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Title : The genome of the simian and human malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi - Pain_2008_Nature_455_799
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PubMedSearch : Pain_2008_Nature_455_799
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Title : Complete genome sequence of uropathogenic Proteus mirabilis, a master of both adherence and motility - Pearson_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_4027
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Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 190 :4027 , 2008
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PubMedSearch : Pearson_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_4027
PubMedID: 18375554
Gene_locus related to this paper: promh-b4euu8 , promh-b4ev30 , promh-b4evj5 , promh-b4f0a1 , promh-bioh , promi-c2lhp6 , promi-c2lla8 , promi-NRPS , promi-NRPT , promi-k1gzm2 , promh-b4eve8

Title : The genome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum - Eichinger_2005_Nature_435_43
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Ref : Nature , 435 :43 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Eichinger_2005_Nature_435_43
PubMedID: 15875012
Gene_locus related to this paper: dicdi-abhd , dicdi-ACHE , dicdi-apra , dicdi-cinbp , dicdi-CMBL , dicdi-crysp , dicdi-DPOA , dicdi-P90528 , dicdi-ppme1 , dicdi-Q8MYE7 , dicdi-q54cf7 , dicdi-q54cl7 , dicdi-q54cm0 , dicdi-q54ct5 , dicdi-q54cu1 , dicdi-q54d54 , dicdi-q54d66 , dicdi-q54dj5 , dicdi-q54dy7 , dicdi-q54ek1 , dicdi-q54eq6 , dicdi-q54et1 , dicdi-q54et7 , dicdi-q54f01 , dicdi-q54g24 , dicdi-q54g47 , dicdi-q54gi7 , dicdi-q54gw5 , dicdi-q54gx3 , dicdi-q54h23 , dicdi-q54h73 , dicdi-q54i38 , dicdi-q54ie5 , dicdi-q54in4 , dicdi-q54kz1 , dicdi-q54l36 , dicdi-q54li1 , dicdi-q54m29 , dicdi-q54n21 , dicdi-q54n35 , dicdi-q54n85 , dicdi-q54qe7 , dicdi-q54qi3 , dicdi-q54qk2 , dicdi-q54rl3 , dicdi-q54rl8 , dicdi-q54sy6 , dicdi-q54sz3 , dicdi-q54t49 , dicdi-q54t91 , dicdi-q54th2 , dicdi-q54u01 , dicdi-q54vc2 , dicdi-q54vw1 , dicdi-q54xe3 , dicdi-q54xl3 , dicdi-q54xu1 , dicdi-q54xu2 , dicdi-q54y48 , dicdi-q54yd0 , dicdi-q54ye0 , dicdi-q54yl1 , dicdi-q54yr8 , dicdi-q54z90 , dicdi-q55bx3 , dicdi-q55d01 , dicdi-q55d81 , dicdi-q55du6 , dicdi-q55eu1 , dicdi-q55eu8 , dicdi-q55fk4 , dicdi-q55gk7 , dicdi-Q54ZA6 , dicdi-q86h82 , dicdi-Q86HC9 , dicdi-Q86HM5 , dicdi-Q86HM6 , dicdi-q86iz7 , dicdi-q86jb6 , dicdi-Q86KU7 , dicdi-q550s3 , dicdi-q552c0 , dicdi-q553t5 , dicdi-q555e5 , dicdi-q555h0 , dicdi-q555h1 , dicdi-q557k5 , dicdi-q558u2 , dicdi-Q869Q8 , dicdi-u554 , dicdi-y9086 , dicdi-q54r44 , dicdi-f172a

Title : Complete genome sequence and lytic phase transcription profile of a Coccolithovirus - Wilson_2005_Science_309_1090
Author(s) : Wilson WH , Schroeder DC , Allen MJ , Holden MT , Parkhill J , Barrell BG , Churcher C , Hamlin N , Mungall K , Norbertczak H , Quail MA , Price C , Rabbinowitsch E , Walker D , Craigon M , Roy D , Ghazal P
Ref : Science , 309 :1090 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wilson_2005_Science_309_1090
PubMedID: 16099989
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9phyc-q4a2b6 , 9phyc-q4a3c9 , ehv86-q4a332

Title : The genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei - Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
Author(s) : Berriman M , Ghedin E , Hertz-Fowler C , Blandin G , Renauld H , Bartholomeu DC , Lennard NJ , Caler E , Hamlin NE , Haas B , Bohme U , Hannick L , Aslett MA , Shallom J , Marcello L , Hou L , Wickstead B , Alsmark UC , Arrowsmith C , Atkin RJ , Barron AJ , Bringaud F , Brooks K , Carrington M , Cherevach I , Chillingworth TJ , Churcher C , Clark LN , Corton CH , Cronin A , Davies RM , Doggett J , Djikeng A , Feldblyum T , Field MC , Fraser A , Goodhead I , Hance Z , Harper D , Harris BR , Hauser H , Hostetler J , Ivens A , Jagels K , Johnson D , Johnson J , Jones K , Kerhornou AX , Koo H , Larke N , Landfear S , Larkin C , Leech V , Line A , Lord A , MacLeod A , Mooney PJ , Moule S , Martin DM , Morgan GW , Mungall K , Norbertczak H , Ormond D , Pai G , Peacock CS , Peterson J , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rajandream MA , Reitter C , Salzberg SL , Sanders M , Schobel S , Sharp S , Simmonds M , Simpson AJ , Tallon L , Turner CM , Tait A , Tivey AR , Van Aken S , Walker D , Wanless D , Wang S , White B , White O , Whitehead S , Woodward J , Wortman J , Adams MD , Embley TM , Gull K , Ullu E , Barry JD , Fairlamb AH , Opperdoes F , Barrell BG , Donelson JE , Hall N , Fraser CM , Melville SE , El-Sayed NM
Ref : Science , 309 :416 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
PubMedID: 16020726
Gene_locus related to this paper: tryb2-q6h9e3 , tryb2-q6ha27 , tryb2-q38cd5 , tryb2-q38cd6 , tryb2-q38cd7 , tryb2-q38dc1 , tryb2-q38de4 , tryb2-q38ds6 , tryb2-q38dx1 , tryb2-q380z6 , tryb2-q382c1 , tryb2-q382l4 , tryb2-q383a9 , tryb2-q386e3 , tryb2-q387r7 , tryb2-q388n1 , tryb2-q389w3 , trybr-PEPTB , trycr-q4cq28 , trycr-q4cq94 , trycr-q4cq95 , trycr-q4cq96 , trycr-q4csm0 , trycr-q4cwv3 , trycr-q4cx66 , trycr-q4cxr6 , trycr-q4cyc5 , trycr-q4cyf6 , trycr-q4d3a2 , trycr-q4d3x3 , trycr-q4d3y4 , trycr-q4d6h1 , trycr-q4d8h8 , trycr-q4d8h9 , trycr-q4d8i0 , trycr-q4d786 , trycr-q4d975 , trycr-q4da08 , trycr-q4dap6 , trycr-q4dbm2 , trycr-q4dbn1 , trycr-q4ddw7 , trycr-q4de42 , trycr-q4dhn8 , trycr-q4dkk8 , trycr-q4dkk9 , trycr-q4dm56 , trycr-q4dqa6 , trycr-q4dt91 , trycr-q4dvp2 , trycr-q4dw34 , trycr-q4dwm3 , trycr-q4dy49 , trycr-q4dy82 , trycr-q4dzp6 , trycr-q4e3m8 , trycr-q4e4t5 , trycr-q4e5d1 , trycr-q4e5z2

Title : Genome sequence of the enterobacterial phytopathogen Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica and characterization of virulence factors - Bell_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_11105
Author(s) : Bell KS , Sebaihia M , Pritchard L , Holden MT , Hyman LJ , Holeva MC , Thomson NR , Bentley SD , Churcher LJ , Mungall K , Atkin R , Bason N , Brooks K , Chillingworth T , Clark K , Doggett J , Fraser A , Hance Z , Hauser H , Jagels K , Moule S , Norbertczak H , Ormond D , Price C , Quail MA , Sanders M , Walker D , Whitehead S , Salmond GP , Birch PR , Parkhill J , Toth IK
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 101 :11105 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bell_2004_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_101_11105
PubMedID: 15263089
Gene_locus related to this paper: erwct-q6czi2 , erwct-q6czl9 , erwct-q6czu1 , erwct-q6d0l3 , erwct-q6d1e3 , erwct-q6d1l9 , erwct-q6d2k4 , erwct-q6d2x2 , erwct-q6d3m9 , erwct-q6d4b7 , erwct-q6d6t8 , erwct-q6d7j1 , erwct-q6d7p5 , erwct-q6d7w3 , erwct-q6d8k2 , erwct-q6d8q7 , erwct-q6d9l2 , erwct-q6d041 , erwct-q6d134 , erwct-q6d207 , erwct-q6d508 , erwct-q6d615 , erwct-q6d673 , erwct-q6d739.1 , erwct-q6d739.2 , erwct-q6d884 , erwct-q6da42 , erwct-q6da66 , erwct-q6dac1 , erwct-q6dar9 , erwct-Y3465