Escherichia coli, Escherichia fergusonii, Isoamylase protein yieL
The hydrolase is attached in C-term of CBM_48 Glycoside hydrolase family 13 domain protein. || There are more than 1000 strains. Other Uniprot entries and list of strains can be found with the link: Other strains.
Family : A85-Feruloyl-Esterase
Block : X
Position in NCBI Life Tree : Escherichia coli
(Below N is a link to NCBI taxonomic web page and E link to ESTHER at designed phylum.)
Title : Genomics of rapid adaptation to antibiotics: convergent evolution and scalable sequence amplification - Laehnemann_2014_Genome.Biol.Evol_6_1287 |
Author(s) : Laehnemann D , Pena-Miller R , Rosenstiel P , Beardmore R , Jansen G , Schulenburg H |
Ref : Genome Biol Evol , 6 :1287 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Laehnemann_2014_Genome.Biol.Evol_6_1287 |
PubMedID: 24850796 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Complete Genome Sequences of Nitrofurantoin-Sensitive and -Resistant Escherichia coli ST540 and ST2747 Strains - Xavier_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00239 |
Author(s) : Xavier BB , Vervoort J , Stewardson A , Adriaenssens N , Coenen S , Harbarth S , Goossens H , Malhotra-Kumar S |
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Xavier_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00239 |
PubMedID: 24723707 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel |
Title : Genome Sequences of 228 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Isolates and 12 Isolates Representing Other Diarrheagenic E. coli Pathotypes - Trees_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00718 |
Author(s) : Trees E , Strockbine N , Changayil S , Ranganathan S , Zhao K , Weil R , Maccannell D , Sabol A , Schmidtke A , Martin H , Stripling D , Ribot EM , Gerner-Smidt P |
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Trees_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00718 |
PubMedID: 25103754 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli to an alpha-peptide\/beta-peptoid peptidomimetic induces stable resistance - Hein-Kristensen_2013_PLoS.One_8_e73620 |
Author(s) : Hein-Kristensen L , Franzyk H , Holch A , Gram L |
Ref : PLoS ONE , 8 :e73620 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hein-Kristensen_2013_PLoS.One_8_e73620 |
PubMedID: 24040003 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-IROD , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Adaptive mutations and replacements of virulence traits in the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak population - Guy_2013_PLoS.One_8_e63027 |
Author(s) : Guy L , Jernberg C , Arven Norling J , Ivarsson S , Hedenstrom I , Melefors O , Liljedahl U , Engstrand L , Andersson SG |
Ref : PLoS ONE , 8 :e63027 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Guy_2013_PLoS.One_8_e63027 |
PubMedID: 23675451 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia |
Title : Genome Sequences of Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Brazilian Commercial Poultry - Rojas_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e0011013 |
Author(s) : Rojas TC , Maluta RP , Parizzi LP , Koenigkan LV , Yang J , Yu J , Pereira GA , Dias da Silveira W |
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 :e0011013 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rojas_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e0011013 |
PubMedID: 23516222 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-IROD , ecoli-IROE , ecoli-estX , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Genome Sequences of Two Emerging Non-O157 Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Strains - Cao_2013_Genome.Announc_1_E00200 |
Author(s) : Cao G , Ju W , Rump L , Zhao S , Zou L , Wang C , Strain E , Luo Y , Timme R , Allard M , Brown E , Meng J |
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 :E00200 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Cao_2013_Genome.Announc_1_E00200 |
PubMedID: 23682138 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Draft Genome Sequences of Two O104:H21 Escherichia coli Isolates Causing Hemorrhagic Colitis during a 1994 Montana Outbreak Provide Insight into Their Pathogenicity - Gonzalez-Escalona_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00805 |
Author(s) : Gonzalez-Escalona N , McFarland MA , Rump LV , Payne J , Andrzejewski D , Brown EW , Evans PS , Croley TR |
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 : , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Gonzalez-Escalona_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00805 |
PubMedID: 24092795 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecolx-e1iyu3 |
Title : Complete Genome Sequence of the Epidemic and Highly Virulent CTX-M-15-Producing H30-Rx Subclone of Escherichia coli ST131 - Andersen_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00988 |
Author(s) : Andersen PS , Stegger M , Aziz M , Contente-Cuomo T , Gibbons HS , Keim P , Sokurenko EV , Johnson JR , Price LB |
Ref : Genome Announc , 1 :e00988 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Andersen_2013_Genome.Announc_1_e00988 |
PubMedID: 24309736 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecolx-f4suw9 , ecolx-g0dan0 |
Title : Optical mapping and sequencing of the Escherichia coli KO11 genome reveal extensive chromosomal rearrangements, and multiple tandem copies of the Zymomonas mobilis pdc and adhB genes - Turner_2012_J.Ind.Microbiol.Biotechnol_39_629 |
Author(s) : Turner PC , Yomano LP , Jarboe LR , York SW , Baggett CL , Moritz BE , Zentz EB , Shanmugam KT , Ingram LO |
Ref : J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol , 39 :629 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Turner_2012_J.Ind.Microbiol.Biotechnol_39_629 |
PubMedID: 22075923 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Draft genome sequences of the diarrheagenic Escherichia coli collection - Hazen_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_3026 |
Author(s) : Hazen TH , Sahl JW , Redman JC , Morris CR , Daugherty SC , Chibucos MC , Sengamalay NA , Fraser-Liggett CM , Steinsland H , Whittam TS , Whittam B , Manning SD , Rasko DA |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :3026 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hazen_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_3026 |
PubMedID: 22582382 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1341 , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Phylogenetic analysis of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains by whole-genome sequencing - Ju_2012_J.Clin.Microbiol_50_4123 |
Author(s) : Ju W , Cao G , Rump L , Strain E , Luo Y , Timme R , Allard M , Zhao S , Brown E , Meng J |
Ref : J Clin Microbiol , 50 :4123 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ju_2012_J.Clin.Microbiol_50_4123 |
PubMedID: 23052305 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1341 , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Genome sequence of Escherichia coli J53, a reference strain for genetic studies - Yi_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_3742 |
Author(s) : Yi H , Cho YJ , Yong D , Chun J |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :3742 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Yi_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_3742 |
PubMedID: 22740669 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel |
Title : Genomic epidemiology of the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreaks in Europe, 2011 - Grad_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_3065 |
Author(s) : Grad YH , Lipsitch M , Feldgarden M , Arachchi HM , Cerqueira GC , FitzGerald M , Godfrey P , Haas BJ , Murphy CI , Russ C , Sykes S , Walker BJ , Wortman JR , Young S , Zeng Q , Abouelleil A , Bochicchio J , Chauvin S , Desmet T , Gujja S , McCowan C , Montmayeur A , Steelman S , Frimodt-Moller J , Petersen AM , Struve C , Krogfelt KA , Bingen E , Weill FX , Lander ES , Nusbaum C , Birren BW , Hung DT , Hanage WP |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 109 :3065 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Grad_2012_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_109_3065 |
PubMedID: 22315421 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Draft genome sequence of Escherichia coli W26, an enteric strain isolated from cow feces - Kim_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_5149 |
Author(s) : Kim M , Yi H , Cho YJ , Jang J , Hur HG , Chun J |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 194 :5149 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kim_2012_J.Bacteriol_194_5149 |
PubMedID: 22933771 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-yuar |
Title : Complete genome sequence of adherent invasive Escherichia coli UM146 isolated from Ileal Crohn's disease biopsy tissue - Krause_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_583 |
Author(s) : Krause DO , Little AC , Dowd SE , Bernstein CN |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :583 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Krause_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_583 |
PubMedID: 21075930 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-entf , ecoli-IROD , ecoli-IROE , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecout-q1r7l6 |
Title : Genome of multidrug-resistant uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain NA114 from India - Avasthi_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_4272 |
Author(s) : Avasthi TS , Kumar N , Baddam R , Hussain A , Nandanwar N , Jadhav S , Ahmed N |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :4272 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Avasthi_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_4272 |
PubMedID: 21685291 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecolx-f4suw9 , ecolx-g0dan0 |
Title : The genome sequence of E. coli W (ATCC 9637): comparative genome analysis and an improved genome-scale reconstruction of E. coli - Archer_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_9 |
Author(s) : Archer CT , Kim JF , Jeong H , Park JH , Vickers CE , Lee SY , Nielsen LK |
Ref : BMC Genomics , 12 :9 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Archer_2011_BMC.Genomics_12_9 |
PubMedID: 21208457 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel |
Title : Origins of the E. coli strain causing an outbreak of hemolytic-uremic syndrome in Germany - Rasko_2011_N.Engl.J.Med_365_709 |
Author(s) : Rasko DA , Webster DR , Sahl JW , Bashir A , Boisen N , Scheutz F , Paxinos EE , Sebra R , Chin CS , Iliopoulos D , Klammer A , Peluso P , Lee L , Kislyuk AO , Bullard J , Kasarskis A , Wang S , Eid J , Rank D , Redman JC , Steyert SR , Frimodt-Moller J , Struve C , Petersen AM , Krogfelt KA , Nataro JP , Schadt EE , Waldor MK |
Ref : N Engl J Med , 365 :709 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rasko_2011_N.Engl.J.Med_365_709 |
PubMedID: 21793740 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-fes , ecoli-MCMK , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia |
Title : Complete genome sequence of the wild-type commensal Escherichia coli strain SE15, belonging to phylogenetic group B2 - Toh_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_1165 |
Author(s) : Toh H , Oshima K , Toyoda A , Ogura Y , Ooka T , Sasamoto H , Park SH , Iyoda S , Kurokawa K , Morita H , Itoh K , Taylor TD , Hayashi T , Hattori M |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :1165 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Toh_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_1165 |
PubMedID: 20008064 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecos5-d2nhh3 , yerpe-YBTT , ecolx-f4suw9 |
Title : Genome sequence of adherent-invasive Escherichia coli and comparative genomic analysis with other E. coli pathotypes - Nash_2010_BMC.Genomics_11_667 |
Author(s) : Nash JH , Villegas A , Kropinski AM , Aguilar-Valenzuela R , Konczy P , Mascarenhas M , Ziebell K , Torres AG , Karmali MA , Coombes BK |
Ref : BMC Genomics , 11 :667 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nash_2010_BMC.Genomics_11_667 |
PubMedID: 21108814 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-IROD , ecoli-rdmC , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia , ecos5-d2nhh3 |
Title : A commensal gone bad: complete genome sequence of the prototypical enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain H10407 - Crossman_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_5822 |
Author(s) : Crossman LC , Chaudhuri RR , Beatson SA , Wells TJ , Desvaux M , Cunningham AF , Petty NK , Mahon V , Brinkley C , Hobman JL , Savarino SJ , Turner SM , Pallen MJ , Penn CW , Parkhill J , Turner AK , Johnson TJ , Thomson NR , Smith SG , Henderson IR |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :5822 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Crossman_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_5822 |
PubMedID: 20802035 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yqia |
Title : Comparative genomics reveal the mechanism of the parallel evolution of O157 and non-O157 enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli - Ogura_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_17939 |
Author(s) : Ogura Y , Ooka T , Iguchi A , Toh H , Asadulghani M , Oshima K , Kodama T , Abe H , Nakayama K , Kurokawa K , Tobe T , Hattori M , Hayashi T |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 106 :17939 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ogura_2009_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_106_17939 |
PubMedID: 19815525 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-d7xp23 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1341 , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-Z2445 , ecoli-YfhR , yerpe-YBTT |
Title : Complete genome sequence and comparative genome analysis of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O127:H6 strain E2348\/69 - Iguchi_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_347 |
Author(s) : Iguchi A , Thomson NR , Ogura Y , Saunders D , Ooka T , Henderson IR , Harris D , Asadulghani M , Kurokawa K , Dean P , Kenny B , Quail MA , Thurston S , Dougan G , Hayashi T , Parkhill J , Frankel G |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 191 :347 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Iguchi_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_347 |
PubMedID: 18952797 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Genomic sequencing reveals regulatory mutations and recombinational events in the widely used MC4100 lineage of Escherichia coli K-12 - Ferenci_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_4025 |
Author(s) : Ferenci T , Zhou Z , Betteridge T , Ren Y , Liu Y , Feng L , Reeves PR , Wang L |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 191 :4025 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ferenci_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_4025 |
PubMedID: 19376874 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Genome sequences of Escherichia coli B strains REL606 and BL21(DE3) - Jeong_2009_J.Mol.Biol_394_644 |
Author(s) : Jeong H , Barbe V , Lee CH , Vallenet D , Yu DS , Choi SH , Couloux A , Lee SW , Yoon SH , Cattolico L , Hur CG , Park HS , Segurens B , Kim SC , Oh TK , Lenski RE , Studier FW , Daegelen P , Kim JF |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Biology , 394 :644 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Jeong_2009_J.Mol.Biol_394_644 |
PubMedID: 19786035 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: eco57-b3a913 , ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : The pangenome structure of Escherichia coli: comparative genomic analysis of E. coli commensal and pathogenic isolates - Rasko_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_6881 |
Author(s) : Rasko DA , Rosovitz MJ , Myers GS , Mongodin EF , Fricke WF , Gajer P , Crabtree J , Sebaihia M , Thomson NR , Chaudhuri R , Henderson IR , Sperandio V , Ravel J |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 190 :6881 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Rasko_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_6881 |
PubMedID: 18676672 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z2445 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli DH10B: insights into the biology of a laboratory workhorse - Durfee_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_2597 |
Author(s) : Durfee T , Nelson R , Baldwin S , Plunkett G, 3rd , Burland V , Mau B , Petrosino JF , Qin X , Muzny DM , Ayele M , Gibbs RA , Csorgo B , Posfai G , Weinstock GM , Blattner FR |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 190 :2597 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Durfee_2008_J.Bacteriol_190_2597 |
PubMedID: 18245285 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : Complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of the wild-type commensal Escherichia coli strain SE11 isolated from a healthy adult - Oshima_2008_DNA.Res_15_375 |
Author(s) : Oshima K , Toh H , Ogura Y , Sasamoto H , Morita H , Park SH , Ooka T , Iyoda S , Taylor TD , Hayashi T , Itoh K , Hattori M |
Ref : DNA Research , 15 :375 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Oshima_2008_DNA.Res_15_375 |
PubMedID: 18931093 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-Z2445 , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : The genome sequence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain O1:K1:H7 shares strong similarities with human extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli genomes - Johnson_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_3228 |
Author(s) : Johnson TJ , Kariyawasam S , Wannemuehler Y , Mangiamele P , Johnson SJ , Doetkott C , Skyberg JA , Lynne AM , Johnson JR , Nolan LK |
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 189 :3228 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Johnson_2007_J.Bacteriol_189_3228 |
PubMedID: 17293413 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecok1-a1acc0 , ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-Z1930 , ecoli-YfhR , ecout-q1r7l6 , yerpe-YBTT |
Title : Highly accurate genome sequences of Escherichia coli K-12 strains MG1655 and W3110 - Hayashi_2006_Mol.Syst.Biol_2_2006 0007 |
Author(s) : Hayashi K , Morooka N , Yamamoto Y , Fujita K , Isono K , Choi S , Ohtsubo E , Baba T , Wanner BL , Mori H , Horiuchi T |
Ref : Mol Syst Biol , 2 :2006 0007 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hayashi_2006_Mol.Syst.Biol_2_2006 0007 |
PubMedID: 16738553 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia |
Title : Identification of genes subject to positive selection in uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli: a comparative genomics approach - Chen_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_5977 |
Author(s) : Chen SL , Hung CS , Xu J , Reigstad CS , Magrini V , Sabo A , Blasiar D , Bieri T , Meyer RR , Ozersky P , Armstrong JR , Fulton RS , Latreille JP , Spieth J , Hooton TM , Mardis ER , Hultgren SJ , Gordon JI |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 103 :5977 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Chen_2006_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_103_5977 |
PubMedID: 16585510 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-C2451 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-IROD , ecoli-IROE , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-ypt1 , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecout-q1r7l6 , yerpe-YBTT |
Title : Role of pathogenicity island-associated integrases in the genome plasticity of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536 - Hochhut_2006_Mol.Microbiol_61_584 |
Author(s) : Hochhut B , Wilde C , Balling G , Middendorf B , Dobrindt U , Brzuszkiewicz E , Gottschalk G , Carniel E , Hacker J |
Ref : Molecular Microbiology , 61 :584 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hochhut_2006_Mol.Microbiol_61_584 |
PubMedID: 16879640 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-rutD , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-C0410 , ecoli-C2429 , ecoli-C2451 , ecoli-C4836 , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-IROD , ecoli-IROE , ecoli-pldb , ecoli-ptrb , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR , ecolx-q707d7 , yerpe-YBTT |
Title : The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12 - Blattner_1997_Science_277_1453 |
Author(s) : Blattner FR , Plunkett G, 3rd , Bloch CA , Perna NT , Burland V , Riley M , Collado-Vides J , Glasner JD , Rode CK , Mayhew GF , Gregor J , Davis NW , Kirkpatrick HA , Goeden MA , Rose DJ , Mau B , Shao Y |
Ref : Science , 277 :1453 , 1997 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Blattner_1997_Science_277_1453 |
PubMedID: 9278503 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-Aes , ecoli-bioh , ecoli-dlhh , ecoli-entf , ecoli-fes , ecoli-mhpc , ecoli-yafa , ecoli-yaim , ecoli-ybff , ecoli-ycfp , ecoli-ycjy , ecoli-yeiG , ecoli-YFBB , ecoli-yghX , ecoli-yhet , ecoli-yiel , ecoli-yjfp , ecoli-YNBC , ecoli-ypfh , ecoli-yqia , ecoli-YfhR |
Title : DNA sequence and analysis of 136 kilobases of the Escherichia coli genome: organizational symmetry around the origin of replication. - |
Author(s) : Burland VD , Plunkett G III , Daniels DL , Blattner FR |
Ref : Genomics , 16 :551 , 1993 |
PubMedID: 7686882 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-yiel |