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Title : Comparative genome analysis of Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella Gallinarum 287\/91 provides insights into evolutionary and host adaptation pathways - Thomson_2008_Genome.Res_18_1624
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Title : Comparison of the genome sequence of the poultry pathogen Bordetella avium with those of B. bronchiseptica, B. pertussis, and B. parapertussis reveals extensive diversity in surface structures associated with host interaction - Sebaihia_2006_J.Bacteriol_188_6002
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Title : Genomic sequence of the pathogenic and allergenic filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus - Nierman_2005_Nature_438_1151
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Ref : Nature , 438 :1151 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nierman_2005_Nature_438_1151
PubMedID: 16372009
Gene_locus related to this paper: aspfc-b0xp50 , aspfc-b0xu40 , aspfc-b0xzj6 , aspfc-dpp5 , aspfu-apth1 , aspfu-axe1 , aspfu-CBPYA , aspfu-faec , aspfu-kex1 , aspfu-ppme1 , aspfu-q4wa39 , aspfu-q4wa78 , aspfu-q4wf56 , aspfu-q4wg73 , aspfu-q4wk44 , aspfu-q4wkh6 , aspfu-q4wnx3 , aspfu-q4wpb9 , aspfu-q4wqv2 , aspfu-q4wub2 , aspfu-q4wxr1 , aspfu-q4x0n6 , aspfu-q4x1n0 , aspfu-q5vjg7 , neofi-a1cwa6 , neofi-a1dfr9 , aspfm-a0a084bf80 , aspfu-fmac

Title : Extensive DNA inversions in the B. fragilis genome control variable gene expression - Cerdeno-Tarraga_2005_Science_307_1463
Author(s) : Cerdeno-Tarraga AM , Patrick S , Crossman LC , Blakely G , Abratt V , Lennard N , Poxton I , Duerden B , Harris B , Quail MA , Barron A , Clark L , Corton C , Doggett J , Holden MT , Larke N , Line A , Lord A , Norbertczak H , Ormond D , Price C , Rabbinowitsch E , Woodward J , Barrell B , Parkhill J
Ref : Science , 307 :1463 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Cerdeno-Tarraga_2005_Science_307_1463
PubMedID: 15746427
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacfn-q5l8p8 , bacfn-q5lef1 , bacfn-q5lh43 , bacfn-q5lhv2 , bacfr-q64mh3 , bacfr-q64n33 , bacfr-q64qs3 , bacfr-q64t24 , bacfr-q64uj8 , bacfr-q64vx6 , bacfr-q64wh2 , bacfr-q64xp9 , bacfr-q650j0

Title : Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva - Pain_2005_Science_309_131
Author(s) : Pain A , Renauld H , Berriman M , Murphy L , Yeats CA , Weir W , Kerhornou A , Aslett M , Bishop R , Bouchier C , Cochet M , Coulson RM , Cronin A , de Villiers EP , Fraser A , Fosker N , Gardner M , Goble A , Griffiths-Jones S , Harris DE , Katzer F , Larke N , Lord A , Maser P , McKellar S , Mooney P , Morton F , Nene V , O'Neil S , Price C , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rawlings ND , Rutter S , Saunders D , Seeger K , Shah T , Squares R , Squares S , Tivey A , Walker AR , Woodward J , Dobbelaere DA , Langsley G , Rajandream MA , McKeever D , Shiels B , Tait A , Barrell B , Hall N
Ref : Science , 309 :131 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pain_2005_Science_309_131
PubMedID: 15994557
Gene_locus related to this paper: thean-q4u9u6 , thean-q4ub48 , thean-q4ubz1 , thean-q4uc78 , thean-q4uc93 , thean-q4uck1 , thean-q4udw9 , thean-q4ue56 , thean-q4uf06 , thean-q4ug98 , thean-q4uhj9 , thepa-q4n349

Title : The genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei - Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
Author(s) : Berriman M , Ghedin E , Hertz-Fowler C , Blandin G , Renauld H , Bartholomeu DC , Lennard NJ , Caler E , Hamlin NE , Haas B , Bohme U , Hannick L , Aslett MA , Shallom J , Marcello L , Hou L , Wickstead B , Alsmark UC , Arrowsmith C , Atkin RJ , Barron AJ , Bringaud F , Brooks K , Carrington M , Cherevach I , Chillingworth TJ , Churcher C , Clark LN , Corton CH , Cronin A , Davies RM , Doggett J , Djikeng A , Feldblyum T , Field MC , Fraser A , Goodhead I , Hance Z , Harper D , Harris BR , Hauser H , Hostetler J , Ivens A , Jagels K , Johnson D , Johnson J , Jones K , Kerhornou AX , Koo H , Larke N , Landfear S , Larkin C , Leech V , Line A , Lord A , MacLeod A , Mooney PJ , Moule S , Martin DM , Morgan GW , Mungall K , Norbertczak H , Ormond D , Pai G , Peacock CS , Peterson J , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Rajandream MA , Reitter C , Salzberg SL , Sanders M , Schobel S , Sharp S , Simmonds M , Simpson AJ , Tallon L , Turner CM , Tait A , Tivey AR , Van Aken S , Walker D , Wanless D , Wang S , White B , White O , Whitehead S , Woodward J , Wortman J , Adams MD , Embley TM , Gull K , Ullu E , Barry JD , Fairlamb AH , Opperdoes F , Barrell BG , Donelson JE , Hall N , Fraser CM , Melville SE , El-Sayed NM
Ref : Science , 309 :416 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Berriman_2005_Science_309_416
PubMedID: 16020726
Gene_locus related to this paper: tryb2-q6h9e3 , tryb2-q6ha27 , tryb2-q38cd5 , tryb2-q38cd6 , tryb2-q38cd7 , tryb2-q38dc1 , tryb2-q38de4 , tryb2-q38ds6 , tryb2-q38dx1 , tryb2-q380z6 , tryb2-q382c1 , tryb2-q382l4 , tryb2-q383a9 , tryb2-q386e3 , tryb2-q387r7 , tryb2-q388n1 , tryb2-q389w3 , trybr-PEPTB , trycr-q4cq28 , trycr-q4cq94 , trycr-q4cq95 , trycr-q4cq96 , trycr-q4csm0 , trycr-q4cwv3 , trycr-q4cx66 , trycr-q4cxr6 , trycr-q4cyc5 , trycr-q4cyf6 , trycr-q4d3a2 , trycr-q4d3x3 , trycr-q4d3y4 , trycr-q4d6h1 , trycr-q4d8h8 , trycr-q4d8h9 , trycr-q4d8i0 , trycr-q4d786 , trycr-q4d975 , trycr-q4da08 , trycr-q4dap6 , trycr-q4dbm2 , trycr-q4dbn1 , trycr-q4ddw7 , trycr-q4de42 , trycr-q4dhn8 , trycr-q4dkk8 , trycr-q4dkk9 , trycr-q4dm56 , trycr-q4dqa6 , trycr-q4dt91 , trycr-q4dvp2 , trycr-q4dw34 , trycr-q4dwm3 , trycr-q4dy49 , trycr-q4dy82 , trycr-q4dzp6 , trycr-q4e3m8 , trycr-q4e4t5 , trycr-q4e5d1 , trycr-q4e5z2

Title : The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major - Ivens_2005_Science_309_436
Author(s) : Ivens AC , Peacock CS , Worthey EA , Murphy L , Aggarwal G , Berriman M , Sisk E , Rajandream MA , Adlem E , Aert R , Anupama A , Apostolou Z , Attipoe P , Bason N , Bauser C , Beck A , Beverley SM , Bianchettin G , Borzym K , Bothe G , Bruschi CV , Collins M , Cadag E , Ciarloni L , Clayton C , Coulson RM , Cronin A , Cruz AK , Davies RM , De Gaudenzi J , Dobson DE , Duesterhoeft A , Fazelina G , Fosker N , Frasch AC , Fraser A , Fuchs M , Gabel C , Goble A , Goffeau A , Harris D , Hertz-Fowler C , Hilbert H , Horn D , Huang Y , Klages S , Knights A , Kube M , Larke N , Litvin L , Lord A , Louie T , Marra M , Masuy D , Matthews K , Michaeli S , Mottram JC , Muller-Auer S , Munden H , Nelson S , Norbertczak H , Oliver K , O'Neil S , Pentony M , Pohl TM , Price C , Purnelle B , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Reinhardt R , Rieger M , Rinta J , Robben J , Robertson L , Ruiz JC , Rutter S , Saunders D , Schafer M , Schein J , Schwartz DC , Seeger K , Seyler A , Sharp S , Shin H , Sivam D , Squares R , Squares S , Tosato V , Vogt C , Volckaert G , Wambutt R , Warren T , Wedler H , Woodward J , Zhou S , Zimmermann W , Smith DF , Blackwell JM , Stuart KD , Barrell B , Myler PJ
Ref : Science , 309 :436 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ivens_2005_Science_309_436
PubMedID: 16020728
Gene_locus related to this paper: leima-e9ady6 , leima-L2464.12 , leima-L2802.02 , leima-OPB , leima-q4fw33 , leima-q4fwg8 , leima-q4fwj0 , leima-q4fya7 , leima-q4q0a1 , leima-q4q0t5 , leima-q4q0v0 , leima-q4q1h9 , leima-q4q2c9 , leima-q4q4j7 , leima-q4q4t6 , leima-q4q5j1 , leima-q4q6e9 , leima-q4q7v8 , leima-q4q8a8 , leima-q4q9g9 , leima-q4q080 , leima-q4q398 , leima-q4q615 , leima-q4q819 , leima-q4q871 , leima-q4q942 , leima-q4qae7 , leima-q4qb85 , leima-q4qdz7 , leima-q4qe26 , leima-q4qe31 , leima-q4qe85 , leima-q4qe86 , leima-q4qe87 , leima-q4qe90 , leima-q4qec8 , leima-q4qgz4 , leima-q4qgz5 , leima-q4qhs0 , leima-q4qj45