitenga KG , Rosenzweig CN , Shea A , Shen X , Strockbine N , Tarr C , Teshima H , van Gieson E , Verratti K , Wolcott M , Xie G , Sozhamannan S , Gibbons HS
Ref : PLoS ONE , 7 :e48228 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ahmed_2012_PLoS.One_7_e48228
PubMedID: 23133618
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR

Title : Carboxylesterases 1 and 2 hydrolyze phospho-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: relevance to their pharmacological activity - Wong_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_340_422
Author(s) : Wong CC , Cheng KW , Xie G , Zhou D , Zhu CH , Constantinides PP , Rigas B
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 340 :422 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wong_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_340_422
PubMedID: 22085648

Title : GABAergic actions mediate opposite ethanol effects on dopaminergic neurons in the anterior and posterior ventral tegmental area - Guan_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_341_33
Author(s) : Guan Y , Xiao C , Krnjevic K , Xie G , Zuo W , Ye JH
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 341 :33 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Guan_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_341_33
PubMedID: 22209891

Title : Salsolinol stimulates dopamine neurons in slices of posterior ventral tegmental area indirectly by activating mu-opioid receptors - Xie_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_341_43
Author(s) : Xie G , Hipolito L , Zuo W , Polache A , Granero L , Krnjevic K , Ye JH
Ref : Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics , 341 :43 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xie_2012_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_341_43
PubMedID: 22209890

Title : Interkingdom gene transfer may contribute to the evolution of phytopathogenicity in botrytis cinerea - Zhu_2012_Evol.Bioinform.Online_8_105
Author(s) : Zhu B , Zhou Q , Xie G , Zhang G , Zhang X , Wang Y , Sun G , Li B , Jin G
Ref : Evol Bioinform Online , 8 :105 , 2012
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Title : Complete Genome Sequence of a thermotolerant sporogenic lactic acid bacterium, Bacillus coagulans strain 36D1 - Rhee_2011_Stand.Genomic.Sci_5_331
Author(s) : Rhee MS , Moritz BE , Xie G , Glavina Del Rio T , Dalin E , Tice H , Bruce D , Goodwin L , Chertkov O , Brettin T , Han C , Detter C , Pitluck S , Land ML , Patel M , Ou M , Harbrucker R , Ingram LO , Shanmugam KT
Ref : Stand Genomic Sci , 5 :331 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Rhee_2011_Stand.Genomic.Sci_5_331
PubMedID: 22675583
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacco-c1p801 , bacco-g2tqg6

Title : Large direct repeats flank genomic rearrangements between a new clinical isolate of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis A1 and Schu S4 - Nalbantoglu_2010_PLoS.One_5_e9007
Author(s) : Nalbantoglu U , Sayood K , Dempsey MP , Iwen PC , Francesconi SC , Barabote RD , Xie G , Brettin TS , Hinrichs SH , Fey PD
Ref : PLoS ONE , 5 :e9007 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nalbantoglu_2010_PLoS.One_5_e9007
PubMedID: 20140244
Gene_locus related to this paper: fratt-q5ngu5

Title : Comparative genomics of clinical and environmental Vibrio mimicus - Hasan_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_21134
Author(s) : Hasan NA , Grim CJ , Haley BJ , Chun J , Alam M , Taviani E , Hoq M , Munk AC , Saunders E , Brettin TS , Bruce DC , Challacombe JF , Detter JC , Han CS , Xie G , Nair GB , Huq A , Colwell RR
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 107 :21134 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Hasan_2010_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_107_21134
PubMedID: 21078967
Gene_locus related to this paper: vibch-VC2610 , vibch-VC2718 , vibch-VCA0688 , vibch-y1892 , vibch-y2276 , vibmi-d0gt41 , vibmi-u4zh77

Title : Whole genome sequences of two Xylella fastidiosa strains (M12 and M23) causing almond leaf scorch disease in California - Chen_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_4534
Author(s) : Chen J , Xie G , Han S , Chertkov O , Sims D , Civerolo EL
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :4534 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Chen_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_4534
PubMedID: 20601474
Gene_locus related to this paper: xylfa-cxest , xylfa-metx , xylfa-pip , xylfa-XF0015 , xylfa-XF1029 , xylfa-XF1253 , xylfa-XF1282 , xylfa-XF1356 , xylfa-XF2330 , xylfa-XF2551

Title : Three genomes from the phylum Acidobacteria provide insight into the lifestyles of these microorganisms in soils - Ward_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_2046
Author(s) : Ward NL , Challacombe JF , Janssen PH , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Wu M , Xie G , Haft DH , Sait M , Badger J , Barabote RD , Bradley B , Brettin TS , Brinkac LM , Bruce D , Creasy T , Daugherty SC , Davidsen TM , DeBoy RT , Detter JC , Dodson RJ , Durkin AS , Ganapathy A , Gwinn-Giglio M , Han CS , Khouri H , Kiss H , Kothari SP , Madupu R , Nelson KE , Nelson WC , Paulsen I , Penn K , Ren Q , Rosovitz MJ , Selengut JD , Shrivastava S , Sullivan SA , Tapia R , Thompson LS , Watkins KL , Yang Q , Yu C , Zafar N , Zhou L , Kuske CR
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :2046 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ward_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_2046
PubMedID: 19201974
Gene_locus related to this paper: korve-q1ihr9 , korve-q1ii02 , korve-q1iit0 , korve-q1ilk4 , korve-q1imj9 , korve-q1ims4 , korve-q1iqj0 , korve-q1isy7 , korve-q1itj5 , korve-q1itz6 , korve-q1ivc8 , acic5-c1f1u6 , acic5-c1f2i7 , acic5-c1f4m6 , acic5-c1f4y4 , acic5-c1f5a7 , acic5-c1f5u2 , acic5-c1f7a9 , acic5-c1f7x6 , acic5-c1f8y9 , acic5-c1f9m2 , acic5-c1f594 , acic5-c1f609 , acic5-c1f692 , acic5-c1f970 , acic5-c1fa52 , korve-q1iiw2 , korve-q1ivn9 , solue-q01nb0 , solue-q01qj6 , solue-q01r37 , solue-q01rq8 , solue-q01rz0 , solue-q01t44 , solue-q01t57 , solue-q01ts5 , solue-q01tv4 , solue-q01vd8 , solue-q01vr3 , solue-q01vw5 , solue-q01w12 , solue-q01wt9 , solue-q01y40 , solue-q01ym8 , solue-q01z24 , solue-q01z97 , solue-q01zl4 , solue-q01zm0 , solue-q01zm5 , solue-q01zm7 , solue-q02aa4 , solue-q02ab9 , solue-q02b72 , solue-q02bs8 , solue-q02bt7 , solue-q02cp0 , solue-q02d61 , solue-q020h3 , solue-q020i8 , solue-q021i6 , solue-q022b1 , solue-q022p8 , solue-q022q2 , solue-q022q3 , solue-q022x2 , solue-q022x5 , solue-q022x6 , solue-q022x8 , solue-q023e7 , solue-q024d9 , solue-q025c1 , solue-q026j1 , solue-q026k6 , solue-q026r6 , solue-q027p2 , solue-q027r8 , solue-q01zt5 , korve-q1itw6 , solue-q01yh7 , solue-q02ad6 , korve-q1imj6 , korve-q1iuf6 , acic5-c1f891 , solue-q026h7

Title : Complete genome sequence of Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica FTNF002-00 - Barabote_2009_PLoS.One_4_e7041
Author(s) : Barabote RD , Xie G , Brettin TS , Hinrichs SH , Fey PD , Jay JJ , Engle JL , Godbole SD , Noronha JM , Scheuermann RH , Zhou LW , Lion C , Dempsey MP
Ref : PLoS ONE , 4 :e7041 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Barabote_2009_PLoS.One_4_e7041
PubMedID: 19756146
Gene_locus related to this paper: fratt-q5ngu5

Title : Novel features of the polysaccharide-digesting gliding bacterium Flavobacterium johnsoniae as revealed by genome sequence analysis - McBride_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6864
Author(s) : McBride MJ , Xie G , Martens EC , Lapidus A , Henrissat B , Rhodes RG , Goltsman E , Wang W , Xu J , Hunnicutt DW , Staroscik AM , Hoover TR , Cheng YQ , Stein JL
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :6864 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : McBride_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_6864
PubMedID: 19717629
Gene_locus related to this paper: flaj1-a5fb12 , flaj1-a5fmd7 , flaj1-a5fns3

Title : Genome, transcriptome, and secretome analysis of wood decay fungus Postia placenta supports unique mechanisms of lignocellulose conversion - Martinez_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_1954
Author(s) : Martinez D , Challacombe J , Morgenstern I , Hibbett D , Schmoll M , Kubicek CP , Ferreira P , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Martinez AT , Kersten P , Hammel KE , Vanden Wymelenberg A , Gaskell J , Lindquist E , Sabat G , Bondurant SS , Larrondo LF , Canessa P , Vicuna R , Yadav J , Doddapaneni H , Subramanian V , Pisabarro AG , Lavin JL , Oguiza JA , Master E , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Harris P , Magnuson JK , Baker SE , Bruno K , Kenealy W , Hoegger PJ , Kues U , Ramaiya P , Lucas S , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Tu H , Chee CL , Misra M , Xie G , Teter S , Yaver D , James T , Mokrejs M , Pospisek M , Grigoriev IV , Brettin T , Rokhsar D , Berka R , Cullen D
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :1954 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_1954
PubMedID: 19193860
Gene_locus related to this paper: pospm-b8p1f3 , pospm-b8p2q7 , pospm-b8p4n0 , pospm-b8p4n9 , pospm-b8p5g9 , pospm-b8p5r9 , pospm-b8p6h2 , pospm-b8p7b1 , pospm-b8p7c4 , pospm-b8p8w7 , pospm-b8p9j1 , pospm-b8p164 , pospm-b8p280 , pospm-b8p423.1 , pospm-b8p423.2 , pospm-b8p858 , pospm-b8pam2 , pospm-b8pam5 , pospm-b8pb68 , pospm-b8pbm3 , pospm-b8pc54 , pospm-b8pc56 , pospm-b8pce4 , pospm-b8pd91 , pospm-b8pdk6 , pospm-b8ph32 , pospm-b8ph43 , pospm-b8phc9 , pospm-b8php7 , pospm-b8phy5 , pospm-b8pjg8 , pospm-b8pji9 , pospm-b8plr5 , pospm-b8pmk3 , pospm-b8pfg0 , pospm-b8pg35 , pospm-b8pa20.1 , pospm-b8pa20.2 , pospm-b8p4g8 , pospm-b8phn6

Title : Cloning, expression and characterization of an organic solvent tolerant lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens JCM5963 - Zhang_2009_J.Mol.Catal.B.Enzym_56_78
Author(s) : Zhang A , Cao R , Diao N , Xie G , Gao G , Gao S
Ref : J Mol Catal B Enzym , 56 :78 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Zhang_2009_J.Mol.Catal.B.Enzym_56_78
Gene_locus related to this paper: psef5-q4kj24

Title : Acetylcholine release by human colon cancer cells mediates autocrine stimulation of cell proliferation - Cheng_2008_Am.J.Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol_295_G591
Author(s) : Cheng K , Samimi R , Xie G , Shant J , Drachenberg C , Wade M , Davis RJ , Nomikos G , Raufman JP
Ref : American Journal of Physiology Gastrointest Liver Physiol , 295 :G591 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cheng_2008_Am.J.Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol_295_G591
PubMedID: 18653726

Title : Esterase SeE of Streptococcus equi ssp. equi is a novel nonspecific carboxylic ester hydrolase - Xie_2008_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_289_181
Author(s) : Xie G , Liu M , Zhu H , Lei B
Ref : FEMS Microbiology Letters , 289 :181 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xie_2008_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_289_181
PubMedID: 19054107

Title : Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina) - Martinez_2008_Nat.Biotechnol_26_553
Author(s) : Martinez D , Berka RM , Henrissat B , Saloheimo M , Arvas M , Baker SE , Chapman J , Chertkov O , Coutinho PM , Cullen D , Danchin EG , Grigoriev IV , Harris P , Jackson M , Kubicek CP , Han CS , Ho I , Larrondo LF , de Leon AL , Magnuson JK , Merino S , Misra M , Nelson B , Putnam N , Robbertse B , Salamov AA , Schmoll M , Terry A , Thayer N , Westerholm-Parvinen A , Schoch CL , Yao J , Barabote R , Nelson MA , Detter C , Bruce D , Kuske CR , Xie G , Richardson P , Rokhsar DS , Lucas SM , Rubin EM , Dunn-Coleman N , Ward M , Brettin TS
Ref : Nat Biotechnol , 26 :553 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martinez_2008_Nat.Biotechnol_26_553
PubMedID: 18454138
Gene_locus related to this paper: hypjq-g0rh85 , hypjq-cip2 , hypjq-g0r9d1 , hypjq-g0r810 , hypjq-g0rbm4 , hypjq-g0rez4 , hypjq-g0rfr3 , hypjq-g0rg60 , hypjq-g0rij9 , hypjq-g0riu1 , hypjq-g0rl87 , hypjq-g0rlh4 , hypjq-g0rme5 , hypjq-g0rwy5 , hypje-axylest , hypje-q7z9m3 , hypjq-g0r6x2 , hypje-a0a024s1b8 , hypjr-a0a024s1s9 , hypjq-g0rxi5

Title : Analysis of the neurotoxin complex genes in Clostridium botulinum A1-A4 and B1 strains: BoNT\/A3, \/Ba4 and \/B1 clusters are located within plasmids - Smith_2007_PLoS.One_2_e1271
Author(s) : Smith TJ , Hill KK , Foley BT , Detter JC , Munk AC , Bruce DC , Doggett NA , Smith LA , Marks JD , Xie G , Brettin TS
Ref : PLoS ONE , 2 :e1271 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Smith_2007_PLoS.One_2_e1271
PubMedID: 18060065
Gene_locus related to this paper: clob1-a7fqm2 , clob1-a7fv94 , clobl-a7gbn0 , clobh-pip , clobh-a5i3m0 , clob1-a7fvd9 , clobl-a7gbt4

Title : Genome sequence of the cellulolytic gliding bacterium Cytophaga hutchinsonii - Xie_2007_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_73_3536
Author(s) : Xie G , Bruce DC , Challacombe JF , Chertkov O , Detter JC , Gilna P , Han CS , Lucas S , Misra M , Myers GL , Richardson P , Tapia R , Thayer N , Thompson LS , Brettin TS , Henrissat B , Wilson DB , McBride MJ
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 73 :3536 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Xie_2007_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_73_3536
PubMedID: 17400776
Gene_locus related to this paper: cyth3-q11pu3 , cyth3-q11rb1 , cyth3-q11sp5 , cyth3-q11sp6 , cyth3-q11ty5 , cyth3-q11vh6 , cyth3-q11vj5 , cyth3-q11w17 , cyth3-q11xy0

Title : The complete genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis Al Hakam - Challacombe_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_3680
Author(s) : Challacombe JF , Altherr MR , Xie G , Bhotika SS , Brown N , Bruce D , Campbell CS , Campbell ML , Chen J , Chertkov O , Cleland C , Dimitrijevic M , Doggett NA , Fawcett JJ , Glavina T , Goodwin LA , Green LD , Han CS , Hill KK , Hitchcock P , Jackson PJ , Keim P , Kewalramani AR , Longmire J , Lucas S , Malfatti S , Martinez D , McMurry K , Meincke LJ , Misra M , Moseman BL , Mundt M , Munk AC , Okinaka RT , Parson-Quintana B , Reilly LP , Richardson P , Robinson DL , Saunders E , Tapia R , Tesmer JG , Thayer N , Thompson LS , Tice H , Ticknor LO , Wills PL , Gilna P , Brettin TS
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 189 :3680 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Challacombe_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_3680
PubMedID: 17337577
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacah-a0rcd1 , bacah-a0rer5 , bacah-a0rev7 , bacan-BA1019 , bacan-BA1242 , bacan-BA2392 , bacan-BA2607 , bacan-BA3343 , bacan-BA3863 , bacan-BA3877 , bacan-BA4324 , bacan-BA4338 , bacan-BA4577 , bacan-BA5009 , bacan-BA5110 , bacan-BA5136 , bacan-DHBF , bacc1-q73a27 , bacc1-q73c93 , bacce-BC0192 , bacce-BC1788 , bacce-BC1954 , bacce-BC2141 , bacce-BC2171 , bacce-BC4730 , bacce-BC4862 , bacce-BC5130 , bacce-PHAC , bacce-q72yu1 , baccr-pepx , bachk-q6hcl3 , bachk-q6hgn4 , bachk-q6hgp9 , bachk-q6hig3 , bachk-q6hit8

Title : Complete genome sequence of Haemophilus somnus (Histophilus somni) strain 129Pt and comparison to Haemophilus ducreyi 35000HP and Haemophilus influenzae Rd - Challacombe_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_1890
Author(s) : Challacombe JF , Duncan AJ , Brettin TS , Bruce D , Chertkov O , Detter JC , Han CS , Misra M , Richardson P , Tapia R , Thayer N , Xie G , Inzana TJ
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 189 :1890 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Challacombe_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_1890
PubMedID: 17172329
Gene_locus related to this paper: haes1-q0i317 , haes1-q0i470 , haes2-b0utw7 , haes2-b0uvn0 , haes2-b0uwc2

Title : Pathogenomic sequence analysis of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis isolates closely related to Bacillus anthracis - Han_2006_J.Bacteriol_188_3382
Author(s) : Han CS , Xie G , Challacombe JF , Altherr MR , Bhotika SS , Brown N , Bruce D , Campbell CS , Campbell ML , Chen J , Chertkov O , Cleland C , Dimitrijevic M , Doggett NA , Fawcett JJ , Glavina T , Goodwin LA , Green LD , Hill KK , Hitchcock P , Jackson PJ , Keim P , Kewalramani AR , Longmire J , Lucas S , Malfatti S , McMurry K , Meincke LJ , Misra M , Moseman BL , Mundt M , Munk AC , Okinaka RT , Parson-Quintana B , Reilly LP , Richardson P , Robinson DL , Rubin E , Saunders E , Tapia R , Tesmer JG , Thayer N , Thompson LS , Tice H , Ticknor LO , Wills PL , Brettin TS , Gilna P
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 188 :3382 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Han_2006_J.Bacteriol_188_3382
PubMedID: 16621833
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacan-BA0954 , bacan-BA2607 , bacce-BC0968 , bacce-BC3133 , bacce-BC5130 , bacce-c2mr40 , baccz-q63gk2

Title : Crystal Structure of an Acylpeptide Hydrolase\/Esterase from Aeropyrum pernix K1. - Bartlam_2004_Structure.(Camb)_12_1481
Author(s) : Bartlam M , Wang G , Yang H , Gao R , Zhao X , Xie G , Cao S , Feng Y , Rao Z
Ref : Structure(Camb) , 12 :1481 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bartlam_2004_Structure.(Camb)_12_1481
PubMedID: 15296741
Gene_locus related to this paper: aerpe-APE1547

Title : The DNA sequence and biology of human chromosome 19 - Grimwood_2004_Nature_428_529
Author(s) : Grimwood J , Gordon LA , Olsen A , Terry A , Schmutz J , Lamerdin J , Hellsten U , Goodstein D , Couronne O , Tran-Gyamfi M , Aerts A , Altherr M , Ashworth L , Bajorek E , Black S , Branscomb E , Caenepeel S , Carrano A , Caoile C , Chan YM , Christensen M , Cleland CA , Copeland A , Dalin E , Dehal P , Denys M , Detter JC , Escobar J , Flowers D , Fotopulos D , Garcia C , Georgescu AM , Glavina T , Gomez M , Gonzales E , Groza M , Hammon N , Hawkins T , Haydu L , Ho I , Huang W , Israni S , Jett J , Kadner K , Kimball H , Kobayashi A , Larionov V , Leem SH , Lopez F , Lou Y , Lowry S , Malfatti S , Martinez D , McCready P , Medina C , Morgan J , Nelson K , Nolan M , Ovcharenko I , Pitluck S , Pollard M , Popkie AP , Predki P , Quan G , Ramirez L , Rash S , Retterer J , Rodriguez A , Rogers S , Salamov A , Salazar A , She X , Smith D , Slezak T , Solovyev V , Thayer N , Tice H , Tsai M , Ustaszewska A , Vo N , Wagner M , Wheeler J , Wu K , Xie G , Yang J , Dubchak I , Furey TS , DeJong P , Dickson M , Gordon D , Eichler EE , Pennacchio LA , Richardson P , Stubbs L , Rokhsar DS , Myers RM , Rubin EM , Lucas SM
Ref : Nature , 428 :529 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Grimwood_2004_Nature_428_529
PubMedID: 15057824

Title : The sequence and analysis of duplication-rich human chromosome 16 - Martin_2004_Nature_432_988
Author(s) : Martin J , Han C , Gordon LA , Terry A , Prabhakar S , She X , Xie G , Hellsten U , Chan YM , Altherr M , Couronne O , Aerts A , Bajorek E , Black S , Blumer H , Branscomb E , Brown NC , Bruno WJ , Buckingham JM , Callen DF , Campbell CS , Campbell ML , Campbell EW , Caoile C , Challacombe JF , Chasteen LA , Chertkov O , Chi HC , Christensen M , Clark LM , Cohn JD , Denys M , Detter JC , Dickson M , Dimitrijevic-Bussod M , Escobar J , Fawcett JJ , Flowers D , Fotopulos D , Glavina T , Gomez M , Gonzales E , Goodstein D , Goodwin LA , Grady DL , Grigoriev I , Groza M , Hammon N , Hawkins T , Haydu L , Hildebrand CE , Huang W , Israni S , Jett J , Jewett PB , Kadner K , Kimball H , Kobayashi A , Krawczyk MC , Leyba T , Longmire JL , Lopez F , Lou Y , Lowry S , Ludeman T , Manohar CF , Mark GA , McMurray KL , Meincke LJ , Morgan J , Moyzis RK , Mundt MO , Munk AC , Nandkeshwar RD , Pitluck S , Pollard M , Predki P , Parson-Quintana B , Ramirez L , Rash S , Retterer J , Ricke DO , Robinson DL , Rodriguez A , Salamov A , Saunders EH , Scott D , Shough T , Stallings RL , Stalvey M , Sutherland RD , Tapia R , Tesmer JG , Thayer N , Thompson LS , Tice H , Torney DC , Tran-Gyamfi M , Tsai M , Ulanovsky LE , Ustaszewska A , Vo N , White PS , Williams AL , Wills PL , Wu JR , Wu K , Yang J , DeJong P , Bruce D , Doggett NA , Deaven L , Schmutz J , Grimwood J , Richardson P , Rokhsar DS , Eichler EE , Gilna P , Lucas SM , Myers RM , Rubin EM , Pennacchio LA
Ref : Nature , 432 :988 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Martin_2004_Nature_432_988
PubMedID: 15616553
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CES1 , human-CES2 , human-CES3 , human-CES4A , human-CES5A