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PubMedSearch : Hoskins_2015_Genome.Res_25_445
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Gene_locus related to this paper: drome-q8mqj5

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Gene_locus related to this paper: ustho-q2a721

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Ref : Science , 313 :1596 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tuskan_2006_Science_313_1596
PubMedID: 16973872
Gene_locus related to this paper: burvg-a4jw31 , delas-a9c1v9 , poptr-a9pfp5 , poptr-a9ph43 , poptr-a9ph71 , poptr-a9pha7 , poptr-b9giq0 , poptr-b9gjs0 , poptr-b9gl72 , poptr-b9gmx8 , poptr-b9gnp9 , poptr-b9gny4 , poptr-b9grg2 , poptr-b9gsc2 , poptr-b9gvp3 , poptr-b9gvs3 , poptr-b9gwn9 , poptr-b9gy32 , poptr-b9gyq1 , poptr-b9gys8 , poptr-b9h0h0 , poptr-b9h4j2 , poptr-b9h6c2 , poptr-b9h6c5 , poptr-b9h6l8 , poptr-b9h8c9 , poptr-b9h301 , poptr-b9h579 , poptr-b9hbl2 , poptr-b9hbw5 , poptr-b9hcn9 , poptr-b9hee0 , poptr-b9hee2 , poptr-b9hee5 , poptr-b9hee6 , poptr-b9hef3 , poptr-b9hfa7 , poptr-b9hfd3 , poptr-b9hfi6 , poptr-b9hft8 , poptr-b9hg83 , poptr-b9hif5 , poptr-b9hll5 , poptr-b9hmd0 , poptr-b9hnv3 , poptr-b9hqr6 , poptr-b9hqr7 , poptr-b9hrv7 , poptr-b9hs66 , poptr-b9huf0 , poptr-b9hur3 , poptr-b9hux1 , poptr-b9hwp2 , poptr-b9hxr7 , poptr-b9hyk8 , poptr-b9hyx2 , poptr-b9i2q8 , poptr-b9i5b8 , poptr-b9i5j8 , poptr-b9i5j9 , poptr-b9i5k0 , poptr-b9i6b6 , poptr-b9i7b7 , poptr-b9i9p8 , poptr-b9i484 , poptr-b9i994 , poptr-b9ial3 , poptr-b9ial4 , poptr-b9ib28 , poptr-b9ibr8 , poptr-b9id97 , poptr-b9idr4 , poptr-b9iid9 , poptr-b9iip0 , poptr-b9ik80 , poptr-b9ik90 , poptr-b9il63 , poptr-b9ink7 , poptr-b9iqa0 , poptr-b9iqd5 , poptr-b9mwf1 , poptr-b9mwi8 , poptr-b9n0c6 , poptr-b9n0n1 , poptr-b9n0n4 , poptr-b9n0z5 , poptr-b9n1t8 , poptr-b9n1z3 , poptr-b9n3m7 , poptr-b9n233 , poptr-b9n236 , poptr-b9n395 , poptr-b9nd33 , poptr-b9nd34 , poptr-b9ndi6 , poptr-b9ndj5 , poptr-b9p9i8 , poptr-a9pfa7 , poptr-b9hdp2 , poptr-b9inj0 , poptr-b9n5g7 , poptr-b9i8q4 , poptr-u5g0r4 , poptr-u5gf59 , poptr-u7e1l9 , poptr-b9hj61 , poptr-b9hwd0 , poptr-u5fz17 , poptr-a0a2k2brq1 , poptr-a0a2k2b9i6 , poptr-a0a2k1x9y8 , poptr-a9pch4 , poptr-a0a2k1wwt1 , poptr-a0a2k1wv10 , poptr-a0a2k2a850 , poptr-a0a2k2asj6 , poptr-a0a2k1x6k1 , poptr-u5fv96 , poptr-a0a2k2blg2 , poptr-a0a2k1xpi3 , poptr-a0a2k1xpj0 , poptr-a0a2k2b331 , poptr-a0a2k2byl7 , poptr-b9iek5 , poptr-a9pfg4 , poptr-a0a2k1xzs5 , poptr-b9gga9 , poptr-b9guw6 , poptr-b9hff2

Title : The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major - Ivens_2005_Science_309_436
Author(s) : Ivens AC , Peacock CS , Worthey EA , Murphy L , Aggarwal G , Berriman M , Sisk E , Rajandream MA , Adlem E , Aert R , Anupama A , Apostolou Z , Attipoe P , Bason N , Bauser C , Beck A , Beverley SM , Bianchettin G , Borzym K , Bothe G , Bruschi CV , Collins M , Cadag E , Ciarloni L , Clayton C , Coulson RM , Cronin A , Cruz AK , Davies RM , De Gaudenzi J , Dobson DE , Duesterhoeft A , Fazelina G , Fosker N , Frasch AC , Fraser A , Fuchs M , Gabel C , Goble A , Goffeau A , Harris D , Hertz-Fowler C , Hilbert H , Horn D , Huang Y , Klages S , Knights A , Kube M , Larke N , Litvin L , Lord A , Louie T , Marra M , Masuy D , Matthews K , Michaeli S , Mottram JC , Muller-Auer S , Munden H , Nelson S , Norbertczak H , Oliver K , O'Neil S , Pentony M , Pohl TM , Price C , Purnelle B , Quail MA , Rabbinowitsch E , Reinhardt R , Rieger M , Rinta J , Robben J , Robertson L , Ruiz JC , Rutter S , Saunders D , Schafer M , Schein J , Schwartz DC , Seeger K , Seyler A , Sharp S , Shin H , Sivam D , Squares R , Squares S , Tosato V , Vogt C , Volckaert G , Wambutt R , Warren T , Wedler H , Woodward J , Zhou S , Zimmermann W , Smith DF , Blackwell JM , Stuart KD , Barrell B , Myler PJ
Ref : Science , 309 :436 , 2005
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ivens_2005_Science_309_436
PubMedID: 16020728
Gene_locus related to this paper: leima-e9ady6 , leima-L2464.12 , leima-L2802.02 , leima-OPB , leima-q4fw33 , leima-q4fwg8 , leima-q4fwj0 , leima-q4fya7 , leima-q4q0a1 , leima-q4q0t5 , leima-q4q0v0 , leima-q4q1h9 , leima-q4q2c9 , leima-q4q4j7 , leima-q4q4t6 , leima-q4q5j1 , leima-q4q6e9 , leima-q4q7v8 , leima-q4q8a8 , leima-q4q9g9 , leima-q4q080 , leima-q4q398 , leima-q4q615 , leima-q4q819 , leima-q4q871 , leima-q4q942 , leima-q4qae7 , leima-q4qb85 , leima-q4qdz7 , leima-q4qe26 , leima-q4qe31 , leima-q4qe85 , leima-q4qe86 , leima-q4qe87 , leima-q4qe90 , leima-q4qec8 , leima-q4qgz4 , leima-q4qgz5 , leima-q4qhs0 , leima-q4qj45

Title : Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution - Gibbs_2004_Nature_428_493
Author(s) : Gibbs RA , Weinstock GM , Metzker ML , Muzny DM , Sodergren EJ , Scherer S , Scott G , Steffen D , Worley KC , Burch PE , Okwuonu G , Hines S , Lewis L , DeRamo C , Delgado O , Dugan-Rocha S , Miner G , Morgan M , Hawes A , Gill R , Celera , Holt RA , Adams MD , Amanatides PG , Baden-Tillson H , Barnstead M , Chin S , Evans CA , Ferriera S , Fosler C , Glodek A , Gu Z , Jennings D , Kraft CL , Nguyen T , Pfannkoch CM , Sitter C , Sutton GG , Venter JC , Woodage T , Smith D , Lee HM , Gustafson E , Cahill P , Kana A , Doucette-Stamm L , Weinstock K , Fechtel K , Weiss RB , Dunn DM , Green ED , Blakesley RW , Bouffard GG , de Jong PJ , Osoegawa K , Zhu B , Marra M , Schein J , Bosdet I , Fjell C , Jones S , Krzywinski M , Mathewson C , Siddiqui A , Wye N , McPherson J , Zhao S , Fraser CM , Shetty J , Shatsman S , Geer K , Chen Y , Abramzon S , Nierman WC , Havlak PH , Chen R , Durbin KJ , Egan A , Ren Y , Song XZ , Li B , Liu Y , Qin X , Cawley S , Cooney AJ , D'Souza LM , Martin K , Wu JQ , Gonzalez-Garay ML , Jackson AR , Kalafus KJ , McLeod MP , Milosavljevic A , Virk D , Volkov A , Wheeler DA , Zhang Z , Bailey JA , Eichler EE , Tuzun E , Birney E , Mongin E , Ureta-Vidal A , Woodwark C , Zdobnov E , Bork P , Suyama M , Torrents D , Alexandersson M , Trask BJ , Young JM , Huang H , Wang H , Xing H , Daniels S , Gietzen D , Schmidt J , Stevens K , Vitt U , Wingrove J , Camara F , Mar Alba M , Abril JF , Guigo R , Smit A , Dubchak I , Rubin EM , Couronne O , Poliakov A , Hubner N , Ganten D , Goesele C , Hummel O , Kreitler T , Lee YA , Monti J , Schulz H , Zimdahl H , Himmelbauer H , Lehrach H , Jacob HJ , Bromberg S , Gullings-Handley J , Jensen-Seaman MI , Kwitek AE , Lazar J , Pasko D , Tonellato PJ , Twigger S , Ponting CP , Duarte JM , Rice S , Goodstadt L , Beatson SA , Emes RD , Winter EE , Webber C , Brandt P , Nyakatura G , Adetobi M , Chiaromonte F , Elnitski L , Eswara P , Hardison RC , Hou M , Kolbe D , Makova K , Miller W , Nekrutenko A , Riemer C , Schwartz S , Taylor J , Yang S , Zhang Y , Lindpaintner K , Andrews TD , Caccamo M , Clamp M , Clarke L , Curwen V , Durbin R , Eyras E , Searle SM , Cooper GM , Batzoglou S , Brudno M , Sidow A , Stone EA , Payseur BA , Bourque G , Lopez-Otin C , Puente XS , Chakrabarti K , Chatterji S , Dewey C , Pachter L , Bray N , Yap VB , Caspi A , Tesler G , Pevzner PA , Haussler D , Roskin KM , Baertsch R , Clawson H , Furey TS , Hinrichs AS , Karolchik D , Kent WJ , Rosenbloom KR , Trumbower H , Weirauch M , Cooper DN , Stenson PD , Ma B , Brent M , Arumugam M , Shteynberg D , Copley RR , Taylor MS , Riethman H , Mudunuri U , Peterson J , Guyer M , Felsenfeld A , Old S , Mockrin S , Collins F
Ref : Nature , 428 :493 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gibbs_2004_Nature_428_493
PubMedID: 15057822
Gene_locus related to this paper: rat-abhea , rat-abheb , rat-cd029 , rat-d3zaw4 , rat-dpp9 , rat-d3zhq1 , rat-d3zkp8 , rat-d3zuq1 , rat-d3zxw8 , rat-d4a4w4 , rat-d4a7w1 , rat-d4a9l7 , rat-d4a071 , rat-d4aa31 , rat-d4aa33 , rat-d4aa61 , rat-dglb , rat-f1lz91 , rat-Kansl3 , rat-nceh1 , rat-Tex30 , ratno-1hlip , ratno-1neur , ratno-1plip , ratno-2neur , ratno-3neur , ratno-3plip , ratno-ABH15 , ratno-ACHE , ratno-balip , ratno-BCHE , ratno-cauxin , ratno-Ces1d , ratno-Ces1e , ratno-Ces2f , ratno-m0r8j8 , ratno-d3ze31 , ratno-d3zp14 , ratno-d3zxi3 , ratno-d3zxq0 , ratno-d3zxq1 , ratno-d4a3d4 , ratno-d4aa05 , ratno-dpp4 , ratno-dpp6 , ratno-est8 , ratno-FAP , ratno-fas , ratno-hyep , ratno-hyes , ratno-kmcxe , ratno-lmcxe , ratno-LOC246252 , ratno-MGLL , ratno-pbcxe , ratno-phebest , ratno-Ppgb , ratno-q4qr68 , ratno-q6ayr2 , ratno-q6q629 , ratno-SPG21 , ratno-thyro , rat-m0rc77 , rat-a0a0g2k9y7 , rat-a0a0g2kb83 , rat-d3zba8 , rat-d3zbj1 , rat-d3zcr8 , rat-d3zxw5 , rat-d4a340 , rat-f1lvg7 , rat-m0r509 , rat-m0r5d4 , rat-b5den3 , rat-d3zxk4 , rat-d4a1b6 , rat-d3zmg4 , rat-ab17c , rat-g3v7a7