Jaffe D

References (3)

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Ref : Science , 316 :1718 , 2007
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Nene_2007_Science_316_1718
PubMedID: 17510324
Gene_locus related to this paper: aedae-ACHE , aedae-ACHE1 , aedae-glita , aedae-q0iea6 , aedae-q0iev6 , aedae-q0ifn6 , aedae-q0ifn8 , aedae-q0ifn9 , aedae-q0ifp0 , aedae-q0ig41 , aedae-q1dgl0 , aedae-q1dh03 , aedae-q1dh19 , aedae-q1hqe6 , aedae-Q8ITU8 , aedae-Q8MMJ6 , aedae-Q8T9V6 , aedae-q16e91 , aedae-q16f04 , aedae-q16f25 , aedae-q16f26 , aedae-q16f28 , aedae-q16f29 , aedae-q16f30 , aedae-q16gq5 , aedae-q16iq5 , aedae-q16je0 , aedae-q16je1 , aedae-q16je2 , aedae-q16ks8 , aedae-q16lf2 , aedae-q16lv6 , aedae-q16m61 , aedae-q16mc1 , aedae-q16mc6 , aedae-q16mc7 , aedae-q16md1 , aedae-q16ms7 , aedae-q16nk5 , aedae-q16rl5 , aedae-q16rz9 , aedae-q16si8 , aedae-q16t49 , aedae-q16wf1 , aedae-q16x18 , aedae-q16xp8 , aedae-q16xu6 , aedae-q16xw5 , aedae-q16xw6 , aedae-q16y04 , aedae-q16y05 , aedae-q16y06 , aedae-q16y07 , aedae-q16y39 , aedae-q16y40 , aedae-q16yg4 , aedae-q16z03 , aedae-q17aa7 , aedae-q17av1 , aedae-q17av2 , aedae-q17av3 , aedae-q17av4 , aedae-q17b28 , aedae-q17b29 , aedae-q17b30 , aedae-q17b31 , aedae-q17b32 , aedae-q17bm3 , aedae-q17bm4 , aedae-q17bv7 , aedae-q17c44 , aedae-q17cz1 , aedae-q17d32 , aedae-q17g39 , aedae-q17g40 , aedae-q17g41 , aedae-q17g42 , aedae-q17g43 , aedae-q17g44 , aedae-q17gb8 , aedae-q17gr3 , aedae-q17if7 , aedae-q17if9 , aedae-q17ig1 , aedae-q17ig2 , aedae-q17is4 , aedae-q17l09 , aedae-q17m26 , aedae-q17mg9 , aedae-q17mv4 , aedae-q17mv5 , aedae-q17mv6 , aedae-q17mv7 , aedae-q17mw8 , aedae-q17mw9 , aedae-q17nw5 , aedae-q17nx5 , aedae-q17pa4 , aedae-q17q69 , aedae-q170k7 , aedae-q171y4 , aedae-q172e0 , aedae-q176i8 , aedae-q176j0 , aedae-q177k1 , aedae-q177k2 , aedae-q177l9 , aedae-j9hic3 , aedae-q179r9 , aedae-u483 , aedae-j9hj23 , aedae-q17d68 , aedae-q177c7 , aedae-q0ifp1 , aedae-a0a1s4fx83 , aedae-a0a1s4g2m0 , aedae-q1hr49

Title : Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype - Jaillon_2004_Nature_431_946
Author(s) : Jaillon O , Aury JM , Brunet F , Petit JL , Stange-Thomann N , Mauceli E , Bouneau L , Fischer C , Ozouf-Costaz C , Bernot A , Nicaud S , Jaffe D , Fisher S , Lutfalla G , Dossat C , Segurens B , Dasilva C , Salanoubat M , Levy M , Boudet N , Castellano S , Anthouard V , Jubin C , Castelli V , Katinka M , Vacherie B , Biemont C , Skalli Z , Cattolico L , Poulain J , de Berardinis V , Cruaud C , Duprat S , Brottier P , Coutanceau JP , Gouzy J , Parra G , Lardier G , Chapple C , McKernan KJ , McEwan P , Bosak S , Kellis M , Volff JN , Guigo R , Zody MC , Mesirov J , Lindblad-Toh K , Birren B , Nusbaum C , Kahn D , Robinson-Rechavi M , Laudet V , Schachter V , Quetier F , Saurin W , Scarpelli C , Wincker P , Lander ES , Weissenbach J , Roest Crollius H
Ref : Nature , 431 :946 , 2004
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jaillon_2004_Nature_431_946
PubMedID: 15496914
Gene_locus related to this paper: tetng-3neur , tetng-4neur , tetng-ACHE , tetng-BCHE , tetng-h3cfz4 , tetng-h3ci57 , tetng-h3cl30 , tetng-h3cnh2 , tetng-nlgn2b , tetng-h3czr1 , tetng-h3dbr5 , tetng-nlgn2a , tetng-nlgn3b , tetng-q4ref8 , tetng-q4rjp3 , tetng-q4rjy3 , tetng-q4rk53 , tetng-q4rk63 , tetng-q4rk66 , tetng-q4rkk3 , tetng-q4rli3 , tetng-q4rn09 , tetng-q4rqj4 , tetng-q4rqz6 , tetng-q4rr22 , tetng-q4rru9 , tetng-q4rtq6 , tetng-q4rvf8 , tetng-q4rwa0 , tetng-q4rx90 , tetng-q4ryv8 , tetng-q4ryz3 , tetng-q4s0h8 , tetng-q4s5x0 , tetng-q4s6r1 , tetng-q4s6t6 , tetng-q4s7e3 , tetng-q4s7x6 , tetng-q4s8t5 , tetng-q4s9w9 , tetng-q4s050 , tetng-q4s091 , tetng-q4s144 , tetng-q4s309 , tetng-q4s578 , tetng-q4sal4 , tetng-q4sbm6 , tetng-q4sbp0 , tetng-q4sbu0 , tetng-q4sd49 , tetng-q4ser6 , tetng-q4sfm7 , tetng-q4sgm5 , tetng-q4sgv2 , tetng-q4sh74 , tetng-q4shl7 , tetng-q4si60 , tetng-q4sie5 , tetng-q4sku6 , tetng-q4smu0 , tetng-q4smy3 , tetng-q4snp0 , tetng-q4snq3 , tetng-q4spa7 , tetng-q4spq0 , tetng-q4sqr3 , tetng-q4sty0 , tetng-q4suu2 , tetng-q4suz1 , tetng-q4sxh3 , tetng-q4syn6 , tetng-q4szk0 , tetng-q4szy0 , tetng-q4t3m9 , tetng-q4t4a1 , tetng-q4t6m1 , tetng-q4t7r6 , tetng-q4t173 , tetng-q4t826 , tetng-q4t920 , tetng-q4ta33 , tetng-q4tab8 , tetng-q4tb62 , tetng-q4tbe2 , tetng-h3dbw2 , tetng-h3cpc8 , tetng-h3cjy0 , tetng-h3d966 , tetng-h3d3e3 , tetng-h3d961 , tetng-h3ctg6 , tetng-h3dde8 , tetng-h3dde9 , tetng-h3det9 , tetng-h3cre8 , tetng-h3dfb4 , tetng-h3clj8 , tetng-h3cab8 , tetng-h3dkg4

Title : The genome sequence of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa - Galagan_2003_Nature_422_859
Author(s) : Galagan JE , Calvo SE , Borkovich KA , Selker EU , Read ND , Jaffe D , FitzHugh W , Ma LJ , Smirnov S , Purcell S , Rehman B , Elkins T , Engels R , Wang S , Nielsen CB , Butler J , Endrizzi M , Qui D , Ianakiev P , Bell-Pedersen D , Nelson MA , Werner-Washburne M , Selitrennikoff CP , Kinsey JA , Braun EL , Zelter A , Schulte U , Kothe GO , Jedd G , Mewes W , Staben C , Marcotte E , Greenberg D , Roy A , Foley K , Naylor J , Stange-Thomann N , Barrett R , Gnerre S , Kamal M , Kamvysselis M , Mauceli E , Bielke C , Rudd S , Frishman D , Krystofova S , Rasmussen C , Metzenberg RL , Perkins DD , Kroken S , Cogoni C , Macino G , Catcheside D , Li W , Pratt RJ , Osmani SA , DeSouza CP , Glass L , Orbach MJ , Berglund JA , Voelker R , Yarden O , Plamann M , Seiler S , Dunlap J , Radford A , Aramayo R , Natvig DO , Alex LA , Mannhaupt G , Ebbole DJ , Freitag M , Paulsen I , Sachs MS , Lander ES , Nusbaum C , Birren B
Ref : Nature , 422 :859 , 2003
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Galagan_2003_Nature_422_859
PubMedID: 12712197
Gene_locus related to this paper: neucr-5E6.090 , neucr-64C2.080 , neucr-90C4.300 , neucr-a7uw78 , neucr-a7uwh6 , neucr-a7uwy7 , neucr-apth1 , neucr-ATG15 , neucr-B7H23.190 , neucr-B11O8.160 , neucr-B13B3.090 , neucr-B14D6.130 , neucr-B18E6.050 , neucr-B19A17.360 , neucr-B23G1.090 , neucr-CBPYA , neucr-MET5 , neucr-NCU00292.1 , neucr-NCU00350.1 , neucr-NCU00536.1 , neucr-NCU00825.1 , neucr-NCU02148.1 , neucr-NCU02679.1 , neucr-NCU02904.1 , neucr-NCU02924.1 , neucr-NCU03158.1 , neucr-NCU04930.1 , neucr-NCU06332.1 , neucr-NCU06573.1 , neucr-NCU07081.1 , neucr-NCU07415.1 , neucr-NCU07909.1 , neucr-NCU08752.1 , neucr-NCU09575.1 , neucr-NCU10022.1 , neucr-ppme1 , neucr-q6mfs7 , neucr-q7rxb4 , neucr-q7rxv5 , neucr-q7ry06 , neucr-q7ryd2 , neucr-q7rzk2 , neucr-q7s0g7 , neucr-q7s1x0 , neucr-q7s2b3 , neucr-q7s2c5 , neucr-q7s2p4 , neucr-q7s2u9 , neucr-q7s3c6 , neucr-q7s3c8 , neucr-q7s3m2 , neucr-q7s4e3 , neucr-q7s4f8 , neucr-q7s4j4 , neucr-q7s5d6 , neucr-q7s5m2 , neucr-q7s5v8 , neucr-q7s6c5 , neucr-q7s8h2 , neucr-q7s070 , neucr-q7s082 , neucr-q7s134 , neucr-q7s216 , neucr-q7s259 , neucr-q7s260 , neucr-q7s283 , neucr-q7s512 , neucr-q7s736 , neucr-q7s828 , neucr-q7s897 , neucr-q7sbf9 , neucr-q7sbn0 , neucr-q7scr4 , neucr-q7sdw5 , neucr-q7sdx9 , neucr-q7se51 , neucr-q7sea3 , neucr-q7sez8 , neucr-q7sff7 , neucr-q7sga3 , neucr-q7sgj0 , neucr-q7sgp3 , neucr-q7sha3 , neucr-q7sha5 , neucr-q7shu8 , neucr-q9p6a7 , neucr-q872l1 , neucr-f5hbr2 , neucr-q7ry64